Some basic facts on Gaza

Guno צְבִי;5863507 said:
Seventeen years ago, Gaza was given to its Arab residents as a gift. It had porous borders, beaches, a port, unlimited potential.

Gazans decided to elect a jihadist militia which promotes the following

We will target civilians
We plan endless holy war
Allah wants Jews killed
Israel must be conquered and turned into a Muslim theocracy
If you did not protest the targeting of civilians, the call for genocide, the choice of impoverishing war over development and coexistence:

Hamas has caused the past sixteen years of Gaza’s downward spiral, all the violent deaths on both sides, and the current war.

Imagine what wonders the Muslims could have done with Gaza - if only they weren't more inclined toward jihad.

There you go with the moronic, lie filled terrorist propaganda again.
Well, try actually reading my post next time.

So, you're an antisemite as well as a terrorist loving moron. Got it.
So, you're an antisemite as well as a genocide supporter. Got it. :palm:

No one in Gaza is "innocent."
So, you're an antisemitic bigot who thinks that all Arabs are inherently guilty of crimes and thus totally deserve genocide. Got it. :palm:

They voted for Hamas.
So, you're an antisemitic loon that thinks that the targets of his antisemitic bigotry all deserve death because of for whom he has declared they voted. Got it. :palm:

They cheer Israeli deaths.
... but they aren't killing anyone. Israelis are cheering the deaths they cause. Do you see the major difference?

They are used by Hamas as human shields.
Too funny. This has already been debunked. It's the obligatory propaganda regurgitated by gullible, halfwit antisemitic bigots.

Really, grow a fucking neuron ... and a fucking conscience. Arabs are humans. Question the genocide, not for whom someone might have voted.
The attack came special delivery from Iran. Hamas was simply driving the delivery truck.

It's the IDF that illegally fires missiles into civilian populations. What the IDF has been doing constitutes illegal war crimes everywhere, and yet you and Team Israel are happy to excuse it. That is wrong.

Israel should stop their genocide immediately for the IDF's war crimes to be investigated. Any investigations that warrant tribunals should make all information available for completely fair trials, but the trials should take place if investigations warrant. Thereafter, Israel will be free to pursue all the Al Qassam terrorists and bring them to justice. Israel should never have gone the genocide/war crimes route.

That's the lamest rationalization for slaughtering innocent civilian noncombatants that I have heard. You well know that none of young children blasted by the IDF ever voted for Hamas or ever attacked Israel. According to all international laws of armed conflict, what Israel has done to civilian noncombatants warrants death by hanging. No lawful noncombatants somehow transform into combatants because of for whom they voted, and many of the dead did not vote for Hamas.

In any event, Hamas' use of human shields is insufficient to blame civilian noncombatants for the IDF's genocide, i.e. saying that they somehow deserve to be massacred.

Yes, Israel is perpetrating genocide on the Arab Semite civilians in Gaza. However, since you are confident that they are not, join me in calling for investigations into the matter. Let's put this matter to rest.


Mindless Muslim propaganda.

The IDF returns fire when Hamas attacks civilians in Israel. Those who claim defense of oneself is a crime are evil - period.

You got taken to task last time you whined about the "innocent" Arabs in Gaza. Shall I bomb you with videos of those Arabs calling to Murder Jews again? The overwhelming majority of Arabs in Gaza seek complete genocide of the Jews - not just Hamas, ALL of the Arabs.

Stop attacking Israel, problem solved.
So, no specific complaints; you're just angry that I'm not "looking the other way" like you are. What are your complaints about what I wrote? Be specific.

You ARE looking the other way. Because you are a Muslim, you are posting lies about what went down.

Hamas attacked Israel, murdering 1400 civilians with no provocation other than the Muslim supremacist demand that all Jews in Israel be slaughtered. YOU refuse to acknowledge facts.

The overwhelming majority of Arabs in Gaza support genocide of the Jews - no "just" Hamas - the general population. What does "from the river to the sea" mean? It means not a single living Jew in Israel. Arab Muslims control 99% of the landmass in the Middle East - and here you are whining because you demand the final 1%.

I don't give a fuck if Iran funded and trained Hamas, Hamas is guilty. So are the 79% of Arabs in Gaza who supported the slaughter of Jewish innocents on October 7th. They wanted war - and they got one. The only shame is that they don't get the same treatment than Germany did in WWII - utter defeat with unconditional surrender.
Grow a conscience. Arabs aren't a sub-human species. The only ones slaughtering innocent civilians is the IDF,

You shameless fucking liar.

You justify what Hamas did on 10/7 because it serves Allah.

If you were a decent human, you wouldn't fucking lie to cover up crimes against humanity carried out by Arabs in Gaza.
Israel, on the other hand, chose well and doesn't need a new game. The "Death to Arabs" thing is working just fine for them.

Let's see where Israel has EVER said that? Go ahead and post it? Let's see it?

See, you're outright fucking lying - accusing Israel of doing what you do.

I can post THOUSANDS of calls from the government and people of Gaza calling for death to Jews, genocide of Jews.

But you can't post anything to support your filthy lie. You just depend on your Marxist allies to nod and agree with your shameless lies.
There you go with the moronic, lie filled terrorist propaganda again. So, you're an antisemite as well as a terrorist loving moron. Got it. :palm:

No one in Gaza is "innocent." They voted for Hamas. They cheer Israeli deaths. They are used by Hamas as human shields. Grow a fucking brain already halfwit.

What he is, is a Muslim.

An Americanized Muslim - but when it kicks in - he goes full Muslim Supremacist. He can't help it.
Let's see where Israel has EVER said that?
I posted several videos. Did you not see them?

Go ahead and post it? Let's see it?
You don't end imperative statements with question marks. Go back and actually watch the videos I posted.

See, you're outright fucking lying - accusing Israel of doing what you do.
I have never accused Israel of demanding investigations into war crimes. I will, however, accuse you of being an antesemitic bigot who HATES Arabs to the point that he gets a thrill out of knowing that they are being eradicated. Is there no hope for you to ever become a decent human?

I can post THOUSANDS of calls from the government and people of Gaza calling for death to Jews, genocide of Jews.
Actually I don't think you can post a thousand videos that qualify, but I acknowledge that you and I each could post many. Is there a reason you are desperate to change the subject?

But you can't post anything to support your filthy lie.
I have already posted it. You're a Johnny-come-lately.
You fucking liar.
Is denial really all you have? Are you that shitty of a person that you have to be an ashsole to those who just want Israel to stop their racist genocide of Arabs? Do you really need Arabs exterminated so badly that you perceive my calls to halt the IDF's atrocities threaten to leave you without your death-fix?

Why should any rational adult believe your absurd claim that the hundreds of Israeli air strikes on civilian population centers and the thousands upon thousands of IAF bombs dropped on civilians, somehow did not leave thousands upon thousands of innocent civilian Arab Semite noncombatants dead, including thousands of children who were alive and well at the beginning of October? Hmmmm? Do you have a valid reason other than to beg for other to deny as you do?
I posted several videos. Did you not see them?

I did, and they didn't say what you claim.

You don't end imperative statements with question marks. Go back and actually watch the videos I posted.

I have never accused Israel of demanding investigations into war crimes. I will, however, accuse you of being an antesemitic bigot who HATES Arabs to the point that he gets a thrill out of knowing that they are being eradicated. Is there no hope for you to ever become a decent human?

Actually I don't think you can post a thousand videos that qualify, but I acknowledge that you and I each could post many. Is there a reason you are desperate to change the subject?

I have already posted it. You're a Johnny-come-lately.

No, post actual, verified quotes in print - or be known as the Taqiyya liar that you appear to be.
Is denial really all you have? Are you that shitty of a person that you have to be an ashsole to those who just want Israel to stop their racist genocide of Arabs?

Genocide of Arabs? Arabs outnumber Jews 97 to 1.

You tell the most idiotic lies.

Do you really need Arabs exterminated so badly that you perceive my calls to halt the IDF's atrocities threaten to leave you without your death-fix?

The ONLY ones calling to exterminate anyone are the Arabs in Gaza and the rabble in Iran. (there are a few Persians left, but mostly Arabs have taken over.)

Why should any rational adult believe your absurd claim that the hundreds of Israeli air strikes on civilian population centers and the thousands upon thousands of IAF bombs dropped on civilians, somehow did not leave thousands upon thousands of innocent civilian Arab Semite noncombatants dead, including thousands of children who were alive and well at the beginning of October? Hmmmm? Do you have a valid reason other than to beg for other to deny as you do?

No one believes you, because you are a liar for Allah. We have seen that the Hamas terrorist headquarters are beneath these so-called "civilian" centers. We've seen the Palywood bullshit you put out staging faked casualties. Loved the funeral procession where your goons dropped the "body" which then got up, ran to the gurney and climbed back on so the show could continue.
So I'm a terrorist now, just because I want to end your genocide. I never realized that you were this shitty a person.

Who called you a terrorist halfwit? There is no genocide happening in Gaza. Look up big words before you parrot terrorist propaganda points witless wonder. :palm:

Mindless Muslim propaganda.

The IDF returns fire when Hamas attacks civilians in Israel. Those who claim defense of oneself is a crime are evil - period.

You got taken to task last time you whined about the "innocent" Arabs in Gaza. Shall I bomb you with videos of those Arabs calling to Murder Jews again? The overwhelming majority of Arabs in Gaza seek complete genocide of the Jews - not just Hamas, ALL of the Arabs.

Stop attacking Israel, problem solved.

I don't think terrorist loving halfwits on the left can comprehend the OBVIOUS as bolded. ;)