Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
What are your thoughts on the implementation of socialism?
Education before reform and absolutely before a brainless Revolution.
Ever notice most of the people who fight the Socialist idea are poor? Generally hark workers that aren't earning much? Have you thought about a situation like the show "Revolution" where we lose all power and wonder what occupations would earn the most in America?
The hard working labor Americans would be rich. The superficial *brand name* Americans would be poor...........EXACT OPPOSITE OF TODAY. How much money would a football player make if we were in a depression? How much would a wood worker (like me) make in a depression?
Today we have the hardest working people destroying their bodies to make a living and getting pennies while the rich can't get enough making their money through the people not standing up for themselves. It's absolutely proven through statistics. Corporate America is making record profits and the workers are receiving record low pay. And record low unemployment.
Superficial America is out of control. Superficial America has to have "this brand for THOUSANDS more even though it costs the same to make, but less people have it because of the cost" If superficial America can get a grip and realize they don't need so much, America will benefit. But for now, rich people are introduced by the millions they make. "That's tom, he's worth 6 million"
I think it's just because I was raised Christian but if I had 4 houses and 6 million dollars, I wouldn't threaten to shut down my business if things didn't go my way. I would understand that America is outsourcing jobs. I also understand that the (R)ight voted down the "Anti-Outsourcing Bill of 2010" and know that I'm going to pay one way or another.............I'm either going to pay American Employee's to do my work....or I'm going to pay my raised taxes due to the Employee's out of a job and on welfare. I also know that I don't need 4 houses and I can sell one and get MANY new employees which would help America.
I"m not a Socialist, but I know what the Left is fighting for because I don't ignore the Left's media like my Right Wing media tells me to do. The very people hurting the worst from Corporate America are pointing at Political America because they simply haven't educated themselves.