APP - Socialism Reconsidered

Why are you constantly whining about censor when you have access right now. Funny how the long list of thread banned people on Christie's moronic threads never seem to bother you. Not only are you a hypocrite, but a whiney one at that.

I think when you censor me in most threads I have a right to call you out as weak and insecure, a mini fascist who hasn't the courage or intelligence to debate their position openly.

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone
Why are you constantly whining about censor when you have access right now. Funny how the long list of thread banned people on Christie's moronic threads never seem to bother you. Not only are you a hypocrite, but a whiney one at that.

I was going to bring up that very point. He doesn't seem to mind his fellow lefties utilizing the thread ban feature, he only seems to mind that HE is thread banned.
I think when you censor me in most threads I have a right to call you out as weak and insecure, a mini fascist who hasn't the courage or intelligence to debate their position openly.

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone

And when you "feel" the need to call someone weak and insecure, for "censoring" you; it speaks more of your feelings of entitlement, your own insecurities, and your low self-esteem.
If you feel the need to "discuss" the subject matter of someone else's thread and you are thread banned, then JUST START YOUR OWN THREAD AND DISCUSS AWAY.

And when you "feel" the need to call someone weak and insecure, for "censoring" you; it speaks more of your feelings of entitlement, your own insecurities, and your low self-esteem.
If you feel the need to "discuss" the subject matter of someone else's thread and you are thread banned, then JUST START YOUR OWN THREAD AND DISCUSS AWAY.

Sorry for hurting your sensitive nature, but you must see you confirmed my point. In an open society talking to yourself and blocking others is not very open. You won't stop censoring because you fear knowledge.

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone
Sorry for hurting your sensitive nature, but you must see you confirmed my point. In an open society talking to yourself and blocking others is not very open. You won't stop censoring because you fear knowledge.

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone

UHHHHHH - you kind of like missed the point.

My "sensitive nature" wasn't hurt, whereas it's obvious that yours were and are. :D

And since I speak the truth, you should consider it fairly and open-mindedly.

"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information that may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions."

I'm sure most notice that threads where there is no right wing censorship gets the most views and replies. I reviewing the differences between Hillary and Donald and will post soon.

"Slated for publication in the journal Psychological Science, the new study offers insight into why many Americans embraced fabricated stories about Hillary Clinton that often made outlandish allegations of criminal behavior. And it may shed light on why so many believed a candidate’s assertions that were both grim and demonstrably false."
"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information that may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions."

Now take a look at the list again. See something missing? Something very noticeable?

That would be INDIVIDUAL.

I as an individual cannot censor you. By thread banning you, you are not being censored. You are still free to speak your mind. Just not in my thread.

According to you if you don't allow me in your house anytime I want to tell you my views you are censoring me

Better yet, when Seventh Day Adventists come knocking on your door do you let them in to listen lest you be accused of censorship.

Your right to free speech does not imply a right to be heard. If nobody wants to hear what you have to say you aren't having your rights infringed upon. You just need to become more interesting.


I would think you were more intelligent if you didn't just post links to obscure quotes and books you have never read
Now take a look at the list again. See something missing? Something very noticeable?

That would be INDIVIDUAL.

Give it up you censor and then criticize the messenger. You don't seem to even understand what the word means? In a real sense you also censor by distraction as well, you enter threads not to comment but to distract. You aren't a paid Russian troll are you? Be honest.

"....Censorship can take many forms, from burning books to restricting what information is available on the Internet for the citizens of an entire country. At its most basic, it's all about the control of information. Whoever owns the access to information can decide what people learn and what they do not. This can be governments, private companies, mass media - any group that in some way controls access to information."
Give it up you censor and then criticize the messenger. You don't seem to even understand what the word means? In a real sense you also censor by distraction as well, you enter threads not to comment but to distract. You aren't a paid Russian troll are you? Be honest.

"....Censorship can take many forms, from burning books to restricting what information is available on the Internet for the citizens of an entire country. At its most basic, it's all about the control of information. Whoever owns the access to information can decide what people learn and what they do not. This can be governments, private companies, mass media - any group that in some way controls access to information."

How does you not being able to post in my threads censor you? I don't restrict your ability to give off any information you want.

You are free to start any thread you want. You can copy a link and comment on it in a new thread if it is so important to you. I can't stop you.

Just because you repeat it a thousand times doesn't make it true. You will continue to be thread banned until you clean up your act. You really aren't much different than Desh. You just don't cuss
Give it up you censor and then criticize the messenger. You don't seem to even understand what the word means? In a real sense you also censor by distraction as well, you enter threads not to comment but to distract. You aren't a paid Russian troll are you? Be honest.

"....Censorship can take many forms, from burning books to restricting what information is available on the Internet for the citizens of an entire country. At its most basic, it's all about the control of information. Whoever owns the access to information can decide what people learn and what they do not. This can be governments, private companies, mass media - any group that in some way controls access to information."

First off, you make it appear that people are unable to choose what they pay attention to and / or believe.
And not all information is fact or the truth.

You have no merit to stand on and appear to just hope you can use the "information" you supply, to force others to pay attention to you.

How does you not being able to post in my threads censor you? I don't restrict your ability to give off any information you want.

You are free to start any thread you want. You can copy a link and comment on it in a new thread if it is so important to you. I can't stop you.

Just because you repeat it a thousand times doesn't make it true. You will continue to be thread banned until you clean up your act. You really aren't much different than Desh. You just don't cuss

He just doesn't seem to want to understand that while he has the right to speech, others have the right to ignore.
I think when you censor me in most threads I have a right to call you out as weak and insecure, a mini fascist who hasn't the courage or intelligence to debate their position openly.

I have never thread banned you on any of my threads; are you on drugs? Or just a paranoid liberal sociopathic liar?

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone

Wrong; your brand of "liberal" shuts down honest debate in a Fascist effort to prevent anyone from producing the facts and speak freely. The LAST thing liberals have is the courage to honestly debate anything or deal with the historical fact.
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I was going to bring up that very point. He doesn't seem to mind his fellow lefties utilizing the thread ban feature, he only seems to mind that HE is thread banned.

Latest thread ban list from ChristieTard: Members banned from this thread: SHITBALLS, PostmodernProphet, Truth Detector, I Love America, Teflon Don, CFM and Guille

But you will never hear liberal hypocrites like Midcan whine about that.
The thread topic is socialism, but trolls have changed the subject matter. I will return to socialism in a later post.

Megan Kelly's interview with Alex Jones was an interesting example of how our first amendment rights become topics of confusion on both sides of the political spectrum. I understand why the death of children touches and reminds us too much of the evil in America and the world, but face it we must as some believe the hate that comes from Alex Jones and the alt right in America.

"Short of waterboarding him, I don’t know what more Kelly could have done to expose Jones’ dark methods. She was needlessly defensive in her presentation, acknowledging that some people thought the segment shouldn’t have been broadcast because it would increase Jones’ profile. But as she pointed out, Jones isn’t going away, and his audience is growing. What’s more, Jones “has the ear of our president,” and spurious things InfoWars says have a way of getting repeated by his phone-pal President Donald Trump, who has saluted the InfoWars host in the past. She didn’t take Jones down, but really, who could have in a newsmagazine segment? But she did do a credible job of exposing his lies. Give her a B+."

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone
The thread topic is socialism, but trolls have changed the subject matter. I will return to socialism in a later post.

Megan Kelly's interview with Alex Jones was an interesting example of how our first amendment rights become topics of confusion on both sides of the political spectrum. I understand why the death of children touches and reminds us too much of the evil in America and the world, but face it we must as some believe the hate that comes from Alex Jones and the alt right in America.

"Short of waterboarding him, I don’t know what more Kelly could have done to expose Jones’ dark methods. She was needlessly defensive in her presentation, acknowledging that some people thought the segment shouldn’t have been broadcast because it would increase Jones’ profile. But as she pointed out, Jones isn’t going away, and his audience is growing. What’s more, Jones “has the ear of our president,” and spurious things InfoWars says have a way of getting repeated by his phone-pal President Donald Trump, who has saluted the InfoWars host in the past. She didn’t take Jones down, but really, who could have in a newsmagazine segment? But she did do a credible job of exposing his lies. Give her a B+."

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone

Liberals never doubt their own truths.

When did Alex Jones have the Presidents ear?
I don't you understand what having someone's ear means

Oh, do you mean like the Tyson Holyfield fight? That sort of ear? No? You did read the articles and listened to the video right? Pretty clear. More ear to ear below.

"Trump praised Jones for having an “amazing” reputation when he appeared on his show, and reportedly told him he was “one of the greatest influences I’ve ever seen” in a personal telephone conversation. According to Jones, he and Trump have kept in contact for months via phone conversations."