So…We keep spending. What comes Next? And Next? And...

damo what proof have you that a blanced budget amendment would work as you think it would?
What proof do you have that constitutional restrictions would work to keep government within defined boundaries? Over 200 years of history.
yes it would keep government in defined boundaries and cripple us

What will cripple us is when the world decides that another currency is going to be the reserve. The reality is this game can only last until that change happens and the more we play the more we hasten the end, and history absolutely will tell you that it will one day be replaced as the reserve.

It is immoral to never prepare for what we know will come, to let future generations pay the price for our follies.
What will cripple us is when the world decides that another currency is going to be the reserve. The reality is this game can only last until that change happens, and history absolutely will tell you that it will.

It is immoral to never prepare for what we know will come, to let future generations pay the price for our follies.

what would cripple us Is the INABILITY to react to economic crisises.

that is what a balanced budget amendment would do
Imagine a family that could NEVER again barrow money.

that is what we would be

This would not be what a balanced budget amendment would do.

Although it isn't difficult to imagine it, there are several religions that do not allow debt.
Just for giggles, what currency is going to replace the dollar? Also, too, maybe your Republican party shouldn't voluntarily threaten the full faith and credit of the United States government if this is a concern of yours.
Just for giggles, what currency is going to replace the dollar? Also, too, maybe your Republican party shouldn't voluntarily threaten the full faith and credit of the United States government if this is a concern of yours.

Hey, I'm sure they were all giggles about the Pound back in the 60s and just before the Dollar overtook them.

As I said the only security we have currently is that while our economy is weak, others are weaker. It won't always be, Dung.

Tell me what currency has lasted forever as the reserve? Tell me also what happened to their economies when the next one pushed them out. It isn't pleasant, and will be less so if we do not take action on the absolute knowledge that it will not last forever. We cannot keep playing this game, and to do it deliberately ignoring history takes a purposeful total collapse of all thought.

Even you, one of the largest apologists for the Ds that I know, cannot possibly believe that because right now our economy is less weak than the others we'll forever have the reserve currency that we can devalue as much as we want...
Yes, the issue here is my ignorance of history. It's not your subscription to views that one might find at a survivalist meet up.

This isn't about survivalists. It is about history. Have I told you to go buy a hole and start living in it? No. That's your own absurdity, probably a defense mechanism you use so you can ignore the result inherent in the past, history is replete with examples of morons who think the status quo will go on forever.

We're talking macro economics, not your backyard shelter and stores of food. This thread isn't about Doomsday prepping it is about the fact that devaluation and overspending will make the transition from reserve currency much more difficult.
It's a simnple question, Damo. What currency will replace the dollar? While you ponder the question, I suggest you stock up on canned goods.
It's a simnple question, Damo. What currency will replace the dollar? While you ponder the question, I suggest you stock up on canned goods.
It's an inane question, Dung, that ignores history. 20 years before the dollar overtook the British Pound as the reserve currency there was some moron asking this same question while ignoring that they had overcome a different reserve from before...

And again, this isn't about your stock or whether your wife is a groupon member.

I know you are disingenuous purposefully, but your attempt to degrade the conversation with the absurdam fallacy isn't working.
Imagine a family that could NEVER again barrow money.
