This issue has ZERO to do with the Constitution
Bullshit! has EVERYTHING to do with the Constitution.
And don't try that "that only applies to the government" crap...because it is a non-seller.
This issue has ZERO to do with the Constitution
Trump wins
Players los
Bend the knee
They ain't gonna strike. They are gonna play...and earn huge bucks.
They are going to continue the protesting...and it is going to be expanded.
The bullshit being thrown at the few has hardened the hearts of the many.
This was a fire...being fought be assholes throwing kerosene on it.
I may be wrong. We'll see.
One of my employees had an idea ...
What would Trump and his supporters say if ........................
During the 1 Minute National Anthem ...
1 - All the players STAND and SALUTE The Flag throughout the Anthem
2 - Then directly after the end of The National Anthem ... anyone who wanted, drop to their Knees for 1 Minute
A) The Flag and Those who Served are shown respect.
B) and Respect to those who Rights where not respected.
Ok ... who's going to Cry?![]()
Bullshit! has EVERYTHING to do with the Constitution.
And don't try that "that only applies to the government" crap...because it is a non-seller.
If the question is win/lose...
...and Donald Trump is part of the equation... becomes LOSE.
Not only is he a loser...but his being our president makes everyone in America a loser...and by extension, makes just about everyone in the world a loser.
The biggest losers, though, are the idiot sycophants who are being played big time by that abomination.
You are 100% wrong
Just because you don’t want to believe it doesn’t make it any less true
I suggest the players challenge this in front of the Supreme Court and see what happens
Employees don’t have a Constitutional right to protest at their job.
Stop embarrassing yourself
As I always ask why choose this to bring attention to their professed cause? Do you really think this is the way to win over hearts and minds?
They will lose
And if Trump demanded his name and fired him.
Stop embarrassing yourself
No compromise.
Bend the knee
The fact that you are suggesting a “compromise” indicates that you know this is a losing issue for you
If you thought it was a winner you wouldn’t compromise
C'mon, ILA.
You may be 100% full of shit...but I am almost certainly not 100% wrong.
Anyway... are saying that the players are:
Going to go on strike.
They are not going to play.
They are not going to earn huge bucks.
They are not going to continue the protesting...a
...and that they are not going to expand it.
Good luck with that.
C'mon, ILA.
You may be 100% full of shit...but I am almost certainly not 100% wrong.
Anyway... are saying that the players are:
Going to go on strike.
They are not going to play.
They are not going to earn huge bucks.
They are not going to continue the protesting...a
...and that they are not going to expand it.
Good luck with that.
They do not have to challenge it in from of the Supreme Court.
All they have to do is continue to protest. The owners will fold like a $15 suit.
Does that mean they won' they have been doing right along???
You mean stop embarrassing you?
I think they are winning over the hearts and minds they want to win over.
I doubt that.
I am saying that if the players continue to push this issue the will most assuredly lose
If they want to continue making big bucks they will acquiesce.
Or they are free to use those free college degrees they got
I am saying that if the players continue to push this issue the will most assuredly lose
We will see what we will see. I want them to continue. I don’t mind showing them who is boss
We will see what we will see. I want them to continue. I don’t mind showing them who is boss
What are they going to do? I thought you said they were going to remain in the locker room and that would show everyone their "power"..or push and pull? Make up your mind, won't you?Yeah.
You are going to find out that they have a lot more push and pull than you think!
I'm really going to enjoy this next season...watching you guys try to wipe egg of your faces while the anthem plays.