
That's true, Mary, Mary, quite contrary and I told the board I changed my name. Foggy is a first class liar as she has always been

I've never heard of Arrowqueen. I don't believe you.:D

Don't forget "GotNuthinOnMe".

By the gospel according to kis, every non-conservative was trolling at one time or another. Yet she conveniently forgot to mention that at least one of her own troll names was Arrowqueen. :cof1:
That's true, Mary, Mary, quite contrary and I told the board I changed my name. Foggy is a first class liar as she has always been

I've never heard of Arrowqueen. I don't believe you.:D

First class liar, well, I guess that is better than a low class liar such as yourself, my dear TuTu.

You only believe other low class liars like yourself...
That's true, Mary, Mary, quite contrary and I told the board I changed my name. Foggy is a first class liar as she has always been

I've never heard of Arrowqueen. I don't believe you.:D

So many aliases you can't even remember them all, eh?

Not surprising, what with that 75 IQ you put on display here every day.
Jesus. After reading this thread, all I can say is that you're all idiots. Idiots. Except for Grind and froggie, because they can differentiate between real life and an anonymous message board on the vast internets.

Oh, yes, I heard about Anna. She is the one the crazy woman Darla and the crazy idiot Prakosh lied about. She was never on any board at AOL, yet they posted her telephone number, where she lived and her private information. It was the most incorrigible behavior, which proves how sick they both are. I was hoping she would sue them.

You don't have to believe me, Anna, Anna, plays the piano. Ask her. :p