I'm Watermark
There really is no blanket definition these days.....there are certainly degrees and types of socialism.....Asia has their brand, Europe has theirs and now with rise of progressive
Democrats in the US, we have our form....and 'strawman' like mm just created with this Medicare crap, will be rampant with them trying to avoid the label of socialist.
We pay for bridges, roads, social security, firemen, policemen, public water and sewer, etc.....according to mm's logic, all that could be characterized as socialist...or should I say mis-characterized. Of course, by the same token, we have those that pay nothing toward the infrastructures upkeep or toward their old age benefits, etc....for
them it is all socialistic....they are strictly parasites that contribute nothing but enjoy just about everything....
Even under socialism, someone has to pay the freight, and they just get what the're already paying for, no freebies....and the managers of this type of socialist system just skim
off the top to live on the highest tier for make believe work....

Define them correctly, that is.