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Путин - мl
you dont seem shamed that your party is racist right from the very top and the entire American court system proves it
Shut up, rayciss skank.

you dont seem shamed that your party is racist right from the very top and the entire American court system proves it
Louisiana state District Court Judge Richard E. Lee issued an injunction against the program on Oct. 14. In his order, Lee said: "This was an insidious scheme by the Republican Party to remove blacks from the voting roles."
Buck Fuck. You can save your whining for someone else. Unlike you I address it when necessary in real life. Unlike you, the coward, whose claim to fame is he told on someone behind their back then ran away to another state. Listen you balless puke,
grow a pair. Calling people "racist" behind the safety of a keyboard makes you even more effeminate than you come across already coward. Yawn.
saying things like
"niggers in the wood pile"
and the like
yet the other few right leaning posters NEVER seem to say a word about that racism
Strange isn't it? People like Sailor.
Your real life claims mean dick, liar. You are anonymous blips on a computer screen. You seem like an idiot all the time, here but sure you are a genius in real life. Now go back to bussing tables.
Like so many of them TD is a moron and a racist...
The two things, invariably, go hand in hand.
I have never met a smart racist...
In fairness, unless I am mistaken I have seen that sailor boy, get in the face of a rightwing racist or two.
But the premise still broadly holds: while jpp conservatives find ample time to harangue Desh, Rune, and to name call and libel liberal posters, they simply cannot find a moment of time to call out that plethora of rightwing racists posting daily here and rapidly turning this board into another Stormfront.
Your real life claims mean dick, liar. You are anonymous blips on a computer screen. You seem like an idiot all the time, here but sure you are a genius in real life. Now go back to bussing tables.
Still managing to lisp when you type you fucking white supremacist, fake ass lawyer. Why is it you are not still bragging about your southern heritage and the statement that your family owned slaves?
go back to storm front dick bag
More speculation from a real racist. Slumlord, taking advantage of poor people, spitting in a black mans face. Do yourself a favor and pipe down you friggin crazy person.
Here's a true story. Sailor came to my attention after joking about sending proponents and apologists of Native Canadian scalping to harass Elizabeth Warren. Sailor thinks that scalping people is funny. Let that sink in.
Yawn. The other testosterone lacking individual has arrived.
No Canadian jokes? Can't disassemble the truth of my comment (which can be looked up on these forums quite easily)? Yawn indeed.
How do you manage to type with those limpwrists? You are without a doubt the biggest faggot I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Hell, you are even more faggy than Micabwer and that is hard to beat.
How do you manage to type with those limpwrists? You are without a doubt the biggest faggot I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Hell, you are even more faggy than Micabwer and that is hard to beat.
Here's a true story. Sailor came to my attention after joking about sending proponents and apologists of Indigenous Canadian scalping to harass Elizabeth Warren. Sailor thinks that scalping people is funny. Let that sink in. Since I called him out on this issue, he's been obsessed with me and my Canadian citizenship. If there's one thing Sailor hates, its being justifiably called a racist and low life sack of shit.
9 out of 10 gay men could whip your ass in a fight, and I'd wager most women could as well -- with you being a retired old loser, living on the military welfare you earned peeling potatoes.
yeap hes a racist