One of the things I find kinda depressing on the Internet is the number of people who use terms they do not understand. Words like socialism, fascism, communism, libertarian are throw about not to understand but to label. Democrats haven't learned this tactic yet, they think people understand ideology. Words have power over the mind of the uneducated. For the interested reader see link below, and check out Oxford Short Introductions.
Political keywords:
"Liberals and progressives have been slow to realize that their preferred vocabulary has been hijacked and that when they respond to once - hallowed phrases they are responding to a ghost now animated by a new machine, The point is not a small one, for in any debate, especially one fought in the arena of public opinion, the battle is won not by knock - down arguments but by the party that succeeds in placing its own spin on the terms presiding over the discussion. That's what the conservatives in and out of Congress have managed to do with old war horses like "individual" and so long as they are allowed to get away with it, the opposition will spend its time insisting that it too is for the individual or for color-blindness or equal opportunity - and before we know it all the plovers will be dead and all the subcontractors will once again be white." Stanley Fish, 'The Trouble with Principle' (
"I say it to you now, knowing full well that you will agree with me (that is, understand) only if you already agree with me." Stanley Fish
It really is amazing what you have convinced yourself of
I am always amazed at people who are simultaneously highly educated from a formal standpoint but completely lacking in common sense and self awareness. In essence they are stupid.