so many on the right here are blatent racists

sailor you hate

its your whole gig

why is it funny to scalp someone with an indiginous family connection?

because you are a racist
Yes. I hate fakes, frauds and real racists like you who lamely attempt to hide it. Thankfully because of your lack of intellect and education, you make it quite easy to find people like you.

Real racist" to Sailor = anyone who calls out Voodoo boy as the racist that he is.

Just like OJ has gone back to looking for the "real killer"on golf courses...
Real racist" to Sailor = anyone who calls out Voodoo boy as the racist that he is.

Just like OJ has gone back to looking for the "real killer"on golf courses...

Why are you melting down coward? Other than the fact that you never did anything for a minority in your life you fucking fraud.
Why are you melting down coward? Other than the fact that you never did anything for a minority in your life you fucking fraud.

You are almost too easy to trigger, Voodoo boy...

Poor cowardly Buck Fuck. Likes to talk about all he does for minorities when it is only talk. Come real life, Buck Fuck is a coward. Curls up in his usual fetal position and pisses himself. Poor bastard.

I'll give you a break, before you burst an O ring or something...
Poor Voodoo Sailor-boy
you are the party the racists embrace

when you side with racists you are as bad as them

get it

when nazis cheer your president your the nazi party

FYI: Nazi's were "socialists"....and borrowed many of their idea's concerning the JEWS from the way Democrats treated blacks. You embrace the party of Jim Crow, the KKK, Slavery, and Segregation....not to mention the party that voted against the Civil Rights acts of the 60s. Now you are accusing the party that has a demonstrable history of being anti-slavery, a party that passed all the civil rights acts and gave women and blacks the right to vote and own property.....of being Nazi's because it invokes the constitutional right of Free Speech.

All speech is protected even if it hurts your little feelings. Its more than fascist to attempt to shut down the speech of those you disagree with.

But history actual details the fact that it is the democrat party that embraces FASCISM in act and manner. Your party kills children in the womb, attempts to remove the right of religious freedom from public, wants to own all the banks, the education of our children, and all property. The text book definition of social communism. Russia/Stalin and Rome/Mussolini were nothing but fascist leftest with both FDR and JFK heaping praises on both fascists in the 1930s. What did FDR, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin have in common.....they all called themselves progressive nationalists.

Stop drinking the fascist kool aid and attempt a little independent critical thinking for yourself instead of listening to the left wing propaganda. Facts are facts.
tell me what Mussolini did with the Italian economy once he took power

tell me what the southern strategy is
why do Black and brown voters OVERWHELMINGLY vote for the Democratic party that you can not spell correctly