SOCIALISM! Why did Trump pick a Government-run Hospital ???

:laugh: No 'sealioning'.

Boris Johnson went to the 'socialized' British NHS for treatment, survived, and thanked the NHS for 'saving his life'. The British have had NHS for 72 years, so it seems to be working.
Donald Trump went to a 'socialized' Hospital, survived, and thanked Walter Reed. But ... here in America, ironically, socialized' Medicine is demonized.
So ... this is an opportunity to re-think 'socialized' Medicine for America.

Asked and answered, Jack. Where should he have been taken? Is it equipped to deal with a president and the accompanying personnel? Would it be fair to the patients and staff?
C.O.: "For one thing, this is not Europe. American presidents go to Walter Reed, which has facilities for Presidents, Secret Service and such. We've covered everything, Jack. Perhaps you should write to your Congress-critters,"
Jack: Telling me 'We're not in Europe' and to 'Write my congressman' isn't really a 'discussion'. (Unless you went to Trump University) :(

I must disagree. We have thoroughly discussed the issue. We want universal healthcare. Congress doesn't want it. Trump doesn't want it. Biden doesn't want it.

Discussing that on this forum isn't getting us anywhere.
Thanks. Welcome aboard.

I only advocate them in specific circumstances. For the military, clearly a government run system is necessary as part of warfare. In civilian terms, prison systems need their own hospitals due to the special circumstances of their patients. Where we don't need them is for everyday healthcare.

I'd also add that we need to get rid of bottlenecks in the supply pipeline by not limiting the number of doctor and dentist colleges of medicine and intern slots available like we do now. Those in the system have a vested interest in limiting the slots because that creates a shortage of supply and drives higher wages for those who do get through the program. This is why you see US students going outside the US to get their medical training.
Why? Because Trump is the President and Commander and Chief of the military. That means he went to a military hospital for treatment as C in C. It is also easier to send him to that hospital as it is fitted for the President to be received and be able to continue his duties while there. That's why.
Wouldn't you want 'the best' care for a POTUS?

Why get him second rate care, just because they have a presidential suite?
Hello Jack,

Boris Johnson thanks NHS (National Health Service) for saving his life. (The British have had socialized health care for 72 years)

And Trump has praised the government-run hospital and government-paid doctors and staff that have been treating him.

Or at least now he does.

When it is to his perceived advantage, he will also mock them and call them terrible.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

Look who is sealioning now. I'm all for universal health care. Congress doesn't want it, just as Trump doesn't want it, and just as Joe Biden doesn't want it.

I think Joe Biden would be all for it if enough of the people are. That's the goal but he is being a realist and trying to push us to the next step toward the goal, recognizing that trying to go straight to the goal is too much change too fast. People need more time to warm up to the idea.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Why? Because Trump is the President and Commander and Chief of the military. That means he went to a military hospital for treatment as C in C. It is also easier to send him to that hospital as it is fitted for the President to be received and be able to continue his duties while there. That's why.

But he's special so that's he gets special treatment. Everyone else needs to pay for their own or get a job that offers health insurance.

But then that puts us in a the difficult position of saying the best care which is available to the president is not good enough for everyone else, who should be forced onto the open market according to their ability to pay or get a job that does.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

I must disagree. We have thoroughly discussed the issue. We want universal healthcare. Congress doesn't want it. Trump doesn't want it. Biden doesn't want it.

Discussing that on this forum isn't getting us anywhere.

Yes it is.

It is causing us to think about it and reassess our position on universal healthcare.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

I only advocate them in specific circumstances. For the military, clearly a government run system is necessary as part of warfare. In civilian terms, prison systems need their own hospitals due to the special circumstances of their patients. Where we don't need them is for everyday healthcare.

I say we do need it there. Many people are saying that. All other industrialized nations have agreed. We stand alone in denying this to all people.

I'd also add that we need to get rid of bottlenecks in the supply pipeline by not limiting the number of doctor and dentist colleges of medicine and intern slots available like we do now. Those in the system have a vested interest in limiting the slots because that creates a shortage of supply and drives higher wages for those who do get through the program. This is why you see US students going outside the US to get their medical training.

Thank you. I totally agree. Harvard is a standard that keeps rising because they do not expand the size of the classes to match the expansion of the size of society and the associated need for good doctors. This it becomes more and more elite as time goes by. It also becomes less efficient at serving the needs of greater society, and geared toward serving only the needs of the elite.