Socialist Is A Synonym For Communist/Socialist

I said that only white people were able to have full rights. What is the other statement?

Are you just trolling because you realized you lost? That's what most Postmodern Conservatives do.

Already shown the differing statements. Are you making excuses because you got your ass kicked? Wait, I already know the answer, boy.
Ah, so you're just trolling like a typical Postmodernist Conservative. Carry on.

Just making a dumb motherfucker like you look just as he is.

I see you automatically went to the troll excuse when you got your ass kicked. So typical of you cowards it can almost not be considered a prediction anymore.
Three cheers or Crowley:

(In today’s world Muslims and Communists are the only priesthoods who proselytize with guns.)

Monica Crowley: ‘Only Way’ AOC ‘Can Enforce’ Income Equality ‘Is Through the Barrel of a Gun’
27 Feb 2019

Fox News contributor and Washington Times columnist Monica Crowley warned of the need for a “police state” to enforce socialist proposals for “equality” from Democrats such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). She discussed left-wing ideology in a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

Crowley noted Democrats’ decades of subscription to Marxist ideological tenets.

“The Democrats, for decades, have essentially taken socialism and dressed it up and rebranded it,” said Crowley. “For a long time, they were essentially Marxists, socialists, communists — whatever word you want to use for radical wealth redistributionists. They were that for decades. They have been that for decades.”

Crowley continued, “They managed to dress it up pretty well, and they ran candidates that dressed it up pretty well, too, the most recent of whom who actually succeeded in winning the presidency was Barack Obama. That’s one of the big reasons why we are in this moment with the left and the Democratic Party openly embracing socialism.”

Crowley went on, “It was Barack Obama who mainstreamed it. Yes, Obama disguised it really well in the form of a charismatic exceptional kind of candidate and president, but it was still there, that radical leftism.”

Utopian visions of equality are at odds with the human condition, said Crowley.

“They’re seduced by this concept of equality,” Crowley remarked. “They’re actually transposing the idea of racial equality, gender equality, women’s rights, African-American rights, [and] civil rights. They’re transposing that with a warped idea of human equality in the sense of income equality. They’re transposing all these different things together in a way that doesn’t really make a lot of sense.”

Crowley added, “What they don’t understand and what they’re not being told is that human beings are inherently unequal. We all have different strengths and talents, and we all have different sets of weaknesses and drawbacks. That’s what makes humanity. We all bring different things to the table. Therefore the only way you can have equality as a general principle is through the barrel of a gun.”

Socialistic designs of economic equality require a “police state,” explained Crowley.

“When you look historically at socialist and communist states, what do they all have in common?” asked Crowley. “The only way they can enforce equality is through a police state. … You can’t have equality without a police state or without a massive form of government coercion. That is what’s not being said. That is what’s not being taught. And that is what Americans need to understand.”

Crowley declared, “We’ve seen it over and over again. The only equality that socialism and communism produce is an equal share of poverty and misery. In addition to poverty and misery, you also get death and destruction.”

In a column published last week, Crowley warned of public acclimation to “statist ideas” and “radical change” through “gradual conditioning of the masses.”
Monica Crowley:

“We’ve seen it over and over again. The only equality that socialism and communism produce is an equal share of poverty and misery. In addition to poverty and misery, you also get death and destruction.”

I would add, Venezuelans starving under Socialism.
Reading American fascists pontificating on 'socialism' when they don't know their arse from their elbow has a certain sick fascination, like reading up mediaeval witchcraft trials, but it does suggest that the profiteering on opioids, or the colonisation of Central America by your eager drug-providers are building up a good deal of evidence of what capitalist practice means for actual people.
Good post. Socialist, communist, progressive, Democrat, lefty, and commie all mean the same thing these days. I either call them lefties or commies, but they all want free shit and they are all parasites. Lefty politicians like to use various identifiers to try making their agenda sound better, but they all mean the same thing to their commie base who are going to vote for whatever commie is going to get them the most free shit.

You are so uneducated and stupid, I'm surprised that you even remember to breath!

If your brain were chocolate- it wouldn't fill an M & M!

Is this a forum of Idiots?

I'm going to have to find a new forum- you people are some of the stupidest people on the planet!
I would not watch a Democrat debate to win a bet because I refuse to let television mouths put their shit in my memory banks.

VP Dense should not watch Democrat debates because he obviously does not know that Democrat debates are always between SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS.

Mike Pence: Last Night’s Debate Was Between Socialists And Liberals
July 31, 2019 By Tristan Justice

Trump saying “Socialist” sounded good but it was a mistake because the public separates Socialism from Communism when there is only one difference between the two. Early Socialist planners planted the misconception in the late 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century when they set out to acquire political power incrementally, while Communists preferred violent revolution.
Socialist/Communist is accurate but not a stem-winder phrase that speech writers dream about; so President Trump said “AMERICA WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST COUNTRY.”

Trump could have, and should have, said “AMERICA WILL NEVER BE A COMMUNIST COUNTRY.”

Trump saying “Socialist” sounded good but it was a mistake because the public separates Socialism from Communism when there is only one difference between the two. Early Socialist planners planted the misconception in the late 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century when they set out to acquire political power incrementally, while Communists preferred violent revolution.

The intelligentsia knew the public would accept the word SOCIALISM, but never COMMUNISM because of the Soviet Union’s documented brutality; so the press and the teachers took the misconception to new heights in the 1930s when they laid down their most efficient lie to date —— Communism is good because Fascism is so bad. (Socialism is good because Fascism is so bad)

Finally, imagine what Trump would have done to the Democrat Party had he said COMMUNIST! This cartoon defines the debate Democrats will kill to avoid:


Oh Ned. There you go again. Proving Conservatives have 6th grade reading comprehension skills and don't know the specific definition of words. Oh that's didn't attend one of those socialist schools and never learned those skill. Tsk, tsk Ned. LOL