So is Biden going to kill it or vomit?

"We would be able to make sure that all the things we have to do - childcare, care for the elderly, make sure that we continue to strengthen our health system,"

*So far, so good.*

"make sure that we are able to give every single person ...". Biden has lost the thread. He closes his eyes and starts again. “for what I do with the ..., the Covid ..." Again he closes his eyes and clears his throat. "Sorry, um."
"With the handling of ... everything we have to do..."
Then Biden looks up, mumbles something incomprehensible about the health care system, before CNN anchor Jake Tapper chokes him off and says, "Thank you, Mr. President."
Quick throw him a life preserver!!!!
The response of the left proved that the left questions like sane people

“I didn’t have sex with a porn star”

That is your candidate

A court of law and twelve Americans proved that is a lie

But you will pretend Trump was presidential while he spewed lies all night

Last night ensured that Joe Biden will NEVER be elected president.
You are the dumbass here. I made a prediction, based on past performance of the two. Biden has clearly, and seriously, deteriorated beyond the point he was at like 5 years ago.

I'm not a psychic even if you are psychotic...
So you're an out-of-date, uninformed dumbass. Small difference.
Quick throw him a life preserver!!!!
Somehow I don't think it will help...

Gardner is an idiot. All he does is post stupid pictures.

A common practice with those on the Right who never got over picture books. Words are big and annoying trouble. Nothing short of torture when they were forced to confront them by the thousands packed into books on those fucking things called pages.
A common practice with those on the Right who never got over picture books. Words are big and annoying trouble. Nothing short of torture when they were forced to confront them by the thousands packed into books on those fucking things called pages.
Gardner thinks "fascism" is a big word. Most of us learned about it in high school. These people are just uneducated.
Not in your mother Russia huh

Trump wants to terminate the constitution

You good with that Russian whore?

This is a hard day for you of the Khmer Rouge.

Not only was Quid Pro a national embarrassment last night, but the SCOTUS just set all the political prisoners from the Reichstag Fire free. Normally I admonish you to cut down on the vodka and fentanyl - but today I can understand your meltdown. The dream of a Maoist dictatorship is crumbling before you.
This is a hard day for you of the Khmer Rouge.

Not only was Quid Pro a national embarrassment last night, but the SCOTUS just set all the political prisoners from the Reichstag Fire free. Normally I admonish you to cut down on the vodka and fentanyl - but today I can understand your meltdown. The dream of a Maoist dictatorship is crumbling before you.

Dark Brandon thanks you for your stupidity
None as dishonest as you, though Into the Night is reeeeeeeally close.

When I read your response to my post, it's no wonder you get frustrated when chatting with people.

Can you tell me all the fascist things Trump did as President? Last I checked, Biden was the true fascist who tried to use the fist of government for force 80 million people to take a vaccine.
We have always mandated vaccines. When the polio vaccine was created, the kids were lined up at school and given the shots. When Typhoid hit NYC the people were lined up for shots. When you go to your first school, you must get a series of shots. When you travel abroad your shots have to be up to date.Npbody called that Fascism until Trump came along.Now the right wing snowflakes demand the right to risk public health because they are anti-science and easy to lead astray.