Solar is saving Texas from outages

They take billions of dollars and decades to build. They break too. In Texas, some wealthy people running corporations would run them and they would control the energy to maximize profits. They would cut safety and delivery to make more money.

Bigotry. Operators of nuclear plants don't want an accident any more than you do. Remember they are WORKING AT THE PLANT!
Nope. Solar and wind are much safer.

WRONG!!! Solar panels are not only delicate, they are difficult to handle when mounting them on roofs. It also makes it impossible to walk on the roof. Many people have been injured and some even killed while installing solar panels. If a ballasting system is installed, these are generally large banks of lithium-ion batteries (similar to that found in EVs) and carry the same fire risk, but it's installed INSIDE YOUR HOME. They also produce insufficient power, and are the most expensive method of generating electrical power.

Wind generators require about a dozen specially constructed semi-trucks to haul the blades, tower sections, and motor assembly to a remote site on poor roads. Many of these trucks have had nasty accidents just trying to get to the site! To install the machine, one or two helicopters are required. Accidents have injured or killed pilots during installation. Wind generators can only operate in a narrow range of wind speed and are extremely susceptible to icing conditions. If the system in the machine fails to feather the blades properly, catastrophic failure occurs DESTROYING the entire machine. This is actually common enough to be a significant risk being near the things. During such failure, debris can thrown up to a mile away. Yes...this kind of failure has injured people and in a few cases, killed people.

Wind power is the 2nd most expensive method of producing power. It cannot operate at all outside the narrow wind speeds allowed for the machine or in icing conditions.
Hello floridafan,

Denying reality is a prerequisite for membership in today's Republican party.

Climate Change is the biggest problem to face humanity since the industrial age.

Denial is destructive. It will not be remembered well.

People born today will surely face drastic weather during their lives because humans did not act strongly and quickly enough to change our energy usage and methods.

We must do more and we must do it yesterday.

Ah...another chanter from the Church of Global Warming.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth, dope.

You cannot create energy out of nothing.
You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas.

You are STILL ignoring the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Please do not quote me if you intend to yak outside of my time is valuable.....I do not appreciate having my time wasted.

He is allowed to and should quote your post when responding to it. Your time is obviously not valuable, since you are spending it whining over nothing.
Solar and wind are safer. They do not collect massive amounts of radioactive parts and cooling water.
Great! Another brilliant Nordbergism!

You just totally dismissed the supporting evidence for the argument that destroys your argument, so you can chant your argument. You continue to be a champion dullard.

If you ever wish to retire from your career as a professional moron, start addressing the data that has been provided to you. Until then, you're still #1.