So…We keep spending. What comes Next? And Next? And...


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If you were to run your own household the way our government is running its financial affairs…

If you had a house hold member with a credit card spending problem, and the Creditor cut them off, threatened fiscal actions, what would you do?

Most responsible households would cut up the credit cards, cancel the accounts, make payment arrangements, cut spending on non-essentials, work some overtime, … and learn a lesson on living outside their means.


What did America just do?

We allowed the overspending member of the household to deliberately exaggerate the “Pain” of not continuing to spend beyond our means, making a disaster out of being responsible, and threw a hissy fit about wanting more.

We chastised the fiscally responsible members of the household for daring to set limits.

We Begged, Whined, and Pleaded with our creditors until they agreed to let U.S. dig ourselves even deeper into debt slavery.

We gloated and bragged when the out-of-control credit spender won the “Debate” and got their credit cards not only turned back on, but was given effectively unlimited credit. ( Even though we all know the creditors, China, can and will revoke the credit when it will cost U.S. the most)


Yes, you can make an argument that a Nation isn’t exactly the same as a household, and sometimes, a Nation has to spend money in times of dire need, when a household cannot. But anyone with a lick of fiscal common sense knows that argument has limits America exceeded decades ago.

Probably the sickest thing about this whole debacle, we seem to conveniently be ignoring what we just did to our unborn great grandchildren. What happens to their generation when their time of trial comes, and the money's already been spent?

Is there anything more selfish, short-sighted, and greedy than a Neo-Liberal?

So as we watch the Obama-Nation grin, gloat and flash their new plastic at the bar…

I would ask, ... just what the hell do you think comes Next, and Next, and Next?

here is an explanation for you and welcome to the site.

The American family never dies.

In a household you only get to live for around a 100 years or so.

In the American family we are always rotating some debt into the future because there will ALWAYS be a growing family.

If you had to PLAN your progenies future into the next ten generations you would have debt ever rotating too.

so the answer is Government is NOT like a household.

That sick feeling at the pit of your stomach you get as you watch the Liberals/Dems Gloating about their "Shutdown Victory"...

That's called "Dawning Reality".

People in trains about to go off the rails of the collapsed bridge get it too.

It will get allot worse, before it gets better.

Oh please give me a break. Government spending is currently around 20% of GDP. Well guess what? That's about what government spending has traditionally been (excepting two world wars) for nearly 100 years. The problem isn't on the spending side. It's on the revenue side.

If you were to run your own household the way our government is running its financial affairs…

If you had a house hold member with a credit card spending problem, and the Creditor cut them off, threatened fiscal actions, what would you do?

Most responsible households would cut up the credit cards, cancel the accounts, make payment arrangements, cut spending on non-essentials, work some overtime, … and learn a lesson on living outside their means.


What did America just do?

We allowed the overspending member of the household to deliberately exaggerate the “Pain” of not continuing to spend beyond our means, making a disaster out of being responsible, and threw a hissy fit about wanting more.

We chastised the fiscally responsible members of the household for daring to set limits.

We Begged, Whined, and Pleaded with our creditors until they agreed to let U.S. dig ourselves even deeper into debt slavery.

We gloated and bragged when the out-of-control credit spender won the “Debate” and got their credit cards not only turned back on, but was given effectively unlimited credit. ( Even though we all know the creditors, China, can and will revoke the credit when it will cost U.S. the most)


Yes, you can make an argument that a Nation isn’t exactly the same as a household, and sometimes, a Nation has to spend money in times of dire need, when a household cannot. But anyone with a lick of fiscal common sense knows that argument has limits America exceeded decades ago.

Probably the sickest thing about this whole debacle, we seem to conveniently be ignoring what we just did to our unborn great grandchildren. What happens to their generation when their time of trial comes, and the money's already been spent?

Is there anything more selfish, short-sighted, and greedy than a Neo-Liberal?

So as we watch the Obama-Nation grin, gloat and flash their new plastic at the bar…

I would ask, ... just what the hell do you think comes Next, and Next, and Next?


Great commentary that basically hits the proverbial nail on the head.
Oh please give me a break. Government spending is currently around 20% of GDP. Well guess what? That's about what government spending has traditionally been (excepting two world wars) for nearly 100 years. The problem isn't on the spending side. It's on the revenue side.

Debt to GDP ratio is amore telling ratio and it is running at 73 percent. Healthy would be below 50 percent.

We have NEVER had a revenue problem; this nation has a SPENDING problem. Revenues are always going UP. Unfortunately, Democrat appetites to spend super excede any revenue gains.

This spending problem has been exacerbated by the dimwitted policies of this President that has given us this non-recovery recovery consisting of negative job creation and part time low wage jobs.

One has to be a small brained uninformed dimwit to claim otherwise.

That sick feeling at the pit of your stomach you get as you watch the Liberals/Dems Gloating about their "Shutdown Victory"...

That's called "Dawning Reality".

People in trains about to go off the rails of the collapsed bridge get it too.

It will get allot worse, before it gets better.


says some guy on the Internets.

why is it you on the right back historically failed ideas and like to pretend your predictions have actually come true in the past?
Oh please give me a break. Government spending is currently around 20% of GDP. Well guess what? That's about what government spending has traditionally been (excepting two world wars) for nearly 100 years. The problem isn't on the spending side. It's on the revenue side.

Actually, it's about 40% right now. The problem is people see the 28% US Government spending to GDP and forget to include state and local spending.
When was the last time the republicans and the right in this country correctly predicted the outcome of policy?

If you were to run your own household the way our government is running its financial affairs…

If you had a house hold member with a credit card spending problem, and the Creditor cut them off, threatened fiscal actions, what would you do?

Most responsible households would cut up the credit cards, cancel the accounts, make payment arrangements, cut spending on non-essentials, work some overtime, … and learn a lesson on living outside their means.


What did America just do?

We allowed the overspending member of the household to deliberately exaggerate the “Pain” of not continuing to spend beyond our means, making a disaster out of being responsible, and threw a hissy fit about wanting more.

We chastised the fiscally responsible members of the household for daring to set limits.

We Begged, Whined, and Pleaded with our creditors until they agreed to let U.S. dig ourselves even deeper into debt slavery.

We gloated and bragged when the out-of-control credit spender won the “Debate” and got their credit cards not only turned back on, but was given effectively unlimited credit. ( Even though we all know the creditors, China, can and will revoke the credit when it will cost U.S. the most)


Yes, you can make an argument that a Nation isn’t exactly the same as a household, and sometimes, a Nation has to spend money in times of dire need, when a household cannot. But anyone with a lick of fiscal common sense knows that argument has limits America exceeded decades ago.

Probably the sickest thing about this whole debacle, we seem to conveniently be ignoring what we just did to our unborn great grandchildren. What happens to their generation when their time of trial comes, and the money's already been spent?

Is there anything more selfish, short-sighted, and greedy than a Neo-Liberal?

So as we watch the Obama-Nation grin, gloat and flash their new plastic at the bar…

I would ask, ... just what the hell do you think comes Next, and Next, and Next?


Households, of course, don't spend incredible sums on arms, so that some rich people can go steal more abroad. If the extremists ever mentioned the unbelievable waste of money on the military I'd have a bit more respect for them.
Pretending the US or any country should get to the point where they have NO debt is just stupid

It is also stupid to pretend that never, and I do mean never, paying on the principal is indicative of a good future. One must ignore the past historical examples to "feel good" about constant debt increase and devaluation of currency. Basically, they must ignore the past and doom us all to repeat it.

Good economic policy would be to pay the debt down during flush times, and increase debt only in necessity during downturns. Nobody, not one, not even when they had the mythical "surplus" (it isn't a surplus when you borrow 47 Billion to pay interest) has paid one dime of our debt since Eisenhower.
It is also stupid to pretend that never, and I do mean never, paying on the principal is indicative of a good future. One must ignore the past historical examples to "feel good" about constant debt increase and devaluation of currency. Basically, they must ignore the past and doom us all to repeat it.

Good economic policy would be to pay the debt down during flush times, and increase debt only in necessity during downturns. Nobody, not one, not even when they had the mythical "surplus" (it isn't a surplus when you borrow 47 Billion to pay interest) has paid one dime of our debt since Eisenhower.

and how would ANY of your right wing crap fix it?

why do you pretend that is what you would do with power.

we have just seen what the right would do with power
and how would ANY of your right wing crap fix it?

why do you pretend that is what you would do with power.

we have just seen what the right would do with power

Wow. Just bypass actual facts to try an attack. Great tactics, but not based in reality. Not even a small bit.

Let's answer your silly nonsense anyway.

My rightwing "crap" position to add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution would absolutely change that policy. I don't "pretend" to support that, I don't vote for anybody who doesn't.

Right we "know" that the right, when people were following a bit more of "my" rightwing "crap", will push a popular President to signing up on a plan to balance a budget.

And right now we now know what the left will do with power, they'll devalue our currency and consider it a moral victory that the only reason it hasn't collapsed yet is that while our economy is weak, it is less weak than other economies so nobody will drop the dollar as the reserve currency..... yet.

Insanity that we continue to do the same things over and over yet expect different results.