So Candidates Family Members are Back on the Table?

" I venture to say, in another week or so, you will be avoiding the polls like the plague, trying to discredit any and every poll presented here, and claiming they really don't matter. "

He says, after discrediting the polls he doesn't like...
Dixie IS right, though - with the wildly popular Dubya, insanely charismatic Fred Thompson & universally loved Joe Lieberman speaking tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a 10 point jump for McCain as soon as tomorrow.

America is gonna love tonight...
Dixie IS right, though - with the wildly popular Dubya, insanely charismatic Fred Thompson & universally loved Joe Lieberman speaking tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a 10 point jump for McCain as soon as tomorrow.

America is gonna love tonight...

LOL... It says something that even a complete koolaid drenched pinhead, knows the full lineup for tonight's REPUBLICAN National Convention, doesn't it?

YES... America... ALL OF America, is watching!
Well, in case you haven't noticed Dix, I am kind of a political junkie.

Would you really have us believe that you had no idea who was speaking on any given night last week?
Well, in case you haven't noticed Dix, I am kind of a political junkie.

Would you really have us believe that you had no idea who was speaking on any given night last week?

LMAO... I didn't even bother to watch! I read Bill and Hillary's speeches, and watched the 'Ascension of the Messiah Obama' but that was it for me. I get my fix of pinhead stupidity here, why do I want to waste my prime time on it?
LMAO... I didn't even bother to watch! I read Bill and Hillary's speeches, and watched the 'Ascension of the Messiah Obama' but that was it for me. I get my fix of pinhead stupidity here, why do I want to waste my prime time on it?

Of course; I always forget with you. Why listen to any opposing viewpoints? You're spot on all the time, so it would just be a waste to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with you 100%.
Of course; I always forget with you. Why listen to any opposing viewpoints? You're spot on all the time, so it would just be a waste to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with you 100%.

No, it would be a waste of time to watch a bunch of retarded idiots who don't have a clue how to tie their own shoes, hooping and hollering for their "rock star" to appear.

The clips I saw were amusing, though... It didn't appear the idiot delegates knew how to wave flags... they looked so lost as to how to do it... I wondered if they had to have 'flag waving lessons' or something... okay, here is your flag, and you wave it back and forth... don't set it on fire, and don't throw it on the ground... back and forth, left to right... that's it... and smile!!
Dunno, looks like Gallup had Obama 48 - 42 over McCain prior to the DNC, and 50 - 42 now. That's a 2 point bump from pre-convention polls.

Rasmussen has him going from even at 47 (with leaners) the day of Obama's speech to 51-45 now, for a six point bump.

Frankly, that's not very good when the RNC is still going, after having been interrupted by ma nature. Post convention spikes are usually larger for a lead candidate.

Things are tighter than they should be at this particular time, whether democrats are willing to admit it or not.