So what has Dixie been up to lately?

Yes but most of the 50% increase was eaten up by inflation, GDP growth etc... which is why it only pans out to a 1% increase in terms of national income.

If we were actually feeling a 50% increase every decade, we'd need 50% tax increases or 50% cuts every decade, which is clearly absurd. As national income goes up, so does the cost of running the government.
Bull fucking shit, it is not national income going up that warranted a social welfare bill that has government paying for drugs for seniors, nor for NCLB, nor for war, nor for bailouts and nor for this massive socialist overhaul of the healthcare system.
You are pretending that government is just merrily going along funding the same things it always did but just funding them more because of the increase in GDP and population.
They are constantly doing MORE NEW things, and you would have larger spending cuts or tax increases even without those but we are funding so much of it with debt. At some point that debt will be called in, the threat of the scope of what that would do is not going to keep borrowers at bay forever.
First of all...
I'm have way through Liberty and Tyranny myself, and have Glenn Becks "Arguing with Idiots" on deck (although I may have to wait for my sone to be done with it first). You should have seen the look on the clerk's face at B&N when I set those in front of him. That was worth the price of admission right there.

As usual you're spot-on with your post, this time with the assessment of the libtards on this board, as well as the republipukes who bend over for the liberals now in power.

Bull fucking shit, it is not national income going up that warranted a social welfare bill that has government paying for drugs for seniors, nor for NCLB, nor for war, nor for bailouts and nor for this massive socialist overhaul of the healthcare system.
You are pretending that government is just merrily going along funding the same things it always did but just funding them more because of the increase in GDP and population.
They are constantly doing MORE NEW things, and you would have larger spending cuts or tax increases even without those but we are funding so much of it with debt. At some point that debt will be called in, the threat of the scope of what that would do is not going to keep borrowers at bay forever.

Just trying to put things in perspective Dano.

The main reason we've been able to afford more government programs without significantly increasing spending since the 90's is the cut in military spending due to the end of the cold war. If you'll notice, Clinton put most of the savings into paying down the debt, while Bush raised spending levels almost to Reagan levels with his wars and social spending. The deficit has also gone back up to that point because he also had huge tax breaks at the same time.

But the medicare drug benefit was about 50 billion a year... which just isn't all that huge. And I agree, personally. Medical coverage should include drugs, no matter the cost.

The stimulus and bailouts were definitely new and huge spending that jumped the chart up to about 27% of the economy (the chart I posted doesn't show this increase) in government spending... which is definitely been the highest its been since WWII. But it was in response to the biggest economic catastrophe since WWII, but it's a temporary measure.

The war cost a lot but hopefully it's winding down.
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Just trying to put things in perspective Dano.

The main reason we've been able to afford more government programs without significantly increasing spending since the 90's is the cut in military spending due to the end of the cold war. If you'll notice, Clinton put most of the savings into paying down the debt, while Bush raised spending levels almost to Reagan levels with his wars and social spending. The deficit has also gone back up to that point because he also had huge tax breaks at the same time.

But the medicare drug benefit was about 50 billion a year... which just isn't all that huge. And I agree, personally. Medical coverage should include drugs, no matter the cost.

The stimulus and bailouts were definitely new and huge spending that jumped the chart up to about 27% of the economy in government spending... which is definitely been the highest its been since WWII. But it was in response to the biggest economic catastrophe since WWII, but it's a temporary measure.

The war cost a lot but hopefully it's winding down.

why do you conveniently leave out that one of the wars obama is....expanding....? yet not a peep from you about that spending.....
why do you conveniently leave out that one of the wars obama is....expanding....? yet not a peep from you about that spending.....

I said hopefully they'll be winding down. I don't think that's going to happen any time soon though. Maybe the Iraq war, but the Afghan war is going to go on at least a few more years even with a surge.

Here's a "socialist indicator" that includes Obama's current spending and his predicted spending in the future (which, I assume, doesn't include the costs from the health plan).
I said hopefully they'll be winding down. I don't think that's going to happen any time soon though. Maybe the Iraq war, but the Afghan war is going to go on at least a few more years even with a surge.

then i am sure we can expect you to criticize obama, like you have bush, for his spending in the afghan war...... :rolleyes:
I'll be honest here, you're no better than the 'lefties' you hate so much. You all seem to content with both sides fleecing the power away from you (the voting public) towards them (the government). This constant battle of control only paves the way for further injustices on both sides.

I plan on doing a thread on moderates soon, make sure to read it, because it will be you I am speaking to. Yes, I am much better than the lefties, even though I don't hate anyone. The only side doing any fleecing is the side who is currently in power, and that would be Democrats. There is no battle for control, Democrats swept the house, senate, and white house, Republicans are not in charge of anything at the moment. So where you get this convoluted bullshit is beyond me, perhaps you can explain yourself?
I plan on doing a thread on moderates soon, make sure to read it, because it will be you I am speaking to. Yes, I am much better than the lefties, even though I don't hate anyone. The only side doing any fleecing is the side who is currently in power, and that would be Democrats. There is no battle for control, Democrats swept the house, senate, and white house, Republicans are not in charge of anything at the moment. So where you get this convoluted bullshit is beyond me, perhaps you can explain yourself?

You and I haven't spoken much so I'll do you the favor of pointing out I am anything but moderate. I simply don't play party lines, and feel that anyone who does (for example you) is content to with the status quo. Yes the Democratic party is currently in control of both the executive and legislative branch, but in all honesty I'm having a hard time distinguishing the end result of either. Both are actively working towards a larger dominance of our every day lives, though through different angles. I don't believe this is some government conspiracy, or that more than MAYBE 10 government officials are trying to gain more power. It's short sightedness, fear, and pandering to the lowest common denominator that are leading us on what looks to be an irreversible path towards nothing but more of the same or worse.

Anyways I'm getting long winded so in short, playing the party line is NEVER good and only undermines what our country was founded on.
You and I haven't spoken much so I'll do you the favor of pointing out I am anything but moderate. I simply don't play party lines, and feel that anyone who does (for example you) is content to with the status quo. Yes the Democratic party is currently in control of both the executive and legislative branch, but in all honesty I'm having a hard time distinguishing the end result of either. Both are actively working towards a larger dominance of our every day lives, though through different angles. I don't believe this is some government conspiracy, or that more than MAYBE 10 government officials are trying to gain more power. It's short sightedness, fear, and pandering to the lowest common denominator that are leading us on what looks to be an irreversible path towards nothing but more of the same or worse.

Anyways I'm getting long winded so in short, playing the party line is NEVER good and only undermines what our country was founded on.

I don't know what you are, that is true. I assumed you were a moderate because you are using the typical moderate/libertarian line about "both sides are bad" and I've heard it long enough. There is one political party pulling all the strings right now, controlling more and more of your everyday life, and it ain't republicans, they are powerless. Now you can spew your moderate/libertarian bullshit all you like, it's a free country (for now), but you are nothing more than a useful idiot for the left. So we may as well call you a commie socialist scum sucking liberal, because that is precisely what your position enables to remain in power.
I don't know what you are, that is true. I assumed you were a moderate because you are using the typical moderate/libertarian line about "both sides are bad" and I've heard it long enough. There is one political party pulling all the strings right now, controlling more and more of your everyday life, and it ain't republicans, they are powerless. Now you can spew your moderate/libertarian bullshit all you like, it's a free country (for now), but you are nothing more than a useful idiot for the left. So we may as well call you a commie socialist scum sucking liberal, because that is precisely what your position enables to remain in power.

Clearly civility isn't in your blood. That's fine.

Again, regardless of who is in power currently (yes that would not be the Republican party, you are correct there), both currently usurp power away from the American people. The Republicans through continuation and expansion of the war on drugs, the Democrats through increasing government programs. Both rarely cut spending, choose which parts of the constitution they want to protect, and rarely work with anyone outside their constituents.
Clearly civility isn't in your blood. That's fine.

Again, regardless of who is in power currently (yes that would not be the Republican party, you are correct there), both currently usurp power away from the American people. The Republicans through continuation and expansion of the war on drugs, the Democrats through increasing government programs. Both rarely cut spending, choose which parts of the constitution they want to protect, and rarely work with anyone outside their constituents.

So your answer is, to rag on both parties, and allow liberals to remain the dominate power because you are too stupid to figure it out? As I said, we may as well call you a liberal, because that is what your position enables to remain in power. Sooner or later, people like you are going to figure out, it's liberal socialist communists who oppose democracy, capitalism, free market economy, and support statism and Marxist policies, and then there is the rest of us who don't support that. We can disagree on a lot of stuff, but as long as moderate enablers try to play the middle of the road line, the liberals remain in full control of our government.

I understand, republicans botched it big time, they squandered their opportunity to forward conservative principles, and it began with George H.W. Bush. I got that.. but that is over now, ancient history. What we face now, is an America under communist socialist control, and it is all the result of people like yourself, refusing to stand against it. Don't try to blame ME for that, it is YOU who enable the liberals. So... you are a liberal, like it or not.
So your answer is, to rag on both parties, and allow liberals to remain the dominate power because you are too stupid to figure it out? As I said, we may as well call you a liberal, because that is what your position enables to remain in power. Sooner or later, people like you are going to figure out, it's liberal socialist communists who oppose democracy, capitalism, free market economy, and support statism and Marxist policies, and then there is the rest of us who don't support that. We can disagree on a lot of stuff, but as long as moderate enablers try to play the middle of the road line, the liberals remain in full control of our government.

I understand, republicans botched it big time, they squandered their opportunity to forward conservative principles, and it began with George H.W. Bush. I got that.. but that is over now, ancient history. What we face now, is an America under communist socialist control, and it is all the result of people like yourself, refusing to stand against it. Don't try to blame ME for that, it is YOU who enable the liberals. So... you are a liberal, like it or not.

No, good sir, it is not ME, or those like me. I most certainly am not a moderate, there are more then two lines of thought politically. Most would consider me a radical to be honest. The troubles are YOU and those like you, who are willing to settle for the lesser of two evils, which is what brought us to our current situation.
I understand, republicans botched it big time, they squandered their opportunity to forward conservative principles, and it began with George H.W. Bush. I got that.. but that is over now, ancient history. What we face now, is an America under communist socialist control, and it is all the result of people like yourself, refusing to stand against it. Don't try to blame ME for that, it is YOU who enable the liberals. So... you are a liberal, like it or not.

Captain's point stands either way fool. You voted with those that "botched it big time" right down the line, up to and including John McCain. Now if that isn't a case in point, then you don't know what "case in point" means.
Captain's point stands either way fool. You voted with those that "botched it big time" right down the line, up to and including John McCain. Now if that isn't a case in point, then you don't know what "case in point" means.

Welp... it was either McCain or Communist Socialist Fascist Democrats. I'm not positive McCain would have been any different, but there was the outside chance.