So, if you help cover a murder do you go to jail?

How could he even be charged with conspiracy? You're being retarded.
Believe me, conspiring to suborn perjury is still conspiring.

They can't do it just on the book, as it isn't testimony. They can use information in the book as it is public knowledge. If they believed they could convict they can charge him with the crimes I listed and maybe even more of them.

And even if another is acquitted, that would not make it so he could not be tried for the crime if he was an accomplice, and it would not be double jeopardy to convict him or try him after the other was acquitted.
How could he even be charged with conspiracy? You're being retarded.
The most amazing part of this, is every time you say this, you wind up looking like a HS kid who has no idea what he is talking about.
Watch out people! Expect an Emo Explosion!
The most amazing part of this, is every time you say this, you wind up looking like a HS kid who has no idea what he is talking about.
Watch out people! Expect an Emo Explosion!

Gee Damo, if you're so concerned about this, please contact the DA in the LA area.
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Believe me, conspiring to suborn perjury is still conspiring.

They can't do it just on the book, as it isn't testimony. They can use information in the book as it is public knowledge. If they believed they could convict they can charge him with the crimes I listed and maybe even more of them.

And even if another is acquitted, that would not make it so he could not be tried for the crime if he was an accomplice, and it would not be double jeopardy to convict him or try him after the other was acquitted.

I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about conspiracy to commit murder, and I was just wondering how you go there.

Anyway, Damo, contact the DA.
Then ask them why they aren't doing anything in response to your concrete legal theory(ies).
How do you know that they aren't? Again, the book alone isn't evidence.

Anyway, discussion on what we think is right isn't excluded when we see something like this.

Only you seem to think he should have no consequence for helping somebody get off for murder.
You're all like, "ZOMG11!!! We gotta find a way to keep him from getting tried!"

I'd like to know why you would think that. It's fascinating.
I do hate to see us dragged down the same way the USSR was.

Well, then, you're dilemma is solved. If you retract everything we did from Afghanistan to Granada, then the USSR would not have been "dragged down" and communism would not have died, for all intents and purposes. Granted, Star Wars may still have done the job, but these encounters at least helped show that we were "serious," and warranted being kept up with.

Of course, neither of us mentioned the Big H, so we win majorly, even if we still disagree. :clink:
I'm not sure there is a statute of limitations. I've heard about statute's of limitations before, but I can't actually remember a case of someone being let off because of them.

I know my band director caught a guy who had stolen 4 French horns from him (worth upwards of 50k in todays dollars) 30 years ago, and that cats going to prison. Maybe some states have entirely abolished them?