So whats for dinner....?

So did I did I...

Wendy's, Taco Bell, or Dominos Pizza.

I eat like shit. In a fair world, I would be a fatass.

But life's not fair, so I can eat burgers, wings, pizzas, and hotdogs five times a day and keep my dashing figure while some poor sap munches on some fries once a week and looks like a lump of lard.

In my late teens and twenties...Military and college days...but life is good now...carry on and you too can eat BBQ and enjoy the scenery of your Golden Years...that is if socialism remains defeated...get the drift grasshopper?
If not enjoy Mickey D's all your life...carry back to stoke the bbq!:cof1:
Tonights menu...........

Baked lemon/herb chicken..mashed potatoes with brown gravy...Chefs salad and a beer or socialist taco bell for me...I will leave that to y'all struggling college kids...:clink:
Baked lemon/herb chicken..mashed potatoes with brown gravy...Chefs salad and a beer or socialist taco bell for me...I will leave that to y'all struggling college kids...:clink:

Struggling to learn to cook anything as awesome as lemon chicken, maybe.

Taco Bell is pretty affordable. :)
Originally Posted by uscitizen
so why did you vote for Bush twice ?

HaHa....I'm glad this got bumped ladyt.

It cracks me up.

Its' probably going down in history as one of the greatest and most perplexing questions of the century: Why did you vote for Bush twice?
The great philosophical questions of our generation:

Who are we?

Why are we here?

Why did I vote for Bush twice?
Whatever USC.............

Hey old man keep this was aimed at BB....
Keep up.

Sorry but if you tried to hit me like ya did the Nam...well ya would have had a really black eye...nice try though...Mr.Court Martial...try pizza next