APP - Socialism Reconsidered

One of the things I find kinda depressing on the Internet is the number of people who use terms they do not understand. Words like socialism, fascism, communism, libertarian are throw about not to understand but to label. Democrats haven't learned this tactic yet, they think people understand ideology. Words have power over the mind of the uneducated. For the interested reader see link below, and check out Oxford Short Introductions.

Political keywords:

"Liberals and progressives have been slow to realize that their preferred vocabulary has been hijacked and that when they respond to once - hallowed phrases they are responding to a ghost now animated by a new machine, The point is not a small one, for in any debate, especially one fought in the arena of public opinion, the battle is won not by knock - down arguments but by the party that succeeds in placing its own spin on the terms presiding over the discussion. That's what the conservatives in and out of Congress have managed to do with old war horses like "individual" and so long as they are allowed to get away with it, the opposition will spend its time insisting that it too is for the individual or for color-blindness or equal opportunity - and before we know it all the plovers will be dead and all the subcontractors will once again be white." Stanley Fish, 'The Trouble with Principle' (

"I say it to you now, knowing full well that you will agree with me (that is, understand) only if you already agree with me." Stanley Fish

It really is amazing what you have convinced yourself of

I am always amazed at people who are simultaneously highly educated from a formal standpoint but completely lacking in common sense and self awareness. In essence they are stupid.
It really is amazing what you have convinced yourself of .... I am always amazed at people who are simultaneously highly educated from a formal standpoint but completely lacking in common sense and self awareness. In essence they are stupid.

What was it Forrest Gump said 'Stupid is as stupid does'. I gave a link to help people understand terms, when people use terms they do not understand that is stupid. Many appear trained in the misuse of language and that in turn controls their mind. When words have that much power over thought you have entered a bad place. Need a history lesson on that use?

"Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will." Joseph Goebbels

"Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred." Joseph Goebbels

"This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it." Joseph Goebbels
What was it Forrest Gump said 'Stupid is as stupid does'. I gave a link to help people understand terms, when people use terms they do not understand that is stupid. Many appear trained in the misuse of language and that in turn controls their mind. When words have that much power over thought you have entered a bad place. Need a history lesson on that use?

"Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will." Joseph Goebbels

"Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred." Joseph Goebbels

"This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it." Joseph Goebbels

Well if only everyone were as enlightened and brilliant as you, what a wonderful world it would be huh? Don't you ever feel that you are just wasting your time on a lightly trafficked message board? Why aren't you running for office "making a difference"

I hope my sarcasm isn't lost on you.

Do you really think you are going to change people's minds?
Well if only everyone were as enlightened and brilliant as you, what a wonderful world it would be huh? Don't you ever feel that you are just wasting your time on a lightly trafficked message board? Why aren't you running for office "making a difference"

I hope my sarcasm isn't lost on you.

Do you really think you are going to change people's minds?

I have been praised often online - cursed too - so thanks for your comment. And also asked to join others sites etc, if you checked my profile you'd realize I am established in this life, and while it would be nice to have more lives, biology is saying no. I wrote an answer below long ago to your question and while obviously most don't change, a few do and that may matter. Otherwise we give into the cynic's world.

- Long ago a moderator asked me to join their site, the idea did not appeal to me as opinions tend to be exactly what the DI claimed. But the person's argument was not about the obvious give and take, the usual ad hominem, the flames, or vulgar repartee, or broad brush dismissals, the point was that maybe, just maybe, someone would read what you wrote and wonder. It must be obvious to you, if you have given it any thought, that people do not think, they react. Most are robots, a simple perusal of a particular poster's words and you know who they are. But occasionally something will hit you, and then maybe you will think a bit differently. Think of the white supremacist interviewed on NPR. So while most will simply ignore this, maybe, just maybe someone else still has the capacity to wonder. Thanks for asking. -

"We never reflect how pleasant it is to ask for nothing." Seneca
I have been praised often online - cursed too - so thanks for your comment. And also asked to join others sites etc, if you checked my profile you'd realize I am established in this life, and while it would be nice to have more lives, biology is saying no. I wrote an answer below long ago to your question and while obviously most don't change, a few do and that may matter. Otherwise we give into the cynic's world.

- Long ago a moderator asked me to join their site, the idea did not appeal to me as opinions tend to be exactly what the DI claimed. But the person's argument was not about the obvious give and take, the usual ad hominem, the flames, or vulgar repartee, or broad brush dismissals, the point was that maybe, just maybe, someone would read what you wrote and wonder. It must be obvious to you, if you have given it any thought, that people do not think, they react. Most are robots, a simple perusal of a particular poster's words and you know who they are. But occasionally something will hit you, and then maybe you will think a bit differently. Think of the white supremacist interviewed on NPR. So while most will simply ignore this, maybe, just maybe someone else still has the capacity to wonder. Thanks for asking. -

"We never reflect how pleasant it is to ask for nothing." Seneca

You are a legend in your own mind.
socialism fails everywhere it is tried

the reality is that all those who think they are the smartest people in the world and can create a command and control economy fail to acknowledge that it is part of the human condition to worry about oneself first. That will never change

^Spot on!
A fascinating and interesting critique of economics today, left and right. Most will not read it as it is long and well argued. Its argument goes against the narratives so deeply held by libertarians, the right, and much of the left. Venture in if you dare.

An emotional cycle that repeats itself....

"(1) anger at right-wing government precedes (2) hope in a new Left and (3) election of a new government; (4) disgust at that government’s compromises gives way to (5) protest at betrayals, leading to (6) refusal to vote which produces (1) anger at right-wing government."

"The problem was that neither Obama nor Occupy was able to give the idea of fraternity any real substance. For Obama, it seemed to imply campaign contributions; for Occupy, endless discussions. Neither could connect it to the imperatives of our changing economic climate or to the day-to-day decisions and actions that together constitute society. This, not their idealism, was their failing. If fraternity is to be more than a utopian fantasy or a pious palliative, it will need to find expression in an ethic that can be lived out in everyday life, in institutions that are within our grasp, in a vision of a future radically better than the present yet recognizably rooted in its conditions."

See more at:

"A final word on politics. As in economics nothing is certain save the certainty that there will be firm prediction by those who do not know. It is possible that in some election, near or far, a presidential candidate will emerge in the United States determined to draw into the campaign those not now impelled to vote. Conceivably those so attracted - those who are not threatened by higher taxes and who are encouraged by the vision of a new governing community committed to the rescue of the cities and the impacted underclass - could outnumber those lost because of the resulting invasion of contentment. If this happens the effort would succeed." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Culture of Contentment'

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." Dwight D. Eisenhower

Liberals are clueless when it comes to math or economics. They are losing because of their cluelessness and misplaced arrogance.

Liberals have no principles.
You are right. I didn't read it. I think all Takers should be stripped of their ability to vote as they have no skin in the game. It is easy to vote to have the government take from others to give to you. It takes moral courage to avoid that trap. Socialism is an evil, vile ideology akin to islam that is cloaked in caring and compassion yet strips away individual initiative and reduces people to its lowest common denominator. Socialism preys on the weak and uneducated. I have seen the history of destruction that socialism has wrought. As the saying goes, you can't put lipstick on a pig.

Brilliant expose on liberalism.
You know what else destroys a persons desire to do their best?

Nepotism...a cornerstone of the "free market" system.

A person works and works and works and busts their butt night after night after night.

They work nights and weekends and holidays and WHENEVER is necessary in order to shine, and their boss gives the promotion to the CEO's nephew.

A laughably fake view of the world. :rofl2:
It was good to see so many hits on this thread, thinking caps on.

"With difficulty Eisenhower managed to reduce federal support for agricultural commodity prices somewhat. Otherwise he left the welfare state alone. More than that, as promised, he improved it. In 1954 Social Security coverage was broadened and the minimum wage raised from $.75 to $1.00 an hour. In 1955 a new public housing law provided for the construction of 45,000 units. His plan to subsidize private health insurance programs failed. Conservatives on principle opposed it as a step toward socialized medicine; liberals, out of political expediency, opposed it as too meager, half a loaf apparently being worse than none. Eisenhower's effort to obtain federal grants for school construction foundered similarly because Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., of Harlem added a rider denying funds to racially segregated schools. Though just, the rider was anathema to Southern members, who had pledged to defend racism at all costs. Eisenhower had better luck with public works, notably the St. Lawrence Seaway, blocked for years by competing interest groups, and the Federal Highway Act of 1956 that financed the interstate system." p196 'American High: The Years of Confidence, 1945-1960' by William L. O'Neill

This began the era of deficit spending. It doesn't matter whether Eisenhower had an "R" next to his name.

I'm pretty certain Democrats controlled congress during Eisenhower presidency.
I have been praised often online - cursed too - so thanks for your comment. And also asked to join others sites etc, if you checked my profile you'd realize I am established in this life, and while it would be nice to have more lives, biology is saying no. I wrote an answer below long ago to your question and while obviously most don't change, a few do and that may matter. Otherwise we give into the cynic's world.

- Long ago a moderator asked me to join their site, the idea did not appeal to me as opinions tend to be exactly what the DI claimed. But the person's argument was not about the obvious give and take, the usual ad hominem, the flames, or vulgar repartee, or broad brush dismissals, the point was that maybe, just maybe, someone would read what you wrote and wonder. It must be obvious to you, if you have given it any thought, that people do not think, they react. Most are robots, a simple perusal of a particular poster's words and you know who they are. But occasionally something will hit you, and then maybe you will think a bit differently. Think of the white supremacist interviewed on NPR. So while most will simply ignore this, maybe, just maybe someone else still has the capacity to wonder. Thanks for asking. -

"We never reflect how pleasant it is to ask for nothing." Seneca


I guess I don't get it, who is it they are laughing at or with or why? Surely you didn't film this as you're just a lonely forum commentator who copied the video to fill in the empty spaces.

"It is only a slight exaggeration to say that mankind constitutes even now a planetary community of production and consumption. I have now reached the point where I may indicate briefly what to me constitutes the essence of the crisis in our time. It concerns the relationship of the individual to society. The individual has become more conscious than ever of his dependence upon society. But he does not experience this dependence as a positive asset, as an organic tie, as a protective force, but rather as a threat to his natural rights, or even to his economic existence. Moreover, his position in society is such that the egotistical drives of his make-up are constantly being accentuated, while his social drives, which are by nature weaker, progressively deteriorate. All human beings, whatever their position in society, are suffering from this process of deterioration. Unknowingly prisoners of their own egotism, they feel insecure, lonely, and deprived of the naive, simple and unsophisticated enjoyment of life. Man can find meaning in life, short and perilous as it is, only through devoting himself to society. The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evil." Albert Einstein
What is strange is that Midcan spends an inordinate amount of time complaining about being thread banned by me and here there is a nice thread about liberal economics in play in Connecticut and he is nowhere to be found.

Midcan is nothing more than "intellectual" who reads a lot yet know very little and has few orogibal thoughts. He reminds of that guy in the bar in Good Will Hunting

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What is strange is that Midcan spends an inordinate amount of time complaining about being thread banned by me and here there is a nice thread about liberal economics in play in Connecticut and he is nowhere to be found.

Midcan is nothing more than "intellectual" who reads a lot yet know very little and has few orogibal thoughts. He reminds of that guy in the bar in Good Will Hunting

Huh? If you censor my access to comment how would that be possible? Are you little fascist who controls access and then wonders why there is no access? Kinda weird. Should I create another account to access? If so you'd ban the account for you'd be faced with the same truths and truth is the enemy of the small mind.
Huh? If you censor my access to comment how would that be possible? Are you little fascist who controls access and then wonders why there is no access? Kinda weird. Should I create another account to access? If so you'd ban the account for you'd be faced with the same truths and truth is the enemy of the small mind.

How embarrassing for you. Sometimes it is easier to play the martyr than face the truth. Now if you are capable, just comment on the failure of your "tax the rich" economics. Or if you would rather regale us with the list of books you have read, I guess that will be fine
Huh? If you censor my access to comment how would that be possible? Are you little fascist who controls access and then wonders why there is no access? Kinda weird. Should I create another account to access? If so you'd ban the account for you'd be faced with the same truths and truth is the enemy of the small mind.

Are you aware that you can start your own thread and even give it the same title, if you have something you wish to add.
Are you aware that you can start your own thread and even give it the same title, if you have something you wish to add.

Yes there is that. There is also the case of him not responding to threads he isn't thread banned on.

Is it my fault I don't want him Good Will Hunting my threads?
Huh? If you censor my access to comment how would that be possible? Are you little fascist who controls access and then wonders why there is no access? Kinda weird. Should I create another account to access? If so you'd ban the account for you'd be faced with the same truths and truth is the enemy of the small mind.

Why are you constantly whining about censor when you have access right now. Funny how the long list of thread banned people on Christie's moronic threads never seem to bother you. Not only are you a hypocrite, but a whiney one at that.