So Russia should keep its ill gotten gains?

Russia attacks Ukraine unprovoked and The Felon wants to let them gain from that?

So they are rewarded for doing what the US warned them not to do... and now the are prohibited from joining NATO?

Trump is beholding to Putin so, yes, he'll stop any US protest of Putin's aggression and threaten to pull all support from Ukraine if they don't accept this concession.
Russia attacks Ukraine unprovoked and The Felon wants to let them gain from that?

So they are rewarded for doing what the US warned them not to do... and now the are prohibited from joining NATO?

Trump couldn’t kiss Putin’s ass any more, he’ll sell the Ukraines down the drain faster than he did the Kurds, and then boast he ended the war

Brian Berletic


US Seeks to Isolate Russia/China and Defeat Both in Detail The Trump admin's plan is to freeze the Ukraine conflict, increase NATO funding and arms production, split Russia from China as the US attempts to contain China, so that 5-10 years from now the US can return and topple an infinitely weaker and more isolated Russia.Defeat in detail, meaning dividing enemy troops and defeating each isolated group at a time, but geopolitically. Who in Moscow is going to fall for this?

The children of Washington continue to have no idea what is going on, to live in their fantasies, which is a painful approach.
Yes, there was an there still is.
Washington should be brought up on war crime charges for the deaths of about 1.2 million Ukrainian soldiers, in a war that never should have happened.

The best estimates of Russian dead run 90K-125K.....except for Wager.....which disobeyed orders.....the Russians have been very careful with Russian lives and Ukrainian civilian lives.
Washington should be brought up on war crime charges for the deaths of about 1.2 million Ukrainian soldiers, in a war that never should have happened.

The best estimates of Russian dead run 90K-125K.....except for Wager.....which disobeyed orders.....the Russians have been very careful with Russian lives and Ukrainian civilian lives.
Fuck you, you anti-American pile of shit. Your Chicken Little crackhead mouth is monotonous, boring, and clinically delusional. You shouldn't be allowed to live in this country.
Someone on my grapevine said in the last week or so that NATO's debacle in Ukraine goes down as one of the worst military blunders in all of history.

This is very likely so.
The Debacle in Ukraine is far more consequential in a negative sense then the Debacle in Afghanistan, of even the Debacle in Iraq.....this is where the American Empire ends.