So who has reported their "casual conversations" to the White House?

It is so much more enjoyable having that idiot on ignore. Someone tell me if he ever actually contributes anything beneficial. Then I might consider removing him.

I have him on ignore as well and I agree with you. I just happened to see his post when someone else quoted him. I couldn't hold back.
You know, you'd have to have known the vicious crones (as they came to be known) during the bush years to know just how hysterically, and poetically, funny this whole thing is.

The three of them, ID, Tutu, and Loyal, all routinely claimed to have reported liberals. They in fact, used to start whole threads about how the SS would be paying this one or that one a visit. They once claimed to have reported Ornot, because something he wrote they twisted into "a direct threat against the life of the President".

They were 100% on board with the whole "Americans need to watch what they say" narrative, and they claimed that liberal speech was "encouraging the terrorists" and that "the terrorists loved it".

I warned, time and again, that someday, these expanded exec powers would fall into the hands of a Democrat. I told them that they had fallen victim to the "democrats are pussies" narrative being pushed by the right wing. I told them to study their history and read up on LBJ. If they ever saw another LBJ take power, they were going to be in big trouble.

Lo and behold...

Unfortuntely, I don't believe that Obama is anything like LBJ ( I could only wish). But he's black. As much as they never dreamed of a hard-charging, take no prisoners, son of a bitch, Democrat rising to power, they 1000 times more never dreamed it'd be a black man. The mere fact of his race, has caused them to go apeshit insane and start screaming "HE THINKS HE'S A KING HE'S GOING TO MURDER YOUR MAMA OH LORD SAVE US, SAVE US LORD".

And I am laughing my ass off and enjoying every moment of it.

I can only hope that soon, we do get a real manipulative, sneaky, mf'er as a democratic president, who will really weild the power they so slavishly handed over to Bush, panting that they'd give him more, more more, more, just ask master.

Because that'd be even funnier.

But for now? This is good. Man is this good. :)

Darla, official Obama Death Panelist
You know, you'd have to have known the vicious crones (as they came to be known) during the bush years to know just how hysterically, and poetically, funny this whole thing is.

The three of them, ID, Tutu, and Loyal, all routinely claimed to have reported liberals. They in fact, used to start whole threads about how the SS would be paying this one or that one a visit. They once claimed to have reported Ornot, because something he wrote they twisted into "a direct threat against the life of the President".

They were 100% on board with the whole "Americans need to watch what they say" narrative, and they claimed that liberal speech was "encouraging the terrorists" and that "the terrorists loved it".

I warned, time and again, that someday, these expanded exec powers would fall into the hands of a Democrat. I told them that they had fallen victim to the "democrats are pussies" narrative being pushed by the right wing. I told them to study their history and read up on LBJ. If they ever saw another LBJ take power, they were going to be in big trouble.

Lo and behold...

Unfortuntely, I don't believe that Obama is anything like LBJ ( I could only wish). But he's black. As much as they never dreamed of a hard-charging, take no prisoners, son of a bitch, Democrat rising to power, they 1000 times more never dreamed it'd be a black man. The mere fact of his race, has caused them to go apeshit insane and start screaming "HE THINKS HE'S A KING HE'S GOING TO MURDER YOUR MAMA OH LORD SAVE US, SAVE US LORD".

And I am laughing my ass off and enjoying every moment of it.

I can only hope that soon, we do get a real manipulative, sneaky, mf'er as a democratic president, who will really weild the power they so slavishly handed over to Bush, panting that they'd give him more, more more, more, just ask master.

Because that'd be even funnier.

But for now? This is good. Man is this good. :)

Darla, official Obama Death Panelist

You lying old drama queen. It was you and Prak who talked about taking your hard drives to the FBI...LOL We capped on Prak routinely for his BS . The only time I ever turned you in was to the AOL nothingness.

I do have law enforcement friends who I discussed you with regarding your calling my home and posting my personal info, but I never claimed to turn you in apart from an AOL post I forwarded to the SBA because you posted info about a loan I had received from them. You really are a fat ugly bitch in her mid 40's living at home with mamma pretending to be living with Prak. I know this darla, because after your calling my home and making threats I made it my business to know where both you and Park are at all times. You can peddle your BS lies here, but I get to challenge them. :)
You know, you'd have to have known the vicious crones (as they came to be known) during the bush years to know just how hysterically, and poetically, funny this whole thing is.

The three of them, ID, Tutu, and Loyal, all routinely claimed to have reported liberals. They in fact, used to start whole threads about how the SS would be paying this one or that one a visit. They once claimed to have reported Ornot, because something he wrote they twisted into "a direct threat against the life of the President".

They were 100% on board with the whole "Americans need to watch what they say" narrative, and they claimed that liberal speech was "encouraging the terrorists" and that "the terrorists loved it".

I warned, time and again, that someday, these expanded exec powers would fall into the hands of a Democrat. I told them that they had fallen victim to the "democrats are pussies" narrative being pushed by the right wing. I told them to study their history and read up on LBJ. If they ever saw another LBJ take power, they were going to be in big trouble.

Lo and behold...

Unfortuntely, I don't believe that Obama is anything like LBJ ( I could only wish). But he's black. As much as they never dreamed of a hard-charging, take no prisoners, son of a bitch, Democrat rising to power, they 1000 times more never dreamed it'd be a black man. The mere fact of his race, has caused them to go apeshit insane and start screaming "HE THINKS HE'S A KING HE'S GOING TO MURDER YOUR MAMA OH LORD SAVE US, SAVE US LORD".

And I am laughing my ass off and enjoying every moment of it.

I can only hope that soon, we do get a real manipulative, sneaky, mf'er as a democratic president, who will really weild the power they so slavishly handed over to Bush, panting that they'd give him more, more more, more, just ask master.

Because that'd be even funnier.

But for now? This is good. Man is this good. :)

Darla, official Obama Death Panelist

You seem to forget that it was you and Prak that said you boh were reporting posters to the SECRET SERVICE.


You really need to stick with what you know best and that's begging $20 for cab fare, off of those gullible enough to believe you, and engaging in phone sex, while your most recent boyfriend is in the next room.
You lying old drama queen. It was you and Prak who talked about taking your hard drives to the FBI...LOL We capped on Prak routinely for his BS . The only time I ever turned you in was to the AOL nothingness.

I do have law enforcement friends who I discussed you with regarding your calling my home and posting my personal info, but I never claimed to turn you in apart from an AOL post I forwarded to the SBA because you posted info about a loan I had received from them. You really are a fat ugly bitch in her mid 40's living at home with mamma pretending to be living with Prak. I know this darla, because after your calling my home and making threats I made it my business to know where both you and Park are at all times. You can peddle your BS lies here, but I get to challenge them. :)

Nah, it was you. I never took you idiots seriously enough to bother the SS or the FBI, or even aol, with. Another rewrite.

Alec, I think you really believe that I care about you going around with this bs. I do live with my mother. I love living with my mother. I hope i never have to move out, though she has mentioned my being out by the time I'm 50. I'm hoping as it gets closer she has a change of heart though. Of course I'm fat! She is one hell of a cook. Italian you know. She still brings me food 6 times a day. In my bedroom. She even makes my bed. Who has it better than me?

No matter where I live, or who I live with (Prak? LOL), I go to bed every night with a peaceful mind. I have nothing keeping me awake all night.

I know you can't say the same. :)
Speaking of being prosecuted for threats on this board, I wonder what ever happened to KingRaw?

Now there was a psychotic personality if I have ever seen one.
Nah, it was you. I never took you idiots seriously enough to bother the SS or the FBI, or even aol, with. Another rewrite.

Alec, I think you really believe that I care about you going around with this bs. I do live with my mother. I love living with my mother. I hope i never have to move out, though she has mentioned my being out by the time I'm 50. I'm hoping as it gets closer she has a change of heart though. Of course I'm fat! She is one hell of a cook. Italian you know. She still brings me food 6 times a day. In my bedroom. She even makes my bed. Who has it better than me?

No matter where I live, or who I live with (Prak? LOL), I go to bed every night with a peaceful mind. I have nothing keeping me awake all night.

I know you can't say the same. :)

You swallow your own shit Roseanne? Looks like it.

Every time you bring this shit up unsolicited, proves it bothers you and bothers you BIG TIME. What's it this time Roseanne? What's got the bee in your bonnet where you're just chomping at the bit to introduce it in to any old conversation?

Back your fat-mouthed comment up about me reporting a liberal anywhere, Roseanne.

I will remind you, TaylorBranchy, of your boasting about being on the steps of the courthouse in Seattle when Prak brought his case, alongside the AG for the state of Washington whom he boasted was fully behind him, and how you would be there to confront us on those steps.

Too bad Roseanne. We would have loved to have rolled your fat ass right down them.

It would be then, and only then you would be thanking Mama for her great Italian cooking and those six meals a day.
You swallow your own shit Roseanne? Looks like it.

Every time you bring this shit up unsolicited, proves it bothers you and bothers you BIG TIME. What's it this time Roseanne? What's got the bee in your bonnet where you're just chomping at the bit to introduce it in to any old conversation?

Back your fat-mouthed comment up about me reporting a liberal anywhere, Roseanne.

I will remind you, TaylorBranchy, of your boasting about being on the steps of the courthouse in Seattle when Prak brought his case, alongside the AG for the state of Washington whom he boasted was fully behind him, and how you would be there to confront us on those steps.

Too bad Roseanne. We would have loved to have rolled your fat ass right down them.

It would be then, and only then you would be thanking Mama for her great Italian cooking and those six meals a day.

Hahahaha! Yeah, it bothered her so little that after she got her fat ass out of bed she made a bee-line for this thread.

You nailed her with the Roseanne Barr comparison...I can just hear her now instead of DAAAAAAAAN! It's DAAAAAAAAMO make them shut-up!
Nah, it was you. I never took you idiots seriously enough to bother the SS or the FBI, or even aol, with. Another rewrite.

Alec, I think you really believe that I care about you going around with this bs. I do live with my mother. I love living with my mother. I hope i never have to move out, though she has mentioned my being out by the time I'm 50. I'm hoping as it gets closer she has a change of heart though. Of course I'm fat! She is one hell of a cook. Italian you know. She still brings me food 6 times a day. In my bedroom. She even makes my bed. Who has it better than me?

No matter where I live, or who I live with (Prak? LOL), I go to bed every night with a peaceful mind. I have nothing keeping me awake all night.

I know you can't say the same. :)

DAMN, you need to grow up and be an adult.
Try walking your fat ass to the table and make your own bed, you lazy bitch.
Anyone notice how Damo has toned down his anti Obama rhetoric since threads started getting "reported"? Smart guy that Damo.
If such were the case wouldn't it prove Onceler wrong on his, "Is anybody afraid" thread?

Sounds like USC/Dimwit/Whomever has had his little pee-pee whacked a time or two too much from the bailiff.

He's sounding a little pouty and petulant.
