So is Biden going to kill it or vomit?

You never had a discussion with anyone, have you.
None as dishonest as you, though Into the Night is reeeeeeeally close.

When I read your response to my post, it's no wonder you get frustrated when chatting with people.

Can you tell me all the fascist things Trump did as President? Last I checked, Biden was the true fascist who tried to use the fist of government for force 80 million people to take a vaccine.
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No e as dishonest as you, though Into the Night is reeeeeeeally close.

When I read your response to my post, it's no wonder you get frustrated when chatting with people.

Can you tell me all the fascist things Trump did as President? Last I checked, Biden was the true fascist who tried to use the fist of government for force 80 million people to take a vaccine.
Trump sucker.
Yes, that's exactly what I said. :ROFLMAO:

Can you tell me all the fascist things Trump did as President? Last I checked, Biden was the true fascist who tried to use the fist of government for force 80 million people to take a vaccine.
Trump and the Republicans told America's women they do not have the right to control the reproductive biology of their bodies
Trump and the Republicans told America's women they do not have the right to control the reproductive biology of their bodies
Nope. The Supreme Court just moved that decision to the states, where it probably should have been in the first place . Abortions are up since then, so who's rights have been lost?
Trump and the Republicans told America's women they do not have the right to control the reproductive biology of their bodies

One wonders if such blatant lies really resonate with people?

It's amusing that you Marxists yap about "democracy" but melt down because an issue such as abortion is left up to the people in the many states, rather than being dictated into law by 9 unelected judges who have no authority to legislate.

But since you have neither facts nor civil rights on your side you have little choice but to lie through your teeth, as you've done here.
He is still semi functional. My mom went through that phase she was a very gifted quilter. She STRUGGLED to make her grand son a quilt but got it done. She never attempted one for his little sister. They are 2 years apart. Biden is about where she was when she made her grandson his quilt. He is going down fast.

Trump knew if Biden did not stack the deck he would be too chicken to debate. So Trump called Biden's bluff.
I’ve been hearing Biden was “going down fast” for four years.
What are you Trumppers saying these days about tonight's debate...

IS Biden demented and unable to put two words together, or is he a skilled debater and going to do very well?

I cant keep track?
All Pres. Biden has to do is show up, answer the questions while looking at the camera and staying on task, to crush it. Tomorrow, #TRE45ON will claim that Biden was drugged. Wait for it.
Nope. The Supreme Court just moved that decision to the states, where it probably should have been in the first place . Abortions are up since then, so who's rights have been lost?
Women that no longer had a federal right protection in the states that banned abortion

If you want to fancy dance around this, no one was forced to get a vaccine. There were opt-out options if you could provide test results
What are you Trumppers saying these days about tonight's debate...

IS Biden demented and unable to put two words together, or is he a skilled debater and going to do very well?

I cant keep track?
have they announced what drugs they're going to feed him? makes all the difference in the world......
Well, Biden's never been a skilled debater. He says whatever is convenient and thinks will get him votes. In that respect he's unscrupulous, dissembling, and pandering. He's notoriously well known as a "gaffe machine."

I figure Biden won't blow it tonight but Trump won't nail it either. It will be interesting to see who can get under the other's skin the most.

If Biden does lose it, ends up spewing gibberish, or can't last the 90 minutes at the podium, he's done. Trump on the other hand, just has to avoid saying some of the hyperbolic, nonsense that drives his opposition crazy but gives them ammunition to pillory him with. I'm not sure either can pull it off.

The CNN moderators, at the same time can't come off as playing favorites. They too are likely to fail on that note.

On the whole, they probably should have held the whole thing in a sandbox on a playground.
Let's be honest. trump has neither the knowledge nor the temperament for debating. His strong point is his stream of consciousness rants. A debate means he can't hog the attention and have his lies go unchallenged. Even trump knows he's no debater.