So this past weekend...


I chose C, had she been hot I might have chosen D... But she was not what I would call, well, let's just say she wasn't in my age bracket.

Did you ask her if she knew the Diaper Don, Donny, it would be nice to get another senior to lay claim to him and you never know, if she was so horny that she was grab-assing at a school, she might say she knew Donny even though she didn't? No need to mention the diapers right off? I am having a hard time training him, even worse than with the fool SuperFreak, the Diaper Don has been crapping all over even though I have been leaving newspapers on the cyber floor? With Asshat in revolt and refusing to wipe up after the Diaper Don anymore, it is becoming a big cyber problem, in fact, I see something on my computer screen right now and I just hope it did not fall out of Donny's diaper? The next time some old lady grabs your ass, you might think a little quicker, instead of worrying about how you can get her off into a corner, think about Donny, I cannot be doing all of the thinking around here? Touche.
My family and I were at the County Fair, we were walking along and looking at all the 4H exhibits (well, really only our own kids' but heck, you are obliged to pretend interest in the other ones too), and as we are looking at a display of entymology, that was actually rather well-presented, this lady comes up behind us. She reaches out... And just grabs a handful of my ass!

I was a bit astounded at her audacity, and running through my mind were four choices.

I could:

A. Jump up and scream like a wounded rabbit, point at her like the evil monkey in my closet, and shout in my most manly voice, "Woman! Why would you grab my ass like that?!"

B. Tell my wife and hope for a girl-fight... Sexy!

C. Quietly let it pass, and tell my wife the story later.


D. Grab her ass right back and whisper in her ear how grateful I was...

Which choice do you think Damocles picked?

Is that Adams Conty?
Did you ask her if she knew the Diaper Don, Donny, it would be nice to get another senior to lay claim to him and you never know, if she was so horny that she was grab-assing at a school, she might say she knew Donny even though she didn't? No need to mention the diapers right off? I am having a hard time training him, even worse than with the fool SuperFreak, the Diaper Don has been crapping all over even though I have been leaving newspapers on the cyber floor? With Asshat in revolt and refusing to wipe up after the Diaper Don anymore, it is becoming a big cyber problem, in fact, I see something on my computer screen right now and I just hope it did not fall out of Donny's diaper? The next time some old lady grabs your ass, you might think a little quicker, instead of worrying about how you can get her off into a corner, think about Donny, I cannot be doing all of the thinking around here? Touche.
The "Touche'er seems to be a bit Tetched (in the head) "Just a braying in the wind."
Heres my flame: ?????????????????????????

Blackflag meant, you would be sure to take that opportunity, the event of the lefty firecracker, Darla doing moore of her cyber dirty talk, to call her a slut, in another feeble attempt to get her to give you a tongue lashing, like she did the other day when she went bonkers...the closest thing to cyber sex you are going to get, remember what happened to your diaper that day? AssHat told me all about it, that is why he is in revolt and off of Diaper Donny clean up duty?
Blackflag meant, you would be sure to take that opportunity, the event of the lefty firecracker, Darla doing moore of her cyber dirty talk, to call her a slut, in another feeble attempt to get her to give you a tongue lashing, like she did the other day when she went bonkers...the closest thing to cyber sex you are going to get, remember what happened to your diaper that day? AssHat told me all about it, that is why he is in revolt and off of Diaper Donny clean up duty?
Obvoiusly you didn't know what blackflage meant, since to my knowlege Darla was not involved. so just more or your standard garbage. Right??? I don't need an excuse to call her a slut, in fact I never her one.
Agreed SF Damo should have had her arrested.

Darn starting to sound like a republican.....
Need another pill.
they do both lean to the right Darla :)

It's too true. These righties are either grabbing each other or giggling over male porn stars. I can't keep track of all of the homoerotic activities going on around here.

Thank God the lefty guys are interested in women.
It's too true. These righties are either grabbing each other or giggling over male porn stars. I can't keep track of all of the homoerotic activities going on around here.

Thank God the lefty guys are interested in women.

I've got WM on IA, because I can't stomach looking at that half naked male porn star that the NeoCons are all giggling about.

Let me know when WM takes it off his avatar, so I can get him off IA ;)
I've got WM on IA, because I can't stomach looking at that half naked male porn star that the NeoCons are all giggling about.

Let me know when WM takes it off his avatar, so I can get him off IA ;)

Oh, I can understand that. I'm not crazy about it either, I'll let you know when he changes it.
Originally Posted by Cypress
I've got WM on IA, because I can't stomach looking at that half naked male porn star that the NeoCons are all giggling about.

Let me know when WM takes it off his avatar, so I can get him off IA

RESPONSE:Are you that prudish??? or are you kidding???