& your a Queen bagger .yeap hes a racist
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& your a Queen bagger .yeap hes a racist
& your a Queen bagger .
Sent from my LGMS550 using Tapatalk
Sylvain Mirochnikoff
sailor you hate
I spit in the face of the black guy.
Yes. I hate fakes, frauds and real racists like you who lamely attempt to hide it. Thankfully because of your lack of intellect and education, you make it quite easy to find people like you.
Real racist" to Sailor = anyone who calls out Voodoo boy as the racist that he is.
Just like OJ has gone back to looking for the "real killer"on golf courses...
Why are you melting down coward? Other than the fact that you never did anything for a minority in your life you fucking fraud.
You are almost too easy to trigger, Voodoo boy...
Poor cowardly Buck Fuck. Likes to talk about all he does for minorities when it is only talk. Come real life, Buck Fuck is a coward. Curls up in his usual fetal position and pisses himself. Poor bastard.
I'll give you a break, before you burst an O ring or something...
Poor Voodoo Sailor-boy
you are the party the racists embrace
when you side with racists you are as bad as them
get it
when nazis cheer your president your the nazi party
why do Black and brown voters OVERWHELMINGLY vote for the Democratic party that you can not spell correctly
Your stonewalling is all the essential proof I need, Pervert.
you keep using that word