So, if you help cover a murder do you go to jail?

I'm not sure there is a statute of limitations. I've heard about statute's of limitations before, but I can't actually remember a case of someone being let off because of them.

I know my band director caught a guy who had stolen 4 French horns from him (worth upwards of 50k in todays dollars) 30 years ago, and that cats going to prison. Maybe some states have entirely abolished them?

Yeah sadly a lot of states have abolished the statute of limitations on murder, counterfeiting, forgery, capital offenses, and drug trafficking...

Like mine for instance.
I'm not sure there is a statute of limitations. I've heard about statute's of limitations before, but I can't actually remember a case of someone being let off because of them.

I know my band director caught a guy who had stolen 4 French horns from him (worth upwards of 50k in todays dollars) 30 years ago, and that cats going to prison. Maybe some states have entirely abolished them?
If the limit has passed they cannot be charged WM. Many times this happens.

I have no idea if there is one on this.