SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

The simple solution. If you don't work you don't vote. The only document needed on election day would be valid pay statement. That way those who don't contribute don't get to vote themselves a way of life. Welfare should still exist but being on welfare should not be something to cheer about as it produces a solid voter base for the left....welfare should be helping hand, not an generational handout....that deters any motivation to actually work for a living. Why work when you make living being on the Government dole?
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The simple solution. If you don't work you don't vote. The only document needed on election day would be valid pay statement. That way those who don't contribute don't get to vote themselves a way of life. Welfare should still exist but being on welfare should not be something to cheer about as it produces a solid voter base for the left....welfare should be helping hand, not an generational handout.

Put the bottle down, Ralphie.
Put the bottle down, Ralphie.

Your powers of psychoanalytical prognostication appear to be lacking....i.e., the thought police.

Teetotaler. Its simple logic and the reason the welfare puppies vote democrat.....their votes are purchased by US Tax dollars. Do you know how much waste/fraud is involved in keeping 50% of the US population on public assistance programs? Do you comprehend that 151,014,000 people receive some type of government handouts? There is nothing wrong with handing out contracted benefits for services performed such as VA or some other civil service, or the social security pension benefits paid into by citizens as a form of retirement insurance....but there is much wrong with the estimated 20% of total payout to FRAUD. :)

Just like Obama care..the waste and mismanagement due to a lack of oversight is overwhelming and one of the reasons that we the people find ourselves about 20 trillion dollars in the red. The entire system needs to be trashed and built from the ground up keeping only the social programs that actually work as planned. Take Social Security for instance. Of course it would work and be self sufficient if it was implemented as originally planned.....maintained in a secure separate locked away fund. The railroad retirement system is basically the same plan with the only difference it is privatized and kept away from the sticky fingers of the politicians...and it always has a surplus of funds. Our politicians use the SS system as a private ATM to purchase votes.
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The simple solution. If you don't work you don't vote. The only document needed on election day would be valid pay statement. That way those who don't contribute don't get to vote themselves a way of life. Welfare should still exist but being on welfare should not be something to cheer about as it produces a solid voter base for the left....welfare should be helping hand, not an generational handout....that deters any motivation to actually work for a living. Why work when you make living being on the Government dole?

Lots of illegals have those Ralph... You advocating illegals vote now??

That is kinda what the founding "gents" had in mind...

No land($) no vote, no women, Indians, Africans etc etc etc.......
Lots of illegals have those Ralph... You advocating illegals vote now??

That is kinda what the founding "gents" had in mind...

No land($) no vote, no women, Indians, Africans etc etc etc.......

As I have said, and history has proven it to be correct. The founders were genius loci (guardian spirits) and they are still kicking socialist ass today. Of course this nation would be far greater if only those who contributed were allowed to vote...those who actually serve this nation regardless of race or gender. What I find strange is the fact that its always a leftist that injects the color of skin into any discussion...i.e., RACE BAITING. That's a sure indicator of personal bigotry and racism.

What I find even further amusing is the historical fact that it has always been the democrat party that attempted to stop women from voting or owning property or forever plotting to take away Indian lands....or birthing the KKK with members still serving in Congress as recent as 2010 when Bob Byrd died in office. Priceless.
What I find strange is the fact that its always a leftist that injects the color of skin into any discussions.

& don't forget women!!!! :D

I know you would rather not have those facts presented, the forefathers such as they be!!!

But it was poor whites such as yourself as well, that owned no land etc-YOU COULDN'T VOTE EITHER!!!
& don't forget women!!!! :D

I know you would rather not have those facts presented, the forefathers such as they be!!!

But it was poor whites such as yourself as well, that owned no land etc-YOU COULDN'T VOTE EITHER!!!

Again.....history records the was democrats that attempted to stop women from voting or owning property....those Forefathers? :rolleyes:And who says that I am 'white'? :)
Your powers of psychoanalytical prognostication appear to be lacking....i.e., the thought police.

Teetotaler. Its simple logic and the reason the welfare puppies vote democrat.....their votes are purchased by US Tax dollars. Do you know how much waste/fraud is involved in keeping 50% of the US population on public assistance programs? Do you comprehend that 151,014,000 people receive some type of government handouts? There is nothing wrong with handing out contracted benefits for services performed such as VA or some other civil service, or the social security pension benefits paid into by citizens as a form of retirement insurance....but there is much wrong with the estimated 20% of total payout to FRAUD. :)

Just like Obama care..the waste and mismanagement due to a lack of oversight is overwhelming and one of the reasons that we the people find ourselves about 20 trillion dollars in the red. The entire system needs to be trashed and built from the ground up keeping only the social programs that actually work as planned. Take Social Security for instance. Of course it would work and be self sufficient if it was implemented as originally planned.....maintained in a secure separate locked away fund. The railroad retirement system is basically the same plan with the only difference it is privatized and kept away from the sticky fingers of the politicians...and it always has a surplus of funds. Our politicians use the SS system as a private ATM to purchase votes.

I guess retirees don't vote, huh?

Ralphie, you're a fucking idiot. By the ramblings of your bizarre posts, a drunk fucking idiot.
As I have said, and history has proven it to be correct. The founders were genius loci (guardian spirits) and they are still kicking socialist ass today. Of course this nation would be far greater if only those who contributed were allowed to vote...those who actually serve this nation regardless of race or gender. What I find strange is the fact that its always a leftist that injects the color of skin into any discussion...i.e., RACE BAITING. That's a sure indicator of personal bigotry and racism.

What I find even further amusing is the historical fact that it has always been the democrat party that attempted to stop women from voting or owning property or forever plotting to take away Indian lands....or birthing the KKK with members still serving in Congress as recent as 2010 when Bob Byrd died in office. Priceless.

You're an historical ignoramus. The people you describe were CONSERVATIVES.

Bob Byrd disavowed his KKK association long ago.

Moronic willful ignoramus.