Socialist Is A Synonym For Communist/Socialist

To kudzu: If you insist on invoking Hitler compare him to Stalin in this context: The only difference between the two was Hitler killing Soviet Communists gave him one saving grace while Stalin had none. Then-Senator Harry Truman knew the truth of it:

If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible. Harry Truman

To kudzu: The men you cite, and many others, saw Communism for what it is. The things they said and did was nothing more than “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

NOTE: J. Edgar Hoover was the only person that ever stood up to FDR:

Among those clamoring for internment of the Japanese was NOT FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. He forwarded a memorandum to President Roosevelt informing him that 770 Japanese Americans should be questioned and or arrested. Not only did Hoover not recommend the internment of all Japanese Americans, but he thought it was both unnecessary and a gross violation of civil self-reliance.

To StoneByStone: The scum in government dictating change is always wrong.

To kudzu: Nor should it be compatible in a Representative Republic since God created all men equal. The Founders created individual liberties. Socialists/Communists created “ political equality” for the sole purpose of abolishing liberty.

Democrats determined to abolish an instrument of freedom ——the U.S. Constitution —— scream the loudest for equality. The thing that angers Democrats the most is Americans not dropping to their knees and thanking Socialists for “equality.” Eric hoffer saw the lie inherent in political equality long before liberal freaks made equality their first commandment.

Where freedom is real, equality is the passion of the masses. Where equality is real, freedom is the passion of a small minority. Eric Hoffer

They who clamor loudest for freedom are often the ones least likely to be happy in a free society. The frustrated, oppressed by their shortcomings, blame their failure on existing restraints. Actually, their innermost desire is for an end to the "free for all." They want to eliminate free competition and the ruthless testing to which the individual is continually subjected in a free society. Eric Hoffer

Unless a man has talents to make something of himself, freedom is an irksome burden. Of what avail is freedom to choose if the self be ineffectual? We join a mass movement to escape individual responsibility, or, in the words of the ardent young Nazi, "to be free from freedom." It was not sheer hypocrisy when the rank-and-file Nazis declared themselves not guilty of all the enormities they had committed. They considered themselves cheated and maligned when made to shoulder responsibility for obeying orders. Had they not joined the Nazi movement in order to be free from responsibility? Eric Hoffer

Those who see their lives as spoiled and wasted crave equality and fraternity more than they do freedom. If they clamor for freedom, it is but freedom to establish equality and uniformity. The passion for equality is partly a passion for anonymity: to be one thread of the many which make up a tunic; one thread not distinguishable from the others. No one can then point us out, measure us against others and expose our inferiority. Eric Hoffer

You say things like Democrats want open borders and Democrats want to change the Constitution.. IMO there is NO evidence for either accusation.
How would anyone brought up under McCarthyite brainwashing know anything about Socialism anyway?

There is a long history of rightwing dunces being trained Pavlovian dog-style by their intellectual superiors in the wingnutosphere to cling to the premise that Soviet Totalitarian Leninists = Democratic Socialists = Liberals = American Democrats = Anyone in the Center-Left political spectrum.

Clinging to this premise is an unmistakable sign of either abject dishonesty, or utter stupidity.
@ post 1
I doubt anyone under the age of 40 even remembers the cold war, and anyone at this point who is still indulging in 1950s-era archaic and outdated cold war lexicon is really showing their age. What are you, like eighty seven years old??

As an antidote to your historical ignorance, I will give you one history lesson for free: the Bolsheviks, and the totalitarian Leninist state they established were among history biggest mass murderers and oppressors of Russian liberals and Russian democratic socialists - who were opposed to the idea of a totalitarian Leninist state, and were keen to establish a federal democratic socialist republic or a constitutional monarchy.

My Mom is messed up the same way. She lived during the red scare, and has the usual fear trigger response to these things. These red scare types, are like me, and germs. You can't handle germs with me rationally either. Of course I think the appropriate thing would be my Mom, and snakes. Me: It's a harmless garter snake, that can be beneficial to the garden environment. It's more scared of you, and couldn't even do much damage if it tried. Mom: I'm done gardening.
There is a long history of rightwing dunces being trained Pavlovian dog-style by their intellectual superiors

To Cypress: There is a longer history of Socialism’s failure; much longer when Pavlovian parasites flat refuse to believe the evidence:


Socialism’s failures are compounded when Socialists/Communists turn to democracy for help:

Throughout history every generation produced a legion of fools and parasites who believed that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. Throughout history democracy failed.

Not all white people, but in order to have full rights, being white was one of the requirements.

To StoneByStone:
Non-whites can have all of the full Rights they want by emigrating to non-white countries.
@ post 1
I doubt anyone under the age of 40 even remembers the cold war, and anyone at this point who is still indulging in 1950s-era archaic and outdated cold war lexicon is really showing their age. What are you, like eighty seven years old??

As an antidote to your historical ignorance, I will give you one history lesson for free: the Bolsheviks, and the totalitarian Leninist state they established were among history biggest mass murderers and oppressors of Russian liberals and Russian democratic socialists - who were opposed to the idea of a totalitarian Leninist state, and were keen to establish a federal democratic socialist republic or a constitutional monarchy.

"the Bolsheviks, and the totalitarian Leninist state they established were among history biggest mass murderers and oppressors of Russian liberals and Russian democratic socialists - who were opposed to the idea of a totalitarian Leninist state, and were keen to establish a federal democratic socialist republic or a constitutional monarchy. "

Bears repeating.
How would anyone brought up under McCarthyite brainwashing know anything about Socialism anyway?

I think most average Americans at the time knew McCarthy was a drunken crackpot.. but its apparent he was taken seriously in Washington and Hollywood.
So much for your claim "only people declared white had full rights". It's been fun discrediting you so easily.

What did you discredit? It's true, the only people with full rights were people who were considered white. Are you trying to dispute that?

There is a longer history of Socialism’s failure; much longer when Pavlovian parasites flat refuse to believe the evidence

The failures of capitalism extend to prior times of Christ. Your own "pavlonian" responses to rational thought being a perfect example. Adam Smith, the Founding Fathers, all opposed unfettered capitalism, and established programs that can only be described as being "socialist". Since the government has been supplanted by the plutocratic form that we now see, and it began in earnest with Reagan, the wealth of the country has flowed to the 1%. And while people such as yourself feel the need to kneel before the likes of Trump those who wish to remain free are bent on exposing the false teachings of the likes of you. In fact, you, in your own ignorance, refuse to understand the differences between socialism, communism, and capitalism. Communism, especially the violent form, calls for putting the major means of production in the hands of the people through the violent overthrow of capitalists. Socialism believes in putting the production in the hands of the people, and sharing the profits equally. Capitalism believes in the control of production in the hands of the few with the profits being meagerly distributed to as few as possible.

It should be pointed out that in spite of the intentions of the Founders, here in the States Capitalism has largely overshadowed the socialist attempts of the Founders to the point that now 400 people have as much wealth as the lower 150 million people. Prior to Reagans beginning of the "War on the War on Poverty" the CEO made an average of 23 times that os the average worker. Todays it is over 300 times that amount with the average wage of the working class having not increased.

Non-whites can have all of the full Rights they want by emigrating to non-white countries.

As you can if you can find one that endorses the fascism you endorse.
The failures of capitalism extend to prior times of Christ. Your own "pavlonian" responses to rational thought being a perfect example. Adam Smith, the Founding Fathers, all opposed unfettered capitalism, and established programs that can only be described as being "socialist". Since the government has been supplanted by the plutocratic form that we now see, and it began in earnest with Reagan, the wealth of the country has flowed to the 1%. And while people such as yourself feel the need to kneel before the likes of Trump those who wish to remain free are bent on exposing the false teachings of the likes of you. In fact, you, in your own ignorance, refuse to understand the differences between socialism, communism, and capitalism. Communism, especially the violent form, calls for putting the major means of production in the hands of the people through the violent overthrow of capitalists. Socialism believes in putting the production in the hands of the people, and sharing the profits equally. Capitalism believes in the control of production in the hands of the few with the profits being meagerly distributed to as few as possible.

It should be pointed out that in spite of the intentions of the Founders, here in the States Capitalism has largely overshadowed the socialist attempts of the Founders to the point that now 400 people have as much wealth as the lower 150 million people. Prior to Reagans beginning of the "War on the War on Poverty" the CEO made an average of 23 times that os the average worker. Todays it is over 300 times that amount with the average wage of the working class having not increased.

"As you can if you can find one that endorses the fascism you endorse. Prior to Reagans beginning of the "War on the War on Poverty" the CEO made an average of 23 times that of the average worker. Todays it is over 300 times that amount with the average wage of the working class having not increased."
Socialist/Communist is accurate but not a stem-winder phrase that speech writers dream about; so President Trump said “AMERICA WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST COUNTRY.”

Trump could have, and should have, said “AMERICA WILL NEVER BE A COMMUNIST COUNTRY.”

Trump saying “Socialist” sounded good but it was a mistake because the public separates Socialism from Communism when there is only one difference between the two. Early Socialist planners planted the misconception in the late 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century when they set out to acquire political power incrementally, while Communists preferred violent revolution.

The intelligentsia knew the public would accept the word SOCIALISM, but never COMMUNISM because of the Soviet Union’s documented brutality; so the press and the teachers took the misconception to new heights in the 1930s when they laid down their most efficient lie to date —— Communism is good because Fascism is so bad. (Socialism is good because Fascism is so bad)

Finally, imagine what Trump would have done to the Democrat Party had he said COMMUNIST! This cartoon defines the debate Democrats will kill to avoid:

211912_5_.png your Thorazine again?
The two differing statements you made, coon boy.

I said that only white people were able to have full rights. What is the other statement?

Are you just trolling because you realized you lost? That's what most Postmodern Conservatives do.