So…We keep spending. What comes Next? And Next? And...

Just for giggles, what currency is going to replace the dollar? Also, too, maybe your Republican party shouldn't voluntarily threaten the full faith and credit of the United States government if this is a concern of yours.

Another leftist dimwit who falsely believes Obama and Democrats are not equally culpable for the shutdown.

Senator Obama declared that raising debt limits was a sign of leadership failure during the Bush Presidency and voted against it; was he wrong back then? Was he lying?
Another leftist dimwit who falsely believes Obama and Democrats are not equally culpable for the shutdown.

They aren't.

Senator Obama declared that raising debt limits was a sign of leadership failure during the Bush Presidency and voted against it; was he wrong back then? Was he lying?

He was demagouging to no practical effect and without any threat to actually prevent the debt ceiling from being increased. And, yes, he was wrong.
Truly a teabag deflector must be dirt poor.
The us credit rating was downgraded and interest rates still went down.
The euro is second class, just like Europe's dental work
They aren't.

He was demagouging to no practical effect and without any threat to actually prevent the debt ceiling from being increased. And, yes, he was wrong.

I am amused that the most powerful man in the world is not responsible for what happens in his own country; yes, you are THAT dimwitted.
And you think things are better here?

Yes, I do. Here's a chart:

Problem is folks Democrats love spending on unconstitutional socialist programs because it buys sooooo many votes, keeps them in power and allows them to socially engineer every facet of the fucking duped idiot minion’s lives.

Republicans love to bemoan excessive spending by Democrats and pay lip service to getting control over debt and deficits, but the reality is they have their own excessive spending problem with a Military Industrial Complex that cost more than the military expenditures of the rest of the world combined.

At least 2/3 of what the federal government spends taxpayer’s dollars on is unconstitutional and at least a 3rd of that is waste, fraud and abuse.

That’s reality ye ole partisan morons! The worst is yet to come! We have surely surpassed the point of no return in America. We will become Greece because Democrats have convinced the minion morons they are victims who are “entitled” and the Republicans have convinced the idiot minions that America has been ordained by some God to be the world’s boogieman killer.

Our national debt = + 100% of our GNP. Our national debt has surpassed 17 trillion $. Our national debt rocket ship began with Reagan/Tip O’Neal and has been on fast forward with every administration and Congress since. Medicare/Medicaid alone are projecting 100 trillion $ of future unfunded liabilities without even figuring in the fucking ObamaCare disaster.

Democrats & Republicans are child molesters! They have enslaved our future children to paying for our ungodly debt and our pure fucking corrupt stupidity.

“The tree of liberty need be fertilized from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants, it is a natural manure.”(Thomas Jefferson.)

Buy guns, ammunition gold and silver!
Problem is folks Democrats love spending on unconstitutional socialist programs because it buys sooooo many votes, keeps them in power and allows them to socially engineer every facet of the fucking duped idiot minion’s lives.

Republicans love to bemoan excessive spending by Democrats and pay lip service to getting control over debt and deficits, but the reality is they have their own excessive spending problem with a Military Industrial Complex that cost more than the military expenditures of the rest of the world combined.

At least 2/3 of what the federal government spends taxpayer’s dollars on is unconstitutional and at least a 3rd of that is waste, fraud and abuse.

That’s reality ye ole partisan morons! The worst is yet to come! We have surely surpassed the point of no return in America. We will become Greece because Democrats have convinced the minion morons they are victims who are “entitled” and the Republicans have convinced the idiot minions that America has been ordained by some God to be the world’s boogieman killer.

Our national debt = + 100% of our GNP. Our national debt has surpassed 17 trillion $. Our national debt rocket ship began with Reagan/Tip O’Neal and has been on fast forward with every administration and Congress since. Medicare/Medicaid alone are projecting 100 trillion $ of future unfunded liabilities without even figuring in the fucking ObamaCare disaster.

Democrats & Republicans are child molesters! They have enslaved our future children to paying for our ungodly debt and our pure fucking corrupt stupidity.

“The tree of liberty need be fertilized from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants, it is a natural manure.”(Thomas Jefferson.)

Buy guns, ammunition gold and silver!

Dear fucking brain case full of shit,

YOU are not the arbiter of what is comnstitutional.

THAT is not what the founders planned.

Your a fucking fact adverse nutter who THINKS he runs the country.

your insanity will NEVER be mainstream.

Your a tiny faction

your about to be truly powerless.

for good reasons.

gulp the tar
Dear fucking brain case full of shit,

YOU are not the arbiter of what is comnstitutional.

THAT is not what the founders planned.

Your a fucking fact adverse nutter who THINKS he runs the country.

your insanity will NEVER be mainstream.

Your a tiny faction

your about to be truly powerless.

for good reasons.

gulp the tar

The Constitution determines what is Constitutional. In fact the Supreme Court was not supposed to determine what was Constitutional or not. That is not what the Founders intended. The US Supreme Court gave that power to themselves and a compliant populace has gone along with it.

The Constitution says what it says. The only people who don't believe that are anti american types like you who don't like it and want it to be a "living" document. Want to change the Constitution? Follow the rules in the Constitution to change it.

The founders gave you a mechanism for changing the Constitution. They didn't say "hey, don't like it? go run to 9 guys in black robes".

You are again out of your league. Wiki won't help you

If you were to run your own household the way our government is running its financial affairs…

If you had a house hold member with a credit card spending problem, and the Creditor cut them off, threatened fiscal actions, what would you do?

Most responsible households would cut up the credit cards, cancel the accounts, make payment arrangements, cut spending on non-essentials, work some overtime, … and learn a lesson on living outside their means.


What did America just do?

We allowed the overspending member of the household to deliberately exaggerate the “Pain” of not continuing to spend beyond our means, making a disaster out of being responsible, and threw a hissy fit about wanting more.

We chastised the fiscally responsible members of the household for daring to set limits.

We Begged, Whined, and Pleaded with our creditors until they agreed to let U.S. dig ourselves even deeper into debt slavery.

We gloated and bragged when the out-of-control credit spender won the “Debate” and got their credit cards not only turned back on, but was given effectively unlimited credit. ( Even though we all know the creditors, China, can and will revoke the credit when it will cost U.S. the most)


Yes, you can make an argument that a Nation isn’t exactly the same as a household, and sometimes, a Nation has to spend money in times of dire need, when a household cannot. But anyone with a lick of fiscal common sense knows that argument has limits America exceeded decades ago.

Probably the sickest thing about this whole debacle, we seem to conveniently be ignoring what we just did to our unborn great grandchildren. What happens to their generation when their time of trial comes, and the money's already been spent?

Is there anything more selfish, short-sighted, and greedy than a Neo-Liberal?

So as we watch the Obama-Nation grin, gloat and flash their new plastic at the bar…

I would ask, ... just what the hell do you think comes Next, and Next, and Next?


The TARP bill contained horrendous pork barrel spending and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) defended it. What ya got to say?