Social security, a landmark liberal achievement

Are you retired??? What about your Parents???? Just think someday you will be retired, if not already and you will benefit from SS.

by benefit you mean I will get back some of what I contributed. The chances of me living long enough to actually benefit is pretty laughable - you must be one of those dolts that are not aware that for this type of scheme, some benefit, but not all can.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Employees have 7.65% deducted for SS and Medicare each paycheck. Their employers pay another 7.65% into the system for each employee. This tells us right off why the Repukes are so interested in abolishing the plans. Employers would LOVE it, and pocket all that extra cash.

The whiners who are currently working and feeling resentful about those deductions might stop to consider how much less money they would be taking home if they had to pay the entire 15.3% themselves, in addition to whatever 401(k) or IRA plan they have.

That is a very good point; one rarely heard, yet extremely in favor of keeping SS. No wonder greedy corporations, particularly those with a lot of low paid workers, would like to see SS scrapped. Reduce labor cost by 7.65%? Oh, yeah, they want that.
Either you or her lawyers are doing something wrong.

If she has her own work history, paid into the SSDI insurance program, and has a qualifying disability, your income shouldn't matter.

You are correct. Disability benefits are based on the worker's individual income history, not family income.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

That is a very good point; one rarely heard, yet extremely in favor of keeping SS. No wonder greedy corporations, particularly those with a lot of low paid workers, would like to see SS scrapped. Reduce labor cost by 7.65%? Oh, yeah, they want that.

IMO that is the real impetus to get rid of SS. Who donates the most to (R) candidates?
Your word can't be trusted.

Provide a link to a reputable mainstream news source

Your total SS benefit is calculated based on your wage income

maximum benefits......
Views: 272899
The maximum benefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if you retire at full retirement age in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $3,627. However, if you retire at age 62 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $2,572. If you retire at age 70 in 2023, your maximum benefit would be $4,555.
Starting at age 62, every year you defer your retirement, the SS benefit goes up by 12 percent annually.

That's better than the rate of return on any investment, and it is provided as a lifetime benefit.
actually no, because you would have to subtract the year's worth of benefits you are waiving by not applying........
by benefit you mean I will get back some of what I contributed. The chances of me living long enough to actually benefit is pretty laughable - you must be one of those dolts that are not aware that for this type of scheme, some benefit, but not all can.

You can post something this stupid, and then you call others dolts.
that is its biggest failure.....

And a major factor in its support. If it was means tested people would whine they had to pay for the program that only benefitted low income people.

It biggest failure has been a decline in the birth rate and adding too many costly benefits to the original program.
Because it's for everybody.
Because it's IMPOSED on everyone. Individual choice is removed. Freedom is quashed. Money is STOLEN by the government and We the Victims are supposed to appreciate it as a benefit somehow.

The paltry payouts of Social Security barely augment a fixed income. If individuals were able to invest their money instead then they would EASILY have three times the income in retirement. The government is absolutely the worst financial planner available.

Social Security would be better named "Socialism Secured.". Nothing about it is good. The sooner we eliminate it the better.
Because it's IMPOSED on everyone. Individual choice is removed. Freedom is quashed. Money is STOLEN by the government and We the Victims are supposed to appreciate it as a benefit somehow.

The paltry payouts of Social Security barely augment a fixed income. If individuals were able to invest their money instead then they would EASILY have three times the income in retirement. The government is absolutely the worst financial planner available.

Social Security would be better named "Socialism Secured.". Nothing about it is good. The sooner we eliminate it the better.

You are out of this world.
Starting at age 62, every year you defer your retirement, the SS benefit goes up by 12 percent annually.
So you can buy a 12% bump at a cost of a full year's pay. No thanks.

That's better than the rate of return on any investment,
All of my investments do significantly better.

and it is provided as a lifetime benefit.
Nope. It is provided as an "only the remaining time you will have left once you are already pretty old" catch. This is the point in your life when you don't have quite so many years remaining to "defer" for a pay bump.
Lifetime-benefit, starting at age 62:

Retire @ 62 - $2,102/month
Retire @ 65 - $2,683/month
Retire @ 67 - $3,161/month
Retire @ 70 - $4,022/month

Can you live on $25,000 to $48,000 a year before taxes?


Some landmark...

BTW, I am old enough to get social security. A third goes to investment, a third goes to beer, and a third goes to pay the taxes on the other two thirds...

What's really nice is that I do all of my side work on 1099's so it doesn't count as getting a paycheck with social security...
Because it's IMPOSED on everyone. Individual choice is removed. Freedom is quashed. Money is STOLEN by the government and We the Victims are supposed to appreciate it as a benefit somehow.

The paltry payouts of Social Security barely augment a fixed income. If individuals were able to invest their money instead then they would EASILY have three times the income in retirement. The government is absolutely the worst financial planner available.

Social Security would be better named "Socialism Secured.". Nothing about it is good. The sooner we eliminate it the better.

Nothing is stolen. the money is paid to the seniors and those unable to work.
SS was pushed by pointing out that seniors in America were starving. There were stories about seniors eating cat food back then because it was cheap.
SS has never missed a check. It is run at a tiny slice of revenue.
Do you really think bankers would do that? They NEVER have. Those running it need to loot it. You want to trust people like Madoff to end a program that is working very well.
Nothing is stolen.
It is stolen.

the money is paid to the seniors and those unable to work.
The word for what Robin Hood did was "steal." The STOLEN money was STOLEN from one group and given to another group, exactly as you are describing.

SS was pushed by pointing out that seniors in America were starving.
I understand. The egregious error in all that is the mistaken presumption that it is somehow the government's job to fix that problem. It is not.

SS has never missed a [very paltry] check.
The government has never missed an opportunity to steal money from We the People and immediately piss it away like a drunken sailor.

The cost of giving many people very small checks so that the government can spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend ... give a whole lot of our money away to other countries and foreign oligarchies ... and then spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend some more is to bring the US very close to economic collapse.

Have you seen the US Debt Clock? I'ts rather eye-opening.

Those running it need to loot it.
There is no such thing as "looting" Social Security. There is no Social Security fund to loot.