So whats for dinner....?

Sorry but if you tried to hit me like ya did the Nam...well ya would have had a really black eye...nice try though...Mr.Court Martial...try pizza next

Umm some of have recovered from Nam and have moved on in life BB.
Just keep limping along on that nam card.
Nice try at a diversion from your stupidity though.
No dip shit...........

Umm some of have recovered from Nam and have moved on in life BB.
Just keep limping along on that nam card.
Nice try at a diversion from your stupidity though.

Ya love to attack me on the internet...along with Ms.Code Pink...ya are both losers....never did anything in life constructive..but hey this is the liberal loser operandi...stir the pot then run like ya did in Nam..ala Lt.Kerry!
LOL, yep a loser. secure finiancially no debts, half owner in a pretty nice business.
very well respected in my community.

And the women swarm to this kind of loser. What is your problem ?
Whatever you say USC........

LOL, yep a loser. secure finiancially no debts, half owner in a pretty nice business.
very well respected in my community.

And the women swarm to this kind of loser. What is your problem ?

Plays well with the darla types..but hey I have your number...Mr.Loser!:cof1:
Oh well if the darla types are what I like then.....

Those who go for the glitz and glamour will wind up holding a handfull of air.

Just call the the happy loser :D
Well from your perspective anyway, not that your perspective matters to me.

Oh well if the darla types are what I like then.....

Those who go for the glitz and glamour will wind up holding a handfull of air.

Just call the the happy loser :D
Well from your perspective anyway, not that your perspective matters to me.

I dedicate the song...'Hand Jive' you and darla...have a nice the singer and you get nothing!
Umm, a lady friend just brought me over Brocolli casserole and other goodies for supper. And gave me a certain look...
Later dude, got more important things to do that argue with a fellow loser :)

Fish and chips..with a Italian salad and of course a couple of cold brewskies!

Had a bad morning the kitchen sink plumbing went south and layed a carpet of water all over the kitchen floor...sometimes it sucks to be retired...fixed income and all...I had to fix it...plumbers charge way too much...damn if I thought more clearly I could have called TAPS!...and said I had a poltergeist or a mean haunting...maybe they would have come over and fixed it for me !
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Fish and chips..with a Italian salad and of course a couple of cold brewskies!

Had a bad morning the kitchen sink plumbing went south and layed a carpet of water all over the kitchen floor...sometimes it sucks to be retired...fixed income and all...I had to fix it...plumbers charge way too much...damn if I thought more clearly I could have called TAPS!...and said I had a polterguise or a mean haunting...maybe they would have come over and fixed it for me !

Moose meat Sloppy Joe's! Son is craving some SJ's!