So what has Dixie been up to lately?

No, good sir, it is not ME, or those like me. I most certainly am not a moderate, there are more then two lines of thought politically. Most would consider me a radical to be honest. The troubles are YOU and those like you, who are willing to settle for the lesser of two evils, which is what brought us to our current situation.

Not really. We have TWO parties in America. One of the TWO are going to control congress and the white house, and that is a fact of life we must accept, like it or not. You chose to throw your vote away on some ideologue principle, and that enabled the liberals, who voted in solidarity despite their differences, to control everything. It wasn't ME who caused that, I voted for the only other party that could defeat them, and you obviously didn't.
We have two parties in America.

Democrats: Far-right
Republicans: Neo-Nazi

Obama is a far right conservative, McCain is to the right of Hitler. The Republican party has gone places Hitler would've never dreamed of. It's an extremist organization, and it needs to be banned, and all it's supporters need to have their heads put on pikes and placed outside DC to warn future generations about what happens to people who despise freedom.
Not really. We have TWO parties in America. One of the TWO are going to control congress and the white house, and that is a fact of life we must accept, like it or not. You chose to throw your vote away on some ideologue principle, and that enabled the liberals, who voted in solidarity despite their differences, to control everything. It wasn't ME who caused that, I voted for the only other party that could defeat them, and you obviously didn't.

Your acceptance of it is a cog in the wheel of what empowers it. I believe that was Captains point. Him and I are not comfortable being a sheep in a flock with two shepherds.

We can actually think for ourselves.
Your acceptance of it is a cog in the wheel of what empowers it. I believe that was Captains point. Him and I are not comfortable being a sheep in a flock with two shepherds.

We can actually think for ourselves.

LOL... Well you are a sheep in the flock of ONE shepherd, a radical liberal socialist communist one. En-fuckin-joy! FOOL!
I plan on doing a thread on moderates soon, make sure to read it, because it will be you I am speaking to. Yes, I am much better than the lefties, even though I don't hate anyone. The only side doing any fleecing is the side who is currently in power, and that would be Democrats. There is no battle for control, Democrats swept the house, senate, and white house, Republicans are not in charge of anything at the moment. So where you get this convoluted bullshit is beyond me, perhaps you can explain yourself?
Well that comment is dripping with credibility [/sarcasm]. I didn't think that ya'll recognized moderates in right wing nut land. I thought there was only the righteous right and the unwashed commie pinko socialist bogeymen?
You and I haven't spoken much so I'll do you the favor of pointing out I am anything but moderate. I simply don't play party lines, and feel that anyone who does (for example you) is content to with the status quo. Yes the Democratic party is currently in control of both the executive and legislative branch, but in all honesty I'm having a hard time distinguishing the end result of either. Both are actively working towards a larger dominance of our every day lives, though through different angles. I don't believe this is some government conspiracy, or that more than MAYBE 10 government officials are trying to gain more power. It's short sightedness, fear, and pandering to the lowest common denominator that are leading us on what looks to be an irreversible path towards nothing but more of the same or worse.

Anyways I'm getting long winded so in short, playing the party line is NEVER good and only undermines what our country was founded on.
Trust me on this one Cap'n. Compared to Dixie you're almost a communist! LOL
Not really. We have TWO parties in America.
No we actually have a lot more
One of the TWO are going to control congress and the white house, and that is a fact of life we must accept, like it or not.
No I don't like it and I refuse to accept that, as that is defeatism.
You chose to throw your vote away on some ideologue principle,
That is the opposite of a wasted vote actually.
and that enabled the liberals, who voted in solidarity despite their differences, to control everything. It wasn't ME who caused that, I voted for the only other party that could defeat them, and you obviously didn't.
No you voted for the status quo. Keep everything the same. Pander to the lesser of two evils until one party would put up Hitler and the other Stalin. Who would you choose then? It is NOT a two party system, never was meant to be, and you DO have other options.
Your acceptance of it is a cog in the wheel of what empowers it. I believe that was Captains point. Him and I are not comfortable being a sheep in a flock with two shepherds.

We can actually think for ourselves.
Beefy, you'll never make it as a true right wing conservative Republican making comments like that. How dare you think for your self. Isn't that the job of fearless leaders like Rush, Beck and Rove?
No we actually have a lot more
No I don't like it and I refuse to accept that, as that is defeatism.
That is the opposite of a wasted vote actually.

No you voted for the status quo. Keep everything the same. Pander to the lesser of two evils until one party would put up Hitler and the other Stalin. Who would you choose then? It is NOT a two party system, never was meant to be, and you DO have other options.
Cap'n, understand that Dixie doesn't use the standard definitions of political science. His sources are along the lines of Rush, Beck and Hannity.

In reality you are much closer to a true conservative where as Dixie, who thinks he is a conservative, is in reality a right wing political reactionary (I do not mean that in the pejorative sense either). So by Dixie's standing those who are willing to compromise, for the common good, away from a far right wing ideological agenda are apostates and thus, by his standards, not good conservatives but should be villified as evil liberal pinheads.

By Dixie's way of thinking a true conservative like John McCain is a wishy washy left leaning moderate and a left leaning centrist like President Obama is a communist.
And the main two are any better?
No but don't be niave. We do not have proportional representation in our elections. We have "winner takes all" elections. Due to that, third party coalitions tend to be wasted votes because they rarely demonstrate the ability to build a winning coalition/constituencies. For all their faults and failures the two major parties do have that ability.

When, as a Republican, I became alienated by the disproportionate power and authority that the far right wing of the Republican party had co-opted I first decided to go third party and as those of us who voted for Perot remember that was a big mistake. So I went back to voting Republican hoping I could help build a rational voice of sanity in the party. Then Bush was elected and things went to hell real quickly then.

The reality is, if you go third party that you can do one of two things. You can build a winning coalition that will unseat one of the existing political parties (that has happened twice before in our early history) or you can accomplish nothing. With out proportional democracy you are limited to those choices and the first choice, obviously, is not very viable and the second choice not viable at all.

That leaves you with the other alternative, focus on one or more of the coalitions within one of the existing parties and work towards positive change within either for those coalitions.

To me that became the more sound and affective choice and is why I switched from being a moderate Republican to being a Blue Dog Democrat. I lost hope of the right wing Republicans being brought into some semblance or proportionality unless certain coalition members of the Republican party would abandon the party and thus place them into the political wilderness as a minority party. That's the only affective way I can see of bringing change and reform to the Republican party.

As for third parties, agian, as long as we do not have proportional representation in our country, third parties are, in general, a waste of time and effort.
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The reality is, if you go third party that you can do one of two things. You can build a winning coalition that will unseat one of the existing political parties (that has happened twice before in our early history) or you can accomplish nothing. With out proportional democracy you are limited to those choices and the first choice, obviously, is not very viable.

The Liberals in Britain have existed for more than 80 years without managing to replace either party. So you can obviously exist in limbo if you're entrenched long enough. Survival in a winner take all system really depends a lot more on how entrenched you can make yourself - sure, the LD's in Britian don't win as many seats as there votes would suggest, but a brand new party polling 20% of the vote in America or Britian probably wouldn't gain ANY.
No but don't be niave. We do not have proportional representation in our elections. We have "winner takes all" elections. Due to that, third party coalitions tend to be wasted votes because they rarely demonstrate the ability to build a winning coalition/constituencies. For all their faults and failures the two major parties do have that ability.

When, as a Republican, I became alienated by the disproportionate power and authority that the far right wing of the Republican party had co-opted I first decided to go third party and as those of us who voted for Perot remember that was a big mistake. So I went back to voting Republican hoping I could help build a rational voice of sanity in the party. Then Bush was elected and things went to hell real quickly then.

The reality is, if you go third party that you can do one of two things. You can build a winning coalition that will unseat one of the existing political parties (that has happened twice before in our early history) or you can accomplish nothing. With out proportional democracy you are limited to those choices and the first choice, obviously, is not very viable.

That leaves you with the other alternative, focus on one or more of the coalitions within one of the existing parties and work towards positive change within either for those coalitions.

To me that became the more sound and affective choice and is why I switched from being a moderate Republican to being a Blue Dog Democrat. I lost hope of the right wing Republicans being brought into some semblance or proportionality unless certain coalition members of the Republican party would abandon the party and thus place them into the political wilderness as a minority party. That's the only affective way I can see of bringing change and reform to the Republican party.

As for third parties, agian, as long as we do not have proportional representation in our country, third parties are, in general, a waste of time and effort.

For the moment, you are right. On a national level third party votes equal little. At the LOCAL level however, is where third parties can come into their own now. I always think of things in the long term, not the immediate. You don't fix a problem that has been brewing for 50 years in one four year term or one election cycle.So my thoughts have alwasy been build third parties up locally. Then move on to states. And when that happens you can see where it will go.
I'll post wherever I damn well please, and you can suck my balls, bitch!
