The failures of capitalism extend to prior times of Christ. Your own "pavlonian" responses to rational thought being a perfect example. Adam Smith, the Founding Fathers, all opposed unfettered capitalism, and established programs that can only be described as being "socialist". Since the government has been supplanted by the plutocratic form that we now see, and it began in earnest with Reagan, the wealth of the country has flowed to the 1%. And while people such as yourself feel the need to kneel before the likes of Trump those who wish to remain free are bent on exposing the false teachings of the likes of you. In fact, you, in your own ignorance, refuse to understand the differences between socialism, communism, and capitalism. Communism, especially the violent form, calls for putting the major means of production in the hands of the people through the violent overthrow of capitalists. Socialism believes in putting the production in the hands of the people, and sharing the profits equally. Capitalism believes in the control of production in the hands of the few with the profits being meagerly distributed to as few as possible.
It should be pointed out that in spite of the intentions of the Founders, here in the States Capitalism has largely overshadowed the socialist attempts of the Founders to the point that now 400 people have as much wealth as the lower 150 million people. Prior to Reagans beginning of the "War on the War on Poverty" the CEO made an average of 23 times that os the average worker. Todays it is over 300 times that amount with the average wage of the working class having not increased.
"As you can if you can find one that endorses the fascism you endorse. Prior to Reagans beginning of the "War on the War on Poverty" the CEO made an average of 23 times that of the average worker. Todays it is over 300 times that amount with the average wage of the working class having not increased."