So, if you help cover a murder do you go to jail?

It's sick. I couldn't imagine being part of the family. One of the largest arguments against ever becoming or marrying somebody famous...
He should go to jail for confessing to helping in a crime that the person who did it has already been declared innocent by a jury of his peers for?

The murder happened, just because one person is declared innocent does not preclude another particiapnt from being found guilty.
Yes it does.

OJ was innocent under the law. Nobody can be declared guilty of helping an innocent man commit murder.
Bull. There was a crime, even if OJ is acquitted, if this man helped and was an accessory after the fact he can certainly be tried for his crime.

Just cause Regan did not go to jail for dealing Arms to an enemy nation does not mean others doing it did not go to jail.
Bull. There was a crime, even if OJ is acquitted, if this man helped and was an accessory after the fact he can certainly be tried for his crime.

At least for obstruction of justice, if not for conspiracy, or both. He claims to have advised OJ on how to make his hands swell so the gloves wouldn't fit. In court. During his trial for murder.
At least for obstruction of justice, if not for conspiracy, or both. He claims to have advised OJ on how to make his hands swell so the gloves wouldn't fit. In court. During his trial for murder.
That would be suborning perjury. As well as conspiracy and obstruction. He can definitely be charged for his crimes separately from OJ.
Bull. There was a crime, even if OJ is acquitted, if this man helped and was an accessory after the fact he can certainly be tried for his crime.

O Damo, greatest legal scholar of our age, why aren't the wolves that are DA's scattering and scavenging for more votes and bringing down the case? Do you really believe that this rich ass man, with 10,000 rich ass lawyers, would have revealed anything if there was an inkling of a chance that it would lead him to jail?

Oh, but armchair general Damo, he is smarter than all of them. Ramble on you wayward soul!