So I hear Muhammad likes 9-year olds

Interesting how kuntzu has no problem automatically accepting the writings of those that never met Muhammed but questions those of the people writing about Jesus although they never met Him.

Are you stupid or what? Writings about Muhammed came from Persia 200 years after his death. Writings about Jesus were written 100 years after the crucifixion.. and some of them never met Jesus either.

Neither one had people writing down private conversations.
I think you are confusing Fatima for Asma.

“She was the sister of Aisha Siddiqa, wife of the Holy Prophet, and was ten years older than her. … In 73 A.H. … Asma died at the age of one hundred years.” [6]

This would make Asma 28 years of age in 1 A.H., the year of the Hijra, thus making Aisha 18 years old in 1 A.H. So Aisha would be 19 years old at the time of the consummation of her marriage, and 14 or 15 years old at the time of her nikah. It would place her year of birth at four or five years before the Call.

Well either you are wrong or that website is, so mightily confused now!
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Are you stupid or what? Writings about Muhammed came from Persia 200 years after his death. Writings about Jesus were written 100 years after the crucifixion.. and some of them never met Jesus either.

Neither one had people writing down private conversations.

Yet you, without doubt, believe the writings of those that wrote about the pedophile Muhammed and totally discount those that wrote about Jesus. Hope the Muslims treat you like an infidel. They might take advantage of you first if you beg them enough.
Yet you, without doubt, believe the writings of those that wrote about the pedophile Muhammed and totally discount those that wrote about Jesus. Hope the Muslims treat you like an infidel. They might take advantage of you first if you beg them enough.

The Culture of Hate

There are far more calls by the God of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Book of Revelation for holy war, genocide, and savage ethnic cleansing than in the Koran, from the killing of the firstborns in Egypt to the wholesale annihilation of the Canaanites. God repeatedly demands the Israelites wage wars of annihilation against unbelievers in Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and the Book of Revelation. Everyone, including women, children, and the elderly, along with their livestock, are to be killed. Moses ordered the Israelites to carry out the “complete destruction” of all cities in the Promised Land and slaughter all the inhabitants, making sure to show “no mercy.” From Joshua’s capture of the city of Ai to King Saul’s decimation of the Amalekites—Saul methodically dismembers the Amalekite king—God sanctifies bloodbath after bloodbath. “You shall not leave alive anything that breathes,” God thunders in the Book of Joshua, “But you shall utterly destroy them.” Joshua “struck all the land, the hill country and the Negev and the lowland and the slopes and all their kings. He left no survivor, but he utterly destroyed all who breathed, just as the Lord, the God of Israel had commanded” (Joshua 10:40, 11:15). And while the Koran urges believers to fight, it is also emphatic about showing mercy to captured enemies, something almost always scorned in the Bible, where, according to Psalm 137, those who smash the heads of Babylonian infants on the rocks are blessed. Whole books of the Bible celebrate divinely sanctioned genocide. The Koran doesn’t come close. The willful blindness by these self‐proclaimed Christian warriors about their own holy book is breathtaking.

The author is an ordained minister by the way.
Yet you, without doubt, believe the writings of those that wrote about the pedophile Muhammed and totally discount those that wrote about Jesus. Hope the Muslims treat you like an infidel. They might take advantage of you first if you beg them enough.

You effing moron, I have already said 100 times that most or the hadiths are unauthenticated.. Do you even know what that word means?
Jim Jones of the People's Temple was, too.

Sorry, but you lose when you argue from the position of authority claiming a title behind someone's name automatically means they have a clue. You're like the lefties that thought Obama being black and Hillary having a vagina meant they were qualified.

If you weren't attributing your asinine lies to others, you would have NOTHING to say.
You effing moron, I have already said 100 times that most or the hadiths are unauthenticated.. Do you even know what that word means?

I'm not real sure what the word "effing" means. Did you mean to say "fucking" and not have the guts to spell it out, cunt?
If you weren't attributing your asinine lies to others, you would have NOTHING to say.

I said plenty about why you voted for the last two Democrats running for office. Prove me wrong. That's if you can pull your lips off Obama's black ass and get your finger out of Hillary's pussy.
I said plenty about why you voted for the last two Democrats running for office. Prove me wrong. That's if you can pull your lips off Obama's black ass and get your finger out of Hillary's pussy.

Women hate you, don't they?
Jim Jones of the People's Temple was, too.

Sorry, but you lose when you argue from the position of authority claiming a title behind someone's name automatically means they have a clue. You're like the lefties that thought Obama being black and Hillary having a vagina meant they were qualified.

I don't really post FOR you pumpin, you're unable to process coherent information. I post in response to your idiocy for others who are reasonable human beings. Cheers.

The Culture of Hate

There are far more calls by the God of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Book of Revelation for holy war, genocide, and savage ethnic cleansing than in the Koran, from the killing of the firstborns in Egypt to the wholesale annihilation of the Canaanites. God repeatedly demands the Israelites wage wars of annihilation against unbelievers in Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and the Book of Revelation. Everyone, including women, children, and the elderly, along with their livestock, are to be killed. Moses ordered the Israelites to carry out the “complete destruction” of all cities in the Promised Land and slaughter all the inhabitants, making sure to show “no mercy.” From Joshua’s capture of the city of Ai to King Saul’s decimation of the Amalekites—Saul methodically dismembers the Amalekite king—God sanctifies bloodbath after bloodbath. “You shall not leave alive anything that breathes,” God thunders in the Book of Joshua, “But you shall utterly destroy them.” Joshua “struck all the land, the hill country and the Negev and the lowland and the slopes and all their kings. He left no survivor, but he utterly destroyed all who breathed, just as the Lord, the God of Israel had commanded” (Joshua 10:40, 11:15). And while the Koran urges believers to fight, it is also emphatic about showing mercy to captured enemies, something almost always scorned in the Bible, where, according to Psalm 137, those who smash the heads of Babylonian infants on the rocks are blessed. Whole books of the Bible celebrate divinely sanctioned genocide. The Koran doesn’t come close. The willful blindness by these self‐proclaimed Christian warriors about their own holy book is breathtaking.
Women hate you, don't they?

I knew you couldn't prove me wrong. Keep puckering and fingering, kuntzu.

Maybe you and Fentoine can get together. I heard from your high school days that you were the school's doorknob and everyone got their turn.
Angry tiny mushroom dick guys get that a lot.

That's why women run when they see you coming.

Maybe you and kuntzu can get together. I heard from her high school days she was the school's doorknob. You know the kind. Everyone got their turn.
I knew you couldn't prove me wrong. Keep puckering and fingering, kuntzu.

Maybe you and Fentoine can get together. I heard from your high school days that you were the school's doorknob and everyone got their turn.

What a truly nasty cunt you are, totally evil.
I knew you couldn't prove me wrong. Keep puckering and fingering, kuntzu.

Maybe you and Fentoine can get together. I heard from your high school days that you were the school's doorknob and everyone got their turn.

Prove you wrong? Why would I waste my time on an idiot like you?