So Candidates Family Members are Back on the Table?

Oh shut up you fucking hack! YOUR Daily Kos was manufacturing National Enquirer type rumors from the start, and you know this! Don't pretend like sugar won't melt in your mouth! Just take a look at the board today, all the nasty and scurrilous threads directed at Palin and her family, and the very real American problems they have dealt with. For weeks we heard the whining from you libs about "attacks" on Michelle Obama, and all anyone did was play some clips from public speeches she had made!

But now, against your own candidates pleas to not do it, you are viciously going after Palin's family like a bunch of rabid dogs! From this point forward, I don't want to hear one goddamn complaint from you or any other liberal pinhead, when the shit starts coming out about Obama and Biden's dysfunctional families! You wanna fuckin play this game? FINE! Just no more whimpering and whining about how "unfair" it is, okay?


8 years I had to get through to be able to witness this complete meltdown of the Republican party, John McCain, and all their minions.

I’m loving every minute of it!
Remember this...?
"Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat. Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is a White House dog?" Limbaugh said on TV, before holding up a picture of Chelsea."

How about McCain's black baby? Remember that one?

Didnt think so.

Don't forget John McCain's "joke"

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Her father is Janet Reno"

8 years I had to get through to be able to witness this complete meltdown of the Republican party, John McCain, and all their minions.

I’m loving every minute of it!

I've been telling them to save some money for therapy, they're gonna need it.
I've been telling them to save some money for therapy, they're gonna need it.

They could get a great discount considering their numbers! I mean, on this board alone…you’ve got SF, Damo the closet case, Dixie, Cawacko… I’m sure there are more.

8 years I had to get through to be able to witness this complete meltdown of the Republican party, John McCain, and all their minions.

I’m loving every minute of it!

:lmao: Complete meltdown of the Republican party? You are kidding, right? I mean, here we have Obama and the Dems, coming off a convention with virtually NO bounce, and Republicans sacrificing their convention to exemplify leadership in action, in the face of crisis. A VP pick who has clearly energized the conservative base of the party, and the potential to 'break the glass ceiling' for women, and you think we are in 'meltdown?'

What kind of drugs are you doing, Darla?
Hey, since we had to deal with remarks about Obama's wife being anti-American, is it OK to discuss the fact that Palin's husband was registered as a member of the Alaska Independence Party, a secessionist party in Alaska? Someone ask Obama and get back to me.
No bounce:


No bounce:

No bounce:


No bounce:


Enjoy those leads while they last, because they won't. Obama should theoretically be up by about 15% right now, and he's nowhere near that. If things were as you Democrats paint it, Obama should be leading McCain about 80-20 in the polls, and again, he is nowhere near that.

Let the RNC soak in, let a few million Americans actually HEAR Palin speak, and actually LEARN a little more about her... then watch your numbers start to tank like a Russian submarine! Especially if you continue to mention "Hope and Change" and question Palin's "lack of experience", and particularly if you continue the current unethical attacks on her personal life. You have no fucking idea of what is about to hit you, do you? I mean, you really don't see it coming at all! AMAZING!!
"Enjoy those leads while they last, because they won't. Obama should theoretically be up by about 15% right now, and he's nowhere near that. If things were as you Democrats paint it, Obama should be leading McCain about 80-20 in the polls, and again, he is nowhere near that."

So, you admit you were lying when you said "no bounce?"

Can we assume you were spinning also when you said "mediocre acceptance speech?"
"You have no fucking idea of what is about to hit you, do you? I mean, you really don't see it coming at all! AMAZING!!"

I remember this talk after the Bolton flap.

Then, the 2006 election happened.
"Enjoy those leads while they last, because they won't. Obama should theoretically be up by about 15% right now, and he's nowhere near that. If things were as you Democrats paint it, Obama should be leading McCain about 80-20 in the polls, and again, he is nowhere near that."

So, you admit you were lying when you said "no bounce?"

Can we assume you were spinning also when you said "mediocre acceptance speech?"

Depends on what poll he was looking at. For some reason CNN is still at a one point lead for Obama. Though a bit of research would have shown him the other polls where Obama did see the bounce.
Depends on what poll he was looking at. For some reason CNN is still at a one point lead for Obama. Though a bit of research would have shown him the other polls where Obama did see the bounce.

It ain't much research if all you're looking at is CNN, especially since polls have been posted here throughout the day.

Dixie knew the polls; he was just trying to spin things his way & hoping that no one noticed.
So, you admit you were lying when you said "no bounce?"

As I have pointed out to you before, your retardation keeps you from comprehending what I type. If you go back and read what I posted, I pre-qualified "no bounce" with the word "virtually" which has significant meaning in context. You probably skipped over it because you thought I meant "virginity" and that is a sensitive subject for you... but "virtually" means "almost" I stated Obama had "almost no bounce" from his convention, and indeed, your polls indicate that is correct.
As I have pointed out to you before, your retardation keeps you from comprehending what I type. If you go back and read what I posted, I pre-qualified "no bounce" with the word "virtually" which has significant meaning in context. You probably skipped over it because you thought I meant "virginity" and that is a sensitive subject for you... but "virtually" means "almost" I stated Obama had "almost no bounce" from his convention, and indeed, your polls indicate that is correct.

Weak. I would really have to question your intelligence to be able to make such a conclusion, then, when it went from a dead heat - with McCain leading in 2 polls - to a 6, 7 or 8 point lead for Obama, depending on which poll you check.

Okay - so you weren't lying. You're just stupid, and spinning.
Weak. I would really have to question your intelligence to be able to make such a conclusion, then, when it went from a dead heat - with McCain leading in 2 polls - to a 6, 7 or 8 point lead for Obama, depending on which poll you check.

Okay - so you weren't lying. You're just stupid, and spinning.

I don't buy 8 points... who's poll is that, CBS News With Dan Rather? I think 5~6 points is about right, but with the Mother of All Conventions, the ascension of The Messiah Obama from the Greek Temple on the Mile High Mountain... I would expect to see his poll numbers off the charts by now... what happened? Why isn't Obama leading McCain by double digits? I though America was behind this message of Hope and Change, and saw McCain as an extension of Bush? If things were everything you claim them to be, Obama should be comfortably out of reach for McCain, and he is certainly nowhere near that. In fact, let's see how much longer you pinheads will dare to post poll numbers... I venture to say, in another week or so, you will be avoiding the polls like the plague, trying to discredit any and every poll presented here, and claiming they really don't matter.

Republicans are about to get a bounce, you can sense it, you can feel it in the air, and you giddy idiot liberals don't have the slightest clue. This is going to be so rich! :D
I don't buy 8 points... who's poll is that, CBS News With Dan Rather? I think 5~6 points is about right, but with the Mother of All Conventions, the ascension of The Messiah Obama from the Greek Temple on the Mile High Mountain... I would expect to see his poll numbers off the charts by now... what happened? Why isn't Obama leading McCain by double digits? I though America was behind this message of Hope and Change, and saw McCain as an extension of Bush? If things were everything you claim them to be, Obama should be comfortably out of reach for McCain, and he is certainly nowhere near that. In fact, let's see how much longer you pinheads will dare to post poll numbers... I venture to say, in another week or so, you will be avoiding the polls like the plague, trying to discredit any and every poll presented here, and claiming they really don't matter.

Republicans are about to get a bounce, you can sense it, you can feel it in the air, and you giddy idiot liberals don't have the slightest clue. This is going to be so rich! :D

Gallup is at 8 and Rasmussen is at 6. Gallup/USA is at 7.
Gallup is at 8 and Rasmussen is at 6. Gallup/USA is at 7.

What do you think Super? In light of all that has happened the past 72 hrs, and what is going to happen in the next 72 hrs, do you see Obama's numbers holding where they are? Because I just don't see it...

Not with the hurricane, where Republicans "did the right thing" as Democrats made off-color jokes about God.

Not with the nomination of Palin, while Democrats break their necks to be hypocrites and attack her family.

And not with the message of Hope and Change promised by a groomed political candidate and his 35-year Senate relic of a running mate.
The media is digging hard--and all they found was a older teenager daughter with child. I think that reaks of normalism in America myself---if you like kids and normal sex.

Is that all the ammo Palin has produced? Lookms kind of pail compared to any of 4 or 5 issues the alternative has--but--lets stick to Palin.

I have a presiction. The liberial Dems and media are going to go ballistic with frustration when Palin speaks at the convention, and accepts the VP postiion that will be offered to her. When she is done speaking---may be even a few of you liberial dupes may wake up. She is going to get overwhelming popular support, and die hard modern day dem commie liberials will blow a gasket. I expect a sucide or two from the communist party of Dems. I think Nancy Palosi (who cares if it is spelled correctly) is on the edge--may be she will do herself in. :) Dreamer---I am just a dreamer---hehe

Palin will blow off the Dem and homosexual media mafia attacks with logic, not pleas to "leave my family out of it, cause I don't want to talk about it--obama style"---and make them feel at least just a little bit ashamed of themselfs---for all to see.

This is gonna be great!
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