You have been duped by rightwing media personalities
you will never find a single thing I say to be false
You have been duped by rightwing media personalities
A chunk of SS supports the disabled and those unable to work. It will also help those whose wage earner dies young. Paul Ryan's father died young and SS helped him get by and go to college. He spent his career trying to end SS. I suppose rightys hate it because they really do not care about the people at the bottom or the old.
If the workforce cannot cover it, its benefits will be cut to match. It is not allowed to touch the treasury for shortages.
A chunk of SS supports the disabled and those unable to work. It will also help those whose wage earner dies young. Paul Ryan's father died young and SS helped him get by and go to college. He spent his career trying to end SS. I suppose rightys hate it because they really do not care about the people at the bottom or the old.
SS is over 80 years old and has never missed a check. They are run on a slice of their revenue.
SS cannot go broke because it pays benefits from the existing workers. If the workforce cannot cover it, its benefits will be cut to match. It is not allowed to touch the treasury for shortages.
When the baby boomers came along, there were going to be shortages. They increased the paycheck rates to cover them. In short, the boomers paid ahead for their own SS. They built a 3 billion dollar pool to cover them.
Paul Ryan was especially disgusting in that position. Once he got his then no one else could get it. (Even worse when you realize Ryan's family money comes from mostly government contracts as his war on all things governmental spending was so ironic).
And we need to keep that. But if we keep funding the military to the tune of being larger than the next 10 militaries combined we will have to run out of money at SOME point.
you said it is the average of your lifetime earnings which is not true. Many of us work for almost 50 years - but the top 35 (adjusted for inflation) is used
A chunk of SS supports the disabled and those unable to work. It will also help those whose wage earner dies young. Paul Ryan's father died young and SS helped him get by and go to college. He spent his career trying to end SS. I suppose rightys hate it because they really do not care about the people at the bottom or the old.
SS is over 80 years old and has never missed a check. They are run on a slice of their revenue.
SS cannot go broke because it pays benefits from the existing workers. If the workforce cannot cover it, its benefits will be cut to match. It is not allowed to touch the treasury for shortages.
When the baby boomers came along, there were going to be shortages. They increased the paycheck rates to cover them. In short, the boomers paid ahead for their own SS. They built a 3 billion dollar pool to cover them.
Semantics. Doesn't matter. Anyone who has earned enough credits to receive the highest allowable monthly social security benefit will get exactly the same amount as Mr. Soros with all of his billions. Assuming, that is, that he paid into the system and is now a recipient.
If Grandmother worked 45 years at low-paying jobs, she will receive less than Mr. Soros. It's not rocket science. Why you are trying to make an argument out of it makes no sense. Have fun fighting with yourself.
A chunk of SS supports the disabled and those unable to work. It will also help those whose wage earner dies young. Paul Ryan's father died young and SS helped him get by and go to college. He spent his career trying to end SS. I suppose rightys hate it because they really do not care about the people at the bottom or the old.
SS is over 80 years old and has never missed a check. They are run on a slice of their revenue.
SS cannot go broke because it pays benefits from the existing workers. If the workforce cannot cover it, its benefits will be cut to match. It is not allowed to touch the treasury for shortages.
When the baby boomers came along, there were going to be shortages. They increased the paycheck rates to cover them. In short, the boomers paid ahead for their own SS. They built a 3 billion dollar pool to cover them.
you will never find a single thing I say to be false
Leftists will only run out of money when they run out of ink and paper.
you said it is the average of your lifetime earnings which is not true. Many of us work for almost 50 years - but the top 35 (adjusted for inflation) is used
You mean like calling people who prove you wrong "shitstains"?
SS is the third rail of American politics, and minor modifications will always be made to keep it functional.
You DO realize that every time a republican gets in the Oval Office the spending GOES UP, right?
you will never find a single thing I say to be false
It's bad internet form to pat yourself on the back and do an end zone dance for merely making some minor, technical point that does not invalidate the collective statement that SS benefits are calculated based on your work history.
Yup. We all heard that. And the minute I hear that some finance-obsessed bean counter has to do the same job as me to not retire in penury I'll believe that it is a fair system.
As one commentator I once heard say: we are all forced into the stock market in order to provide the capital that finance folks play their risky games with. They need the unwashed masses putting money into the system. And since not every person in the US is a financial maven the financial sector games players are counting on that money just sitting there.
I have no clue how to read the stock market but my entire future existence is a function of that. That's why I want finance people to have to do MY JOB as well so they can face this kind of fear.
are you.....GOD?
it is bad internet form to not acknowledge you are wrong
bui you shit stains would have to quit your job if that was required
Congratulations for making a minor technical point and doing an end zone dance but which doesn't actually change the trajectory of the discussion or undermine the concept that SS benefits are calculated based on work history.