Ah, I'll confessed my sins to the flock of lost sheep, so don't go having a fucking meltdown just because the truth bites harder than your mom's cooking. Hope you don't smash your toys in a tantrum again, we've been down that road. Here's the deal: the hive-minded, libtard drones are so indistinguishable from each other, it's like teaching the same lesson to a room full of clones. You say you disagree, but deep down, where your last shred of honesty hides, you know I'm spot on. I've tried playing nice in debates, but finding a comment from your drones without some sweeping, baseless insult against millions of Americans? Good luck. The whiny, radical, left-wing lunatics in your hive deserve every insult thrown at them, in droves. I know it burns to be outclassed at every turn, Trump wins big, the senate, the libtard climate fantasy, pathetic attempt to jail the best president we've had, . etc., etc.. Oh, and If I haven't suggested you grow back that hair yet, consider it your first step out of the hive's shadow. Thank me later, you hivemind, little girl-sniffing, foot-sucking, granddaughter-denying Biden worshipper.
P.S. I'm flattered that you been tip toeing around reading my little gifts I've been giving your hive member libtards. I hope it helps