So what has Dixie been up to lately?

First of all, I would like to say thanks to all who have messaged me, welcoming me back to the board. I'm not sure how long I will be here though, it may just be temporary. I have lots of important stuff going on in my life right now, and to be honest, coming here to argue with idiots is not a top priority. Even though I have not been posting, I have checked in at times, just to see what was being posted... same old garbage as usual. I honestly didn't think the left could become more insane, but they have certainly surpassed my expectations. I just mostly read through the thread topics and shake my head, can people really be this vacant in the head? Apparently so!

I've been doing a little reading, Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny is excellent, and I highly recommend it. I have also been burning up the email of Bobby Bright, my local representative. All the wrath and fury I once delivered here, has been redirected to my local nitwit politicians, because I view that as somewhat more important than educating Onzies on economics. So, to all of those who thought they had silenced Dixie, you merely turned Dixie into a vibrant political activist. I should thank you for that, but I won't, I should have done it a long time ago. In any event, my voice is now being heard by people who matter.

The most surprising thing I see here, is the so-called "moderates" still running around sucking liberal ass, trying to be liked by all. It's amazing they haven't yet figured it out, but I suppose they will in time. Placating some liberals position on an issue, is not winning you any favor, it is actually detrimental to the things you stand for. These people aren't interested in a debate, they don't give a fuck what you think, or how much you try to find common ground, they want no part of that. They are going to ram their viewpoint down your throat, and lie through their teeth about their love for democracy, while acting like a bunch of fascists. It doesn't matter if you throw them a bone of agreement now and then, to them, you are still pond scum NEOCONS, and nothing you can do will ever change that. As much as you need to be liked and accepted, they will never like or accept you, and they will use your olive branches to pound other conservatives over the head with. But many of you just haven't learned that yet, like John McCain, you still think there is a way to reconcile differences and be bipartisan. LMFAO! Fools!
I've been doing a little reading, Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny is excellent, and I highly recommend it. I have also been burning up the email of Bobby Bright, my local representative. All the wrath and fury I once delivered here, has been redirected to my local nitwit politicians, because I view that as somewhat more important than educating Onzies on economics.

LOL. Imagine how much those staffers eyes roll every time they get all fifty of his daily letters. He sure has lots of important things to do alright.
First of all, I would like to say thanks to all who have messaged me, welcoming me back to the board. I'm not sure how long I will be here though, it may just be temporary. I have lots of important stuff going on in my life right now, and to be honest, coming here to argue with idiots is not a top priority. Even though I have not been posting, I have checked in at times, just to see what was being posted... same old garbage as usual. I honestly didn't think the left could become more insane, but they have certainly surpassed my expectations. I just mostly read through the thread topics and shake my head, can people really be this vacant in the head? Apparently so!

I've been doing a little reading, Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny is excellent, and I highly recommend it. I have also been burning up the email of Bobby Bright, my local representative. All the wrath and fury I once delivered here, has been redirected to my local nitwit politicians, because I view that as somewhat more important than educating Onzies on economics. So, to all of those who thought they had silenced Dixie, you merely turned Dixie into a vibrant political activist. I should thank you for that, but I won't, I should have done it a long time ago. In any event, my voice is now being heard by people who matter.

The most surprising thing I see here, is the so-called "moderates" still running around sucking liberal ass, trying to be liked by all. It's amazing they haven't yet figured it out, but I suppose they will in time. Placating some liberals position on an issue, is not winning you any favor, it is actually detrimental to the things you stand for. These people aren't interested in a debate, they don't give a fuck what you think, or how much you try to find common ground, they want no part of that. They are going to ram their viewpoint down your throat, and lie through their teeth about their love for democracy, while acting like a bunch of fascists. It doesn't matter if you throw them a bone of agreement now and then, to them, you are still pond scum NEOCONS, and nothing you can do will ever change that. As much as you need to be liked and accepted, they will never like or accept you, and they will use your olive branches to pound other conservatives over the head with. But many of you just haven't learned that yet, like John McCain, you still think there is a way to reconcile differences and be bipartisan. LMFAO! Fools!

Wow Dixie, I could have wrote most of this and I was actually thinking of writing something like this.
I also have lots of important stuff going on, family and my business is steadily improving. I've also been checking in every now and then, seeing the lefties blame the free market or business or Conservatives despite the fact that government grew massively under Bush and more massively under Obama, they all sound like they are the victims and have it bad.

I've been doing some reading as well, though of a different sort, I read
"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African"
An 18th century slave who became free and wrote his autobiography, a very full life and it just warms your heart to see that he has no interest in government doing anything but allowing freedom. Anybody can read it free here:

I also read "A year in Treblinka" and have been doing a lot of Holocaust related reading.

Like you I think I would be more interested in posting here if even one lefty would bend on wanting less government but for all the tolerance they think they possess, they are the most inflexible people there are and still lost to bitter cynicism and negativity. I can't honestly say I can remember one lefty changing their mind on anything. At some point you just think "Why am I bothering with this?". You almost get the feeling you are feeding them a little of life with indulging them in "debate" as they just seem so empty.
I've found a couple of other boards that I specifically chose where people are more open minded.

I think by the polls, moderates are already turning hugely against the Liberal Democrats. At some point the left will have to realize that they are in power because enough people in the middle wanted to punish the Repubs for high spending, NOT as a blank check for debt-oblivious leftoids to spend even more and pretend it is change.
The government grew like 1% of as a percentage of gross domestic product under Bush


And since that was mostly financed on debt it's retarded to say that it had any immediate negative economic impact.
I'll be honest here, you're no better than the 'lefties' you hate so much. You all seem to content with both sides fleecing the power away from you (the voting public) towards them (the government). This constant battle of control only paves the way for further injustices on both sides.
Wow Dixie, I could have wrote most of this and I was actually thinking of writing something like this.
I also have lots of important stuff going on, family and my business is steadily improving. I've also been checking in every now and then, seeing the lefties blame the free market or business or Conservatives despite the fact that government grew massively under Bush and more massively under Obama, they all sound like they are the victims and have it bad.

I've been doing some reading as well, though of a different sort, I read
"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African"
An 18th century slave who became free and wrote his autobiography, a very full life and it just warms your heart to see that he has no interest in government doing anything but allowing freedom. Anybody can read it free here:

I also read "A year in Treblinka" and have been doing a lot of Holocaust related reading.

Like you I think I would be more interested in posting here if even one lefty would bend on wanting less government but for all the tolerance they think they possess, they are the most inflexible people there are and still lost to bitter cynicism and negativity. I can't honestly say I can remember one lefty changing their mind on anything. At some point you just think "Why am I bothering with this?". You almost get the feeling you are feeding them a little of life with indulging them in "debate" as they just seem so empty.
I've found a couple of other boards that I specifically chose where people are more open minded.

I think by the polls, moderates are already turning hugely against the Liberal Democrats. At some point the left will have to realize that they are in power because enough people in the middle wanted to punish the Repubs for high spending, NOT as a blank check for debt-oblivious leftoids to spend even more and pretend it is change.
Dano! I thought I smelled a foul rotting stench. What you doing back here? Still making it easy for those on the left to look good? LOL
My guess is Dixie's been in jail for evading taxes, or in another set of divorce proceedings.
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I'll be honest here, you're no better than the 'lefties' you hate so much. You all seem to content with both sides fleecing the power away from you (the voting public) towards them (the government). This constant battle of control only paves the way for further injustices on both sides.
Bravo Cap'n Billy. At's wot aye says. Screw da partisan!! A pox on both howses!
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Dano! I thought I smelled a foul rotting stench. What you doing back here? Still making it easy for those on the left to look good? LOL
You know I do have a question for you, why do you call yourself a moderate?
Pretty much you agree with everything lefties on here say and you always have.
Obama and Dems have blown away all the records for huge spending that the Repubs set and have the massive generational destroying deficit to show for it, yet you are silent and don't really give a shit.

I mean why all these years just not be open and honest and just say that you are a Liberal, that there is nothing moderate about you and be done with it? Seriously.
The government grew like 1% of as a percentage of gross domestic product under Bush

Try putting that in the right context:

The budget grew from 2 trillion to 3.1 trillion under Bush, which is an over 50% increase in spending and the programs to show for it from the largest ever education spending increase to the social welfare pill bill.

And since that was mostly financed on debt it's retarded to say that it had any immediate negative economic impact.
I agree and never said that, in fact this is one of the worst things about leftwing welfare deficit spending - it's effects are felt long term and thus often overlooked.
War spending always ends, social welfare spending always grows.
Yes but most of the 50% increase was eaten up by inflation, GDP growth etc... which is why it only pans out to a 1% increase in terms of national income.

If we were actually feeling a 50% increase every decade, we'd need 50% tax increases or 50% cuts every decade, which is clearly absurd. As national income goes up, so does the cost of running the government.