
WOW! this from the lady who constantly bitched that it didn't matter who was who in their former life and constantly harped on those of us who spoke about all of Diamond.Aabba,MadameX, Summersong, meme, and too many other names to mention here having numerous names and trolls.

I guess her Almightiness is the only one who can question who is who...once a hypo, always a hypo! And yet, she will find some way to deny this, hide and watch!
WOW! this from the lady who constantly bitched that it didn't matter who was who in their former life and constantly harped on those of us who spoke about all of Diamond.Aabba,MadameX, Summersong, meme, and too many other names to mention here having numerous names and trolls.

I guess her Almightiness is the only one who can question who is who...once a hypo, always a hypo! And yet, she will find some way to deny this, hide and watch!

And yet, YOU were going to leave all this on the other boards and not bring it up.
what is truth?

That one leads to "what's the point?" and suicide. In otherwords, its a retarded question, Ms. Pilate. Sorry, it just is...

But I stand by what I said earlier - people who enjoy picking fights with other posters, and hounding them all the time (SM and Yurt seem to do this, and Asshate does this to Adam Weinberg) need to fucking grow up. I'm really tired of seeing people talk shit about Sol. Either shoot some arsinic or kindly desist.
WOW! this from the lady who constantly bitched that it didn't matter who was who in their former life and constantly harped on those of us who spoke about all of Diamond.Aabba,MadameX, Summersong, meme, and too many other names to mention here having numerous names and trolls.

I guess her Almightiness is the only one who can question who is who...once a hypo, always a hypo! And yet, she will find some way to deny this, hide and watch!

Hahaha! No foggy brains it was the constant harrassment of SummerSong that I "bitched about". SummerSong is not meme, aabba, or diamond. She is TuTu here and was SummerSong on the WOT. Solitary is obviously WinterBorn and you are obviously stupid :)
That one leads to "what's the point?" and suicide. In otherwords, its a retarded question, Ms. Pilate. Sorry, it just is...

But I stand by what I said earlier - people who enjoy picking fights with other posters, and hounding them all the time (SM and Yurt seem to do this, and Asshate does this to Adam Weinberg) need to fucking grow up. I'm really tired of seeing people talk shit about Sol. Either shoot some arsinic or kindly desist.
You have two terms confused: "picking fights" v. "defending oneself and one's honor".
And you claim I am the obsessive one, you are a fool and every time you write a post it is further proof!

Copying post to save to show down the road...seems obsessive to me, but you know me, the foggy one!
It was a lighthearted moment, not a serious question. The answer would have been 42, sorry no cigar! for you Threedear!
WOW! this from the lady who constantly bitched that it didn't matter who was who in their former life and constantly harped on those of us who spoke about all of Diamond.Aabba,MadameX, Summersong, meme, and too many other names to mention here having numerous names and trolls.

I guess her Almightiness is the only one who can question who is who...once a hypo, always a hypo! And yet, she will find some way to deny this, hide and watch!

Don't forget "GotNuthinOnMe".

By the gospel according to kis, every non-conservative was trolling at one time or another. Yet she conveniently forgot to mention that at least one of her own troll names was Arrowqueen. :cof1: