SOCIALISM! Why did Trump pick a Government-run Hospital ???

Hello Controlled Opposition,

Yes it is.

It is causing us to think about it and reassess our position on universal healthcare.

Only if folks do something meaningful about it, perhaps you can persuade them to do something about it. Instead, people will vote for the same politicians who don't want us to have universal health care. Tulsi Gabbard wants us to have it.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

I think Joe Biden would be all for it if enough of the people are. That's the goal but he is being a realist and trying to push us to the next step toward the goal, recognizing that trying to go straight to the goal is too much change too fast. People need more time to warm up to the idea.

Joe Biden is on the record. Besides, he has held political offices for 47 years and has done nothing about it. No matter who wins the election, we all lose.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

I didn't discuss the level of care, only who provided it.

Who would want to discuss the level of care if it shot holes in a view that government can't do anything right?

And yet here is an example of the government doing something right.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

Only if folks do something meaningful about it, perhaps you can persuade them to do something about it. Instead, people will vote for the same politicians who don't want us to have universal health care. Tulsi Gabbard wants us to have it.

I like Tulsi.

Well nothing happens overnight. It's a more involved process. People might initially reject an idea because they think their friends wouldn't want it. But then more people talk about it and people find out some of their friends actually do like the idea, then that makes them think twice about it. Then maybe they change their mind if they think other people like the idea.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

I like Tulsi.

Well nothing happens overnight. It's a more involved process. People might initially reject an idea because they think their friends wouldn't want it. But then more people talk about it and people find out some of their friends actually do like the idea, then that makes them think twice about it. Then maybe they change their mind if they think other people like the idea.

We don't have that much time. It is time to break up the duopoly and elect politicians who will stand up to the oligarchs.
No you didn't. You lied about Biden's position, which never criticized Medicare (private care), or the V.A (govt. run care). Contrast that with trump.

Once again, you have called me a liar. Remember how that worked out for you the last time.

The question was about where you think a President Biden would go the next time his eye filled up with blood.
Once again, you have called me a liar. Remember how that worked out for you the last time.

The question was about where you think a President Biden would go the next time his eye filled up with blood.
The claim was that Biden doesn't 'want' the ACA. You lied.
Hello Controlled Opposition;,

We don't have that much time. It is time to break up the duopoly and elect politicians who will stand up to the oligarchs.

I understand the sentiment, but there is a problem with it.

A candidate without a party is powerless.

Even if elected, nothing would get done if they have no support for their platform.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Who would want to discuss the level of care if it shot holes in a view that government can't do anything right?

And yet here is an example of the government doing something right.

If we get into that, the level of care from government facilities is generally not as good as the private sector and the level of service is execrable. I don't know how much use of government run facilities you've experienced, but all of the ones I have dealt with either personally or by use of someone I know, have uniformly been:

Overworked. They see far more patients per provider and spend less time with each patient.
Have incredibly long wait times. You are there for hours waiting to be seen. If you need multiple things by different providers, that too involves long waits.
They don't do a good job of keeping you informed.
Much of the service is pro forma. That is they give you cookie cutter recommendations. You have something odd, different, or the like--you'll probably die before they figure it out.
With the military, rank has its privileges. The higher your rank the faster you get service and the more competent the persons giving you service are.
The quality of the facilities are very much hit and miss. You can get a good facility or provider or you can get complete incompetence. You don't get to choose. It's simply what it is where you are. Most facilities are somewhere between average and mediocre.
If they screw up, you have little recourse. You can try suing them but you'll probably go bankrupt before you see a nickel.

The most recent scandal in government run medicine was the VA. You can look up the incompetence on that one for yourself.

It isn't that the government doesn't do anything right so much as it is the government doesn't do anything really well.