
Purely coincidence I'm sure, spelling chief. Do you take pride in much else besides your spelling?

Yes I do, I take pride in being able to have travelled to many countries especially when somebody else picked up the tab. In addition, I have two sons at university studying computer science who are both on target for first class degrees.
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I smoke weed![/


Thanks for the bud porn!
I think I might give the e-cig thing a try in the next couple of years. I definitely don't want to smoke past 30. Dixie, could you send me the make/model of the e-cig you bought? What you said makes a lot of sense. My roommate bought a couple shitty ones, and he's still smoking cigs. I tried using his once and it did nothing for me. It's like a toy.

Here is the one I chose:

I got the "original" model, which is slightly larger than an actual cigarette. They make a "micro" which is smaller, but of course, smaller batteries and smaller cartridges... well, less bang for the buck. Safe-Cig has been around since the start, and I think they pioneered the 2-part system, which combined the atomizer with the cartridge. Some of the 'first-generation' e-cigs are 3-part, and you have to fill cartridges with 'e-juice' which sounded messy to me.

SafeCig just rolled out a neat little 'accessory' as well, it's called a 'Blink' and it's a portable battery charger and holder for your carts. About the size of a traditional cigarette pack, it charges through your USB port, or with special adapters, by 120v or 12v. Once fully charged, the pack will let you recharge up to 5 times, while you are away from a power source. It's great for camping and times when you aren't going to be near a convenient power supply.

SafeCig also makes a commitment not to market their product so kids are attracted, some of the other brands carry such flavors as cherry, strawberry, etc. SafeCig's flavors are all modeled after traditional tobacco flavors. They have fewer options with flavors, but I've found several I prefer. My favorite is the "Columbian" flavor, which has a 'coffee' sort of taste. Maybe it was just me, but the ones which are supposed to taste like Marlboros, Winstons, and Camels, don't really taste like cigarettes at all. Some are fruity or flowery tasting, and some taste like 'wet dog' a little, but I don't think they have completely perfected the traditional tobacco flavors. I did try the menthol, as I began my smoking career as a menthol smoker, and later switched. The menthol was good and strong, and you really do feel like you are smoking a menthol cigarette.

Another brand I have heard a lot about is the V2. In almost all the consumer 'ratings' the V2 is the top pick, so it must be pretty good. It's slightly more expensive than the SafeCig, and looks a little different than a traditional smoke.
I just smoke cigars, although I haven't had one in several months. If I am with friends, as Grind mentioned himself, I will occasionally join in on a cigarette.

No pot, and I can't smoke it anyway, because it's an occupational hazard for me.

In December, I quit smoking and switched to an electronic cigarette. I am 53, and have been smoking since age 15. In spite of many attempts over the years to quit, I remained hopelessly chained to that old ball, and thought I would never be able to. I have tried gum, patches, cold-turkey, and managed to put myself through agony and misery for several months, before finally breaking down and starting back. I smoked "Red 100s" ...didn't really matter what brand, although my choice was usually Pall Mall, because they were a little cheaper.

Naturally, I was a little skeptical about the E-cig. I figured, okay... another gimmick that probably won't work, but hey... it's worth a shot. I followed the advice of people online, and purchased my starter kit from a reputable company online. (Safe Cig) There are literally hundreds of brands of E-cig out there now, and most of the ones you buy in the bubble pack at the convenience store, are cheaply-made Chinese crap, that simply doesn't work well, and you never know what you are putting in your lungs. There have been cases where the cheap knock-off exploded when used, etc. So, purchasing a reputable brand is very crucial.

Initial cost for set-up was about $150. I could have gone cheaper, but I went ahead and got all the adapters and spare batteries, the 'deluxe' kit. As well as a couple of packs of cartridges, to see what the various flavors tasted like. I have to say, the E-cig is not exactly like smoking a real cigarette, no surprise there, but it does make a nice substitute. You get your nicotine fix, and I find, just having the E-cig in my hand, is often good enough for me, it's that whole 'having something to do with your hands' thing. I can sit around in a room full of friends, holding the E-cig, and I'm okay... if I get to wanting a smoke, I can take a few puffs, but it's amazing how much I just need that 'security blanket' of having it in my hand.

It's nice to be able to smoke anywhere now, although some establishments are still a little testy about it, regardless of the fact it isn't smoke. I have been asked to put it away in restaurants, because they didn't want other patrons seeing me, and mistakenly thinking the place allowed smoking. That was no biggie for me, as I never smoked inside anyway, a habit I developed long ago. It's funny how, now with the E-cig, I can smoke inside, but I will often go out on the porch, because that was my routine, and anything else felt strange.

I'm coming up on 6-months, smoke free! This is the longest I have ever gone without starting back, and I honestly don't miss it a bit now. The first month or so, it was hard to adjust, I would buy a pack of smokes and 'cheat' now an then, when I got to really wanting a cigarette. Then one day, I had stepped outside and lit a regular cig... took a drag or two, and it just didn't taste right, it wasn't what I wanted. My mind had been transitioned to the E-cig, it was really odd to me. Since then, I haven't bought another pack, and I don't think I ever will. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to kick the habit.

I've been on ecigs for over two years now....I'm using a variable voltage Lavatube from Volcano ecigs....uses an 18650 battery, a 3.5 mm MAP tank from Smoktech with 1.8 ohm cartomizers.....I mix my own eliquid in a lemon/menthol's all great....
if you really want to give it a try I recommend something much better than what Dixie is using, which will likely cost you over a hundred bucks.....

you need one of these....for $20....

a package of five of these for $8

and a bottle of eliquid in your choice of flavors.....I would recommend a 24mg strength for a first try and probably a 50/50 mix of PG/ under $2 each you can get several flavors to try.....

two drops of eliquid is about the equivalent of one pack a day habit is now costing me about $1 a week what with mixing my own eliquid.....
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For weed the volcano $550 is the gold standard. The Buddha $250 is very good, and the iolit white sketchy is extremely portable.
For weed the volcano $550 is the gold standard. The Buddha $250 is very good, and the iolit white sketchy is extremely portable.

note to those concerned.....the electronic cigarettes Dixie and I use are not powerful enough to handle weed...they are powered by electric batteries.....vaporizers to handle weed have to have a much higher temperature than can be done with batteries.....
note to those concerned.....the electronic cigarettes Dixie and I use are not powerful enough to handle weed...they are powered by electric batteries.....vaporizers to handle weed have to have a much higher temperature than can be done with batteries..... going soft on us? You're contributing to the weed smokrs man. LOL Next think you'll know you'll be growing a beard and wearing a "Free Abbie Hoffman" t-shirt! ;)
Threedee please quit smoking while you are young. Ask Dixie and Damon how hard it is once hooked.
It's not cool, smells like shit and if used correctly will kill you. Also most of any exercise you do is mostly if not totally negated.
Darla I can give you recommendation on vaporizers from the cheap to the Cadillac versions. They are exponentially less dangerous than smoking.
Yo 3D, the Dude is right. I only have two regrets in life. Smoking cigerettes for 16 years and voting for Ross Perot. Quiting them was the hardest thing I ever did.
I'm glad to see so many trying to quit, I know from time to time too many joints irritates my throat. I can't imagine how bad cigs are for ya.
if you really want to give it a try I recommend something much better than what Dixie is using, which will likely cost you over a hundred bucks.....

you need one of these....for $20....

a package of five of these for $8

and a bottle of eliquid in your choice of flavors.....I would recommend a 24mg strength for a first try and probably a 50/50 mix of PG/ under $2 each you can get several flavors to try.....

two drops of eliquid is about the equivalent of one pack a day habit is now costing me about $1 a week what with mixing my own eliquid.....

I actually looked at those, and strongly considered them over what I went with. The drawback, to me, was having to fool with refilling carts, and the system seemed a little more complicated. Plus, the device looks like a small self-defense weapon, and not a cigarette. No offense, it's still a really good way to go, and is probably a lot cheaper, if you don't mind the hassle. I made my choice based on personal preference, it just seemed simpler to use and had the right look and feel. I really wasn't impressed with all the "blue cotton candy" flavors, when I smoke, I want something more spicy, nutty, or woody, which the SafeCig selections seemed to have. I won't knock your system, but I also wouldn't say it's "much better" than mine, I think it's a matter of personal preference, to be honest. Either way is WAY better than traditional smokes. It's the best decision and purchase I ever made.
refilling carts is hardy difficult.....I can do it while driving......though now I find it easiest to replace the plastic plug in the carto with a drip tip and simply add juice without taking anything for flavor choices, you can have anything from a Marlborough knock off to Kung Pao Chicken....I tend more to fruit flavors....had a good valencia orange a while back, as well as an interesting licorice/menthol blend called Black Ice from Basic usually runs three or four weekly specials of one ounce of juice for $10 which would be about a month's supply for an average vaper.....

I get my nicotine from Wizlabs... and my flavorings from FlavorWest