

Ok Solitare the gigs up dude! It has become increasingly obvious what with your obsessive desire to pick a fight with Southern Man that Winterbourne is you! What's weirdly hillarious is that you had to change your name to do it...what's up with that? Kind of cowardly and dishonest isn't it?
Winterborn's prior name was Solitary, from the same State, same Crimson Tide fan, same posting style, same stubborn habits, same inability to comprehend complex thought. He appeared very soon after Solitary left in shame. He denies it of course.

Very curious indeed how all traces of his previous persona have been eliminated from the Board.

We have a similar situation with "maineman" as well. On another board, he disappeared after making death wishes on rival posters, writing disgusting sex stories of other posters children, and accusing rivals of molesting their own children. He then foolishly posted information that made it easy for anyone familiar with Google to track him down to his actual person, and of course a defamed poster outed him. He too, left that board in shame and now appears as "moderate democrat", and denies the connection as well.

Curious indeed why solitary/ Winterborn attacks rivals of maineman on this board. Can they both be the same person? Doubtful, yet I'll lay odds that they know each other from their previous careers. Both claim naval experience as commanders.
Winterborn's prior name was Solitary, from the same State, same Crimson Tide fan, same posting style, same stubborn habits, same inability to comprehend complex thought. He appeared very soon after Solitary left in shame. He denies it of course.

Very curious indeed how all traces of his previous persona have been eliminated from the Board.

We have a similar situation with "maineman" as well. On another board, he disappeared after making death wishes on rival posters, writing disgusting sex stories of other posters children, and accusing rivals of molesting their own children. He then foolishly posted information that made it easy for anyone familiar with Google to track him down to his actual person, and of course a defamed poster outed him. He too, left that board in shame and now appears as "moderate democrat", and denies the connection as well.

Curious indeed why solitary/ Winterborn attacks rivals of maineman on this board. Can they both be the same person? Doubtful, yet I'll lay odds that they know each other from their previous careers. Both claim naval experience as commanders.

I sit back and read posts. Sometimes I am able to know certain posters are trolls of their former selves. Such was the case with uscitizen being demwit and now Solitary being Winterbourne. Its posting styles, topics, and specific poster interactions with prior posters that give them away. I figured Solitary out about 2 weeks ago. After todays row it just was too ridiculous to say nothing.
I sit back and read posts. Sometimes I am able to know certain posters are trolls of their former selves. Such was the case with uscitizen being demwit and now Solitary being Winterbourne. Its posting styles, topics, and specific poster interactions with prior posters that give them away. I figured Solitary out about 2 weeks ago. After todays row it just was too ridiculous to say nothing.
I rather enjoy his constant banter. As Winterborn he's not lowered himself to insulting my family, which has always been a line that shall not be crossed. It is equivalent to terrorists attacking women and children instead of soldiers who are armed and trained to defend themselves.

I am, however, disappointed that he has not "manned up", admited to his ruse and apologized for his previous indiscretions.

Being a former acquaintance of maineman would explain this personality trait.
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Sorry to disappoint you but I am still not Solitary.

Yep I am a Crimson Tide fan and from Alabama. I post on topics that I have something to say about. I call bullshit when I see it.

Its funny that Southerman talks about anyone's stubbornness when he stays in a topic just as long. As for not understanding complex thoughts you are just blowing smoke. I have understood and shot holes in your complex thoughts since I have been here.
Winterborn's prior name was Solitary, from the same State, same Crimson Tide fan, same posting style, same stubborn habits, same inability to comprehend complex thought. He appeared very soon after Solitary left in shame. He denies it of course.

Very curious indeed how all traces of his previous persona have been eliminated from the Board.

We have a similar situation with "maineman" as well. On another board, he disappeared after making death wishes on rival posters, writing disgusting sex stories of other posters children, and accusing rivals of molesting their own children. He then foolishly posted information that made it easy for anyone familiar with Google to track him down to his actual person, and of course a defamed poster outed him. He too, left that board in shame and now appears as "moderate democrat", and denies the connection as well.

Curious indeed why solitary/ Winterborn attacks rivals of maineman on this board. Can they both be the same person? Doubtful, yet I'll lay odds that they know each other from their previous careers. Both claim naval experience as commanders.

Plus he has the same soldout neocon fake patriot attitude.
Plus he has the same soldout neocon fake patriot attitude.
No question they are on the same page politically and tactically. Maineman even brags about how his fellow posters support his statements via PM's. These two are probably PMing each other like two 12 year old school girls. :)
Sorry to disappoint you but I am still not Solitary.

Yep I am a Crimson Tide fan and from Alabama. I post on topics that I have something to say about. I call bullshit when I see it.

Its funny that Southerman talks about anyone's stubbornness when he stays in a topic just as long. As for not understanding complex thoughts you are just blowing smoke. I have understood and shot holes in your complex thoughts since I have been here.

You are too...what a poser! It's so obvious even a 5 year old could see the ruse. The funniest thing is that you came back as this "new" ...cough cough poster and started back into the same crap. Very weird.

But you go ahead and keep pretending and know that you have fooled no one, but have certainly acted the fool.
I rather enjoy his constant banter. As Winterborn he's not lowered himself to insulting my family, which has always been a line that shall not be crossed. It is equivalent to terrorists attacking women and children instead of soldiers who are armed and trained to defend themselves.

I am, however, disappointed that he has not "manned up", admited to his ruse and apologized for his previous indiscretions.

Being a former acquaintance of maineman would explain this personality trait.

It's just such an odd way for a man to act. I mean at least with uscitizen he created a troll for use. But to try and reinvent yourself because of a bad board interaction only to come back and go after the very same poster? That's weird and because of his pretense, it's rather cowardly.
It's just such an odd way for a man to act. I mean at least with uscitizen he created a troll for use. But to try and reinvent yourself because of a bad board interaction only to come back and go after the very same poster? That's weird and because of his pretense, it's rather cowardly.
Both these guys pretend to be tough guys and try to be internet bullies, and bullies typically are cowards. *shrug*
I have not gone after anyone. I have posted my opinions on various threads. Some were where Southernman had posted. Those were the ones where someone responded and contradicted me and we had a debate.

That is what this place is about isn't it?

I am not posing. I am who I am. Because I am from Alabama am a Crimson Tide fan and because I am not scared of a debate I must be posing?

lol ok

Southernman giving me bad reputation points is not changing the truth at all.
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I have not gone after anyone. I have posted my opinions on various threads. Some were where Southernman had posted. Those were the ones where someone responded and contradicted me and we had a debate.

That is what this place is about isn't it?

I am not posing. I am who I am. Because I am from Alabama am a Crimson Tide fan and because I am not scared of a debate I must be posing?

lol ok

Southernman giving me bad reputation points is not changing the truth at all.

Ok Solitary...LOL
That's the mark of no honor.

Of course you have no PROOF.

You've got your supposition, but no concrete evidence.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Until one of the board supervisors says one way or the other, all you've got are opinions.

Then again, this is the same game you played for years on the WOT board. Insinuating your suspicions and letting others run with it. If they are talking about who is who, then you can keep the attention focused on you, where you like it.
Of course you have no PROOF.

You've got your supposition, but no concrete evidence.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Until one of the board supervisors says one way or the other, all you've got are opinions.

Then again, this is the same game you played for years on the WOT board. Insinuating your suspicions and letting others run with it. If they are talking about who is who, then you can keep the attention focused on you, where you like it.

Oh, go slam your dick in the door.