Some basic facts on Gaza

Genocide of Arabs? Arabs outnumber Jews 97 to 1.
You're absolutely right. Outnumbering precludes the claim of genocide, as does Arabic-speaking proficiency. You are truly a genius.

The ONLY ones calling to exterminate anyone are the Arabs in Gaza
... while the only ones actually exterminating anyone are IDF soldiers perpetrating genocide on civilian Arab Semite noncombatants (who are all talk) ... except we currently have a ceasefire so we can be thankful for that. The longer the ceasefire, the longer we go without Israeli war crimes and more innocent children get to live another day.

No one believes you,
... and I so totally believe in my heart of hearts that you actually do, in fact, speak for everybody. When I want to know what everyone says and what everyone thinks, you are my "go to" guy.

... because you are a liar for Allah.
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَـٰلَمِينَ ٢

We have seen that the Hamas terrorist headquarters are beneath these so-called "civilian" centers.
Nope. You haven't seen squat. The Marxist "we" haven't seen squat. I'm not buying the Israeli PR lines that things were discovered in the rubble so obviously Hamas was "storing supplies" in all those locations which therefore establishes those civilian population centers as "headquarters." Even refugee camps that were supposed to be safe zones were bombed under the claim that "ummm, errr, Hamas was hiding behind human shields, ummm, errr, yes, that's it, because Hamas is known to hide behind human shields ... and it is known because we constantly declare it." I realize that you, being on Team Israel, must accept all PR releases and regurgitate them. I, however, do not and will not.

We've seen the Palywood bullshit
Israeli airstrikes are not Pollywood. The IDF has recklessly killed thousands of lawful noncombatants they had the moral and legal obligation to protect, i.e. clear war crimes.
Do you know what an antisemite is?
In context, a Jew hater - those like you.
Yep, I knew you didn't know. Someone who is antisemitic is anti-Semite. If Arabs (Arab Semites) can be antisemitic then Israelis (Jewish Semites) are the most antisemitic bastards on the planet.

You really should learn and understand the meanings of the words you use. If you are going to claim that I am antisemitic then you must also recognize that I am very prosemitic, i.e. I am either both or neither.
I will gladly retract if I misspoke. Are you claiming that only Arabs living in Gaza are inherently deserving of a death sentence?

I'm saying that Arabs in Gaza declared war on Israel with a vicious, unprovoked terrorist attack. And no different than the USA bombing Tokyo after Pearl Harbor, now reap the whirlwind of the war they started.

YOU lied that Jews fighting back is "genocide or Arabs." If even 1% of Arabs live in Gaza I would be surprise.

BTW, Saudi Arabia CONDEMNED Hamas - unlike you.

How did you know I was a Muslim?

Extremely obvious.
You're absolutely right. Outnumbering precludes the claim of genocide, as does Arabic-speaking proficiency. You are truly a genius.

... while the only ones actually exterminating anyone are IDF soldiers perpetrating genocide on civilian Arab Semite noncombatants (who are all talk) ... except we currently have a ceasefire so we can be thankful for that. The longer the ceasefire, the longer we go without Israeli war crimes and more innocent children get to live another day.

More Muzzie lies.

Israel is engaged in limited attacks focused on Hamas strongholds - which the filth build in underground bunkers beneath civilian structures - cowards that they are.

... and I so totally believe in my heart of hearts that you actually do, in fact, speak for everybody. When I want to know what everyone says and what everyone thinks, you are my "go to" guy.

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَـٰلَمِينَ ٢

Taqiyya is what you call it, right? Holy lying. Your god Muhammad and his little djin Allah command that you murder Jews - so lying to achieve that goal is accepted by Islam as there is no shame in deceiving Dhimmis.

Nope. You haven't seen squat. The Marxist "we" haven't seen squat. I'm not buying the Israeli PR lines that things were discovered in the rubble so obviously Hamas was "storing supplies" in all those locations which therefore establishes those civilian population centers as "headquarters."

You are a Muslim - you lie for you god Muhammad.

You don't actually doubt the facts - you simply lie about them because you have an agenda. Integrity is something absent in Islam.

I won't sully the board with the videos of what your people did in Israel - but your defense is obscene. Which is why reasonable people see your religion as obscene.

Even refugee camps that were supposed to be safe zones were bombed under the claim that "ummm, errr, Hamas was hiding behind human shields, ummm, errr, yes, that's it, because Hamas is known to hide behind human shields ... and it is known because we constantly declare it." I realize that you, being on Team Israel, must accept all PR releases and regurgitate them. I, however, do not and will not.

Israeli airstrikes are not Pollywood. The IDF has recklessly killed thousands of lawful noncombatants they had the moral and legal obligation to protect, i.e. clear war crimes.

Virtually everything you post is Palywood bullshit. Lying is the foundation of Islam. Muslims lie to Dhimmis as a matter of your faith.
Yep, I knew you didn't know. Someone who is antisemitic is anti-Semite. If Arabs (Arab Semites) can be antisemitic then Israelis (Jewish Semites) are the most antisemitic bastards on the planet.

You really should learn and understand the meanings of the words you use. If you are going to claim that I am antisemitic then you must also recognize that I am very prosemitic, i.e. I am either both or neither.

Again, "in context."

I am aware that Arabic is a semitic language.

Antisemitism however, is specifically hatred of Jews.

And no one hates Jews the way Muslims do. It's because the Jews rejected your false god Muhammad back in Medina - so long ago.

Standard Disclaimer: 99% of Muslims are decent people who just want to live their lives. There are 2 billion Muslims on the planet - leaving 2 million radical, dangerous terrorists roaming around. The bigger issue is the decent Muslims, those like you - make excuses for the evil ones because you place your religion ahead of your humanity.
Again, "in context."
Exactly. You totally misunderstand the word.

I am aware that Arabic is a semitic language.
Too funny. Arabs are Semites. If you hate Semites, you hate Arabs. You are antisemitic, and look! You hate Arabs.

Antisemitism however, is specifically hatred of Jews.
Nope. Learn English. At least now you understand why you are forever saying stupid crap. You use entirely the wrong words.

Someone who hates specifically Jews is anti-Jewish. Someone who hates specifically Arabs is anti-Arab. Someone who hates the entire set of Semites is antisemitic.

Semites = {Jewish Semites} ∪ {Arab Semites}

I realize that you HATE Arabs so much, that you want them exterminated so much, that you so vehemently consider them subhuman, that you don't think they count as humans and thus, don't count as Semites, thus leaving the word "semitic" to only mean {Jewish Semites} ... but those of us who are not complete bigots reject your assertion.

And no one hates Jews the way Muslims do.
You don't speak for everyone. You only speak for yourself. There is a great deal of anti-Jewish HATE in Europe. Hitler tapped into it. Many Europeans would be happy to throw the remaining Jews into ovens, gas chambers and firing trenches. In contrast, I know plenty of Muslims who bear no ill will to anyone, including to Jews, so I reject your sweeping generalizations that are intended to support your absurd assertions.

It's because the Jews rejected your false god Muhammad back in Medina - so long ago.
You never explained how my practicing of Islam is somehow wrong.

Standard Disclaimer: 99% of Muslims are decent people who just want to live their lives.
Nope. You don't get to make this "disclaimer" after claiming "And no one hates Jews the way Muslims do."

There are 2 billion Muslims on the planet - leaving 2 million radical, dangerous terrorists roaming around.
If you weren't mathematically incompetent you would have asserted 20 million radical, dangerous terrorists. Nonetheless, you're making up crap. Your team is perpetrating war crimes that I hope are investigated, honestly and fairly of course, but investigated nonetheless.

The bigger issue is the decent Muslims, those like you - make excuses for the evil ones because you place your religion ahead of your humanity.
Please refresh my memory as to what excuses I have made. It was you and Team Israel who excused/absolved Israel of all war crimes preemptively.

Exactly. You totally misunderstand the word.

Not in the slightest.

{Antisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism)[SUP][a][/SUP] is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP] This sentiment is a form of racism,[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP] and a person who harbours it is called an antisemite.}

Antisemitism - Wikipedia

Too funny. Arabs are Semites. If you hate Semites, you hate Arabs. You are antisemitic, and look! You hate Arabs.

Antisemitism, as proven above, is specifically hatred of Jews.

Nope. Learn English. At least now you understand why you are forever saying stupid crap. You use entirely the wrong words.

Someone who hates specifically Jews is anti-Jewish. Someone who hates specifically Arabs is anti-Arab. Someone who hates the entire set of Semites is antisemitic.

Semites = {Jewish Semites} ∪ {Arab Semites}

Don't you get tired of being proven wrong?

{There are various ways in which antisemitism is manifested, ranging in the level of severity of Jewish persecution. On the more subtle end, it consists of expressions of hatred or discrimination against individual Jews, and may or may not be accompanied by violence.

On the most extreme end, it consists of
pogroms or genocide, which may or may not be state-sponsored. Although the term "antisemitism" did not come into common usage until the 19th century, it is also applied to previous and later anti-Jewish incidents. Notable instances of antisemitic persecution include the Rhineland massacres in 1096; the Edict of Expulsion in 1290; the European persecution of Jews during the Black Death, between 1348 and 1351; the massacre of Spanish Jews in 1391, the crackdown of the Spanish Inquisition, and the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492; the Cossack massacres in Ukraine, between 1648 and 1657; various anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire, between 1821 and 1906; the Dreyfus affair, between 1894 and 1906; the Holocaust by the Axis powers during World War II; and various Soviet anti-Jewish policies.}

I realize that you HATE Arabs so much, that you want them exterminated so much, that you so vehemently consider them subhuman, that you don't think they count as humans and thus, don't count as Semites, thus leaving the word "semitic" to only mean {Jewish Semites} ... but those of us who are not complete bigots reject your assertion.

You don't "realize" anything.

You are blatantly lying to project your hatred of Jews onto me.

I've said not one word about "hating Arabs." And what a stupid claim. I corrected your lie that "all Arabs live in Gaza."

You don't speak for everyone. You only speak for yourself. There is a great deal of anti-Jewish HATE in Europe. Hitler tapped into it. Many Europeans would be happy to throw the remaining Jews into ovens, gas chambers and firing trenches. In contrast, I know plenty of Muslims who bear no ill will to anyone, including to Jews, so I reject your sweeping generalizations that are intended to support your absurd assertions.

Clearly a lot of ANTISEMITIC hate in America as well, such as that coming from you.

You never explained how my practicing of Islam is somehow wrong.

I never said it was wrong.

LYING is wrong - so the Islamic practice of lying to infidels is wrong. As I said, the majority of Muslims are just people living their lives. Usually persecuted by their own countries and their own religion.

Nope. You don't get to make this "disclaimer" after claiming "And no one hates Jews the way Muslims do."

I get to do whatever the fuck I want to do.

And NO ONE hates Jews the way Muslims do.

If you weren't mathematically incompetent you would have asserted 20 million radical, dangerous terrorists. Nonetheless, you're making up crap. Your team is perpetrating war crimes that I hope are investigated, honestly and fairly of course, but investigated nonetheless.

Do you think that makes things better, that there are 20 million crazed terrorists intent on murder and rape the way Hamas did in Gaza?

Please refresh my memory as to what excuses I have made. It was you and Team Israel who excused/absolved Israel of all war crimes preemptively.

This entire thread is your attempt to justify the obscene crimes against humanity committed by Arabs in Gaza on October 7th. You have tried to blame the victims for the atrocities committed.
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Stop attacking Israel, problem solved.
I don't think terrorist loving halfwits on the left can comprehend the OBVIOUS as bolded.
Too funny. The genocide-loving half-wits can't seem to grasp the obvious as bolded, that the civilian Arab Semite noncombatants who Israel is slaughtering by the thousands, who Israel has every obligation to protect per the Geneva Conventions, never attacked Israel in the first place.

The genocide-loving half-wits just want to satisfy their blood-thirsty genocide addiction with the deaths of thousands of Arab Semites, who they consider to be subhuman, who they consider to "not count" as Semites. They particularly relish the deaths of innocent children who the genocide-loving half-wits declare "totally deserve whatever they get" because all those children "voted for Hamas."

The genocide-loving half-wits take the cake when it comes to lame rationalizations for supporting genocide.
More Muzzie lies.

Israel is engaged in limited attacks focused on Hamas strongholds - which the filth build in underground bunkers beneath civilian structures - cowards that they are.

Taqiyya is what you call it, right? Holy lying. Your god Muhammad and his little djin Allah command that you murder Jews - so lying to achieve that goal is accepted by Islam as there is no shame in deceiving Dhimmis.

You are a Muslim - you lie for you god Muhammad.

You don't actually doubt the facts - you simply lie about them because you have an agenda. Integrity is something absent in Islam.

I won't sully the board with the videos of what your people did in Israel - but your defense is obscene. Which is why reasonable people see your religion as obscene.

Virtually everything you post is Palywood bullshit. Lying is the foundation of Islam. Muslims lie to Dhimmis as a matter of your faith.

He is not Islamic, but he is believing the tripe from Hamas propaganda.
Too funny. The genocide-loving half-wits can't seem to grasp the obvious as bolded, that the civilian Arab Semite noncombatants who Israel is slaughtering by the thousands, who Israel has every obligation to protect per the Geneva Conventions, never attacked Israel in the first place.

The genocide-loving half-wits just want to satisfy their blood-thirsty genocide addiction with the deaths of thousands of Arab Semites, who they consider to be subhuman, who they consider to "not count" as Semites. They particularly relish the deaths of innocent children who the genocide-loving half-wits declare "totally deserve whatever they get" because all those children "voted for Hamas."

The genocide-loving half-wits take the cake when it comes to lame rationalizations for supporting genocide.

The Gaza government launched an unprovoked terrorist attack where they murdered 1,400 people, raped 600 women, and beheaded infants in their crib on behalf of your god Muhammad. You'd lie that it didn't happen, but the savage pigs took video - were PROUD of what they were doing.

Now you want to blame the victims because the filthy fucks in Gaza picked off more than they could chew. Gaza is a tiny speck of the Arab population. Your lie that retaliation against Hamas is "genocide" of the Arab race is stupid and evil. Arabs have killed VASTLY more of their fellow Arabs in Syria and you don't mind at all. In fact, most of the Palywood lies you and your fellow terrorist promoters post are actually pictures and video from the war is Syria.

You tell these lies because Israel exists. Muslims control 99% of the land in the middle east, but you're outraged, OUTRAGED that the greedy Jews won't give you the other 1% and all die to please your god Muhammad and his filthy little djin Allah. The ONLY one looking for genocide are the Muslim supremacists like you who demand that EVERY grain of sand in the middle east be under the dominion of Muslims.

THAT is the truth - which you and your fellow Muslim supremacists refuse to acknowledge.

THIS is the "civilians" in Gaza:


A children’s show on Al-Aqsa TV, the official Hamas-run television channel broadcasting from Gaza, broadcast a segment calling for the mass killing of Jews.
In a clip of the kids’ TV show “The Pioneers of Tomorrow,” broadcast on May 2 and uploaded Thursday by the MEMRI media watchdog, the host of the program, a young girl in a hijab, interviews two very young children, one of whom says she hopes to be a police officer like her uncle Ahmad.
The host asks what policemen do, and, after establishing that they catch criminals, adds that “they shoot Jews, right?” and stresses to her young guest that “you want to be like him.”

“I will shoot the Jews!” the little child says.
“All of them?” the host asks.
“Yes,” the girl says
“Good,” the host answers.

Gaza is united in terrorism and hatred of Jews.
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He is not Islamic, but he is believing the tripe from Hamas propaganda.
Which propaganda? (You are lying. I don't support anyone. I call for accountability)

You, on the other hand, have shown that there is no Team Israel propaganda that is too absurd for you to regurgitate. How you claim to be a Christian while cheering on the deaths of children is beyond me.
When the Israelis departed Gaza they left behind a fully functioning industry as a gift to the Palestinian people, an international flower business, which could have been a major source of income to the Gazans. A lot of “high-rise homes” could gave been built with that income. Instead, the Palestinians burned it to the ground in a fit of pique and malevolence.

The entire history of the Arab-Israeli conflict is filled with examples of Israel making peace gestures to the Arabs which are then rejected, ignored, or used as a means of attacking Israel. Israel generously opened its borders and its employment opportunities to the Palestinians; the response was the Second Intifada and a lot of dead Jews.
The Gaza government launched an unprovoked terrorist attack
Absurd. You are a moron. Iran (and Qatar) attacked Israel through Al Qassam militants; the lawful noncombatant residents of Gaza did not attack Israel. Your mention that there are Arabs who call for the elimination of Jews does not impute a death sentence onto the civilian noncombatants of Gaza. I know you believe it does, but you are just an immoral mistaken bigot. The moment the IDF invaded Gaza, Israel assumed the obligation to protect every single lawful noncombatant under the law of war. Nonetheless, the IDF immediately began launching airstrikes into civilian population centers in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions. Shits like you applaud. You are reprehensible.

You'd lie that it didn't happen,
You are a lair. Lies are all you have. I vociferously denounced the attacks on Israel. Shits, like you, simply want Arab children to die for revenge, thousands of them. Yes, that makes you shitty.

Just for the official record, how many thousands of those sub-human Arab children are you hoping bite it at the hands of the racist IDF? Do you have a pool going? You are a shitty person.

Now you want to blame the victims
Again, lies are all you have. I call for accountability. You call for genocide. Yes, that makes you a shitty person.

... because the filthy fucks in Gaza picked off more than they could chew.
@Into the Night, this is the shitty, racist, inhumane position that you are championing. Read it again. Take it all in. There is absolutely no effort to distinguish between the evil Al Qassam militants and civilian noncombatants who never attacked Israel ... specifically because they are all Arabs ... and that alone is a proper, lawful death sentence.

State for the record that this is what Christianity stands for. Just state it right here in this thread. "The filthy fucks in Gaza, who never attacked Israel, bit off more than they could chew just by being fucking Arabs. "

Thousands of children dead. Israel was supposed to be protecting them but instead blasted them with air strikes. The IDF won't dispute a single one of the air strikes, by the way; I know you are chomping at the bit to refer to Israeli air strikes as "Hamas propaganda" and to swim in lots of other denial. The truly shitty part is that you know it's all true, every horrible detail, so you fight tooth and nail for there to be no accountability for Israel whatsoever. One more time, you will go to the mat to prevent any accountability. People who are confident that there is no wrongdoing will gladly welcome investigations that will quickly clear up the matter. On the other hand, those who know that they are cheering on a genocide really don't want that to be confirmed by any investigations.

Gaza is a tiny speck of the Arab population.
Gaza is just as important a part of humanity as any other "speck."

Your lie that retaliation against Hamas is "genocide" of the Arab race
Your lie that this is my claim is reflective of your moral bankruptcy. The Israeli genocide against the Palestinians because of Israeli racism towards Arab Semites is what is wrong. Please copy-paste this instead of assigning to me bogus positions that I do not hold.

Arabs have killed VASTLY more of their fellow Arabs in Syria and you don't mind at all.
Lies are all you have. As an example, I routinely denounce the throwing of living humans from tall rooftops who have not committed any crime, or of beheadings for similarly lacking of any crimes.

In fact, most of the Palywood lies you and your fellow terrorist promoters post are actually pictures and video from the war is Syria.
100% if the Israeli war crimes since October 7th occurred in Gaza.

Muslims control 99% of the land in the middle east, but you're outraged, OUTRAGED that the greedy Jews won't give you the other 1% and all die to please your god Muhammad and his filthy little djin Allah.
Is this why you HATE us Muslims? Is this why you feel that we deserve whatever doom we get?

The ONLY one looking for genocide are the Muslim supremacists like you
... and because of my Islamic supremacist attitude, I deserve to die, yes?

... who demand that EVERY grain of sand in the middle east be under the dominion of Muslims.
... and because I demand this, Israel is justified in pumping an air strike into my home, or into my friend's home if the IDF thinks I might be visiting there, yes?

THIS is the "civilians" in Gaza:

[FONT=&]A children’s show on Al-Aqsa TV, the official Hamas-run television channel broadcasting from Gaza, broadcast a segment calling for the mass killing of Jews.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]In a clip of the kids’ TV show “The Pioneers of Tomorrow,” broadcast on May 2 and uploaded Thursday by the MEMRI media watchdog, the host of the program, a young girl in a hijab, interviews two very young children, one of whom says she hopes to be a police officer like her uncle Ahmad.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]The host asks what policemen do, and, after establishing that they catch criminals, adds that “they shoot Jews, right?” and stresses to her young guest that “you want to be like him.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&]“I will shoot the Jews!” the little child says.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]“All of them?” the host asks.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]“Yes,” the girl says[/FONT]
[FONT=&]“Good,” the host answers.[/FONT]

Gaza is united in terrorism and hatred of Jews.

@Into the Night - read the above. Because of claimed content of a program, all of the Arabs in Gaza deserve to die. Do you not find anything wrong with this? Anything at all?

All of the above represents a clear struggle to convince oneself that all Arabs in Gaza "totally deserve whatever they get." Tell me this is what all good Christians should be telling themselves. Citing something ugly is justification for actually killing children.

I will never support this kind of killing, or even this fucked-up mindset.
Guno צְבִי;5876143 said:
When the Israelis departed Gaza they left behind a fully functioning industry as a gift to the Palestinian people,
When the Israelis entered Gaza, they turned it into an unlivable rubble heap, in order to hasten the coming of the 2nd Nakba, and as an outward sign of just how much they HATE Arab Semites.

Guno צְבִי;5876143 said:
The entire history of the Arab-Israeli conflict is filled with examples of Israel making peace gestures to the Arabs which are then rejected, ignored, or used as a means of attacking Israel.
The entire history of the Arab-Israeli conflict is filled with examples of Israel killing many Arabs, destroying their homes, leading up to the IDF storming Gaza if Iran attacks Israel (??).

Guno צְבִי;5876143 said:
Israel generously opened its borders and its employment opportunities to the Palestinians;
Israel has demolished well over 50,000 Palestinian homes over the last two years just on accusation alone from an angry Israeli, or because the IDF just wants to laugh at another Palestinian family as they beg in vain for their home to not be destroyed. Israelis sure enjoy imparting misery on Arabs; they never raze any Israeli homes, but all it takes for a Palestinian home to be razed is for an IDF commander to be in a bad mood because his wife "cut him off."

Anyway, Israel is looking to bring on the 2nd Nakba, and by razing Palestinian homes, Israelis feel as though they can accelerate the arrival of that day.
Absurd. You are a moron. Iran (and Qatar) attacked Israel through Al Qassam militants; the lawful noncombatant residents of Gaza did not attack Israel. Your mention that there are Arabs who call for the elimination of Jews does not impute a death sentence onto the civilian noncombatants of Gaza. I know you believe it does, but you are just an immoral mistaken bigot. The moment the IDF invaded Gaza, Israel assumed the obligation to protect every single lawful noncombatant under the law of war. Nonetheless, the IDF immediately began launching airstrikes into civilian population centers in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions. Shits like you applaud. You are reprehensible.

You are a lair. Lies are all you have. I vociferously denounced the attacks on Israel. Shits, like you, simply want Arab children to die for revenge, thousands of them. Yes, that makes you shitty.

Just for the official record, how many thousands of those sub-human Arab children are you hoping bite it at the hands of the racist IDF? Do you have a pool going? You are a shitty person.

Again, lies are all you have. I call for accountability. You call for genocide. Yes, that makes you a shitty person.

@Into the Night, this is the shitty, racist, inhumane position that you are championing. Read it again. Take it all in. There is absolutely no effort to distinguish between the evil Al Qassam militants and civilian noncombatants who never attacked Israel ... specifically because they are all Arabs ... and that alone is a proper, lawful death sentence.

State for the record that this is what Christianity stands for. Just state it right here in this thread. "The filthy fucks in Gaza, who never attacked Israel, bit off more than they could chew just by being fucking Arabs. "

Thousands of children dead. Israel was supposed to be protecting them but instead blasted them with air strikes. The IDF won't dispute a single one of the air strikes, by the way; I know you are chomping at the bit to refer to Israeli air strikes as "Hamas propaganda" and to swim in lots of other denial. The truly shitty part is that you know it's all true, every horrible detail, so you fight tooth and nail for there to be no accountability for Israel whatsoever. One more time, you will go to the mat to prevent any accountability. People who are confident that there is no wrongdoing will gladly welcome investigations that will quickly clear up the matter. On the other hand, those who know that they are cheering on a genocide really don't want that to be confirmed by any investigations.

Gaza is just as important a part of humanity as any other "speck."

Your lie that this is my claim is reflective of your moral bankruptcy. The Israeli genocide against the Palestinians because of Israeli racism towards Arab Semites is what is wrong. Please copy-paste this instead of assigning to me bogus positions that I do not hold.

Lies are all you have. As an example, I routinely denounce the throwing of living humans from tall rooftops who have not committed any crime, or of beheadings for similarly lacking of any crimes.

100% if the Israeli war crimes since October 7th occurred in Gaza.

Is this why you HATE us Muslims? Is this why you feel that we deserve whatever doom we get?

... and because of my Islamic supremacist attitude, I deserve to die, yes?

... and because I demand this, Israel is justified in pumping an air strike into my home, or into my friend's home if the IDF thinks I might be visiting there, yes?

@Into the Night - read the above. Because of claimed content of a program, all of the Arabs in Gaza deserve to die. Do you not find anything wrong with this? Anything at all?

All of the above represents a clear struggle to convince oneself that all Arabs in Gaza "totally deserve whatever they get." Tell me this is what all good Christians should be telling themselves. Citing something ugly is justification for actually killing children.

I will never support this kind of killing, or even this fucked-up mindset.

I will no longer bandy your twisted history with you. You cannot be convinced. For some reason you hate Jews. The only reason why is apparently because of this twisted 'history' you believe. It's propaganda, sir. It is right out of Hamas propaganda.
For some reason you hate Jews.
Explain. You have thus far EVADED all requests to be reasonable. I point out that Israel is violating the Geneva Conventions and all you've got is "You hate Jews." Is that the apex of your logical acumen? Is that as good as it gets?

You, on the other hand, have specifically stated that you will not call for accountability on the part of Israel, even if you are on the panel that decides who will conduct the investigations, and that you have made this decision in advance, i.e. you have excused Israel of all war crimes retroactively ... and now you are hurling petty insults like a leftist.

You cheer on genocide without accountability, and I stand in opposition to genocide while demanding full accountability. We'll just have to agree to disagree, unless you want to exchange insults, which is fine too.

Israel has been in violation of the Geneva Conventions since the IDF invaded Gaza, by murdering the lawful noncombatants they were supposed to protect. It is indisputable, except by Team Israel who has preemptively excused all Israeli war crimes and who has retroactively forgotten any war crimes that have occurred or that may occur. Say it with me "What war crimes?"

Thank you for not wasting my time with your denial of history. Iran attacked Israel on 7 October, not the people of Gaza. Despite knowing this, Israel did not attack Iran or Qatar because Israel is not looking for justice for the attack. Israel is using Iran's attack as an excuse to waste Arabs with impunity.

Also, thank you for not wasting my time with your denial of Israel being fully responsible for Israeli air strikes. I realize that you are dying to impute Israeli responsibility onto Arabs, e.g. Hamas, children, Gaza citizens who totally "deserve it," etc... How many Arab children are you hoping bite it at the hands of the IDF? Israel is supposed to be ensuring the protection of every single one of them per the Geneva Conventions.

The only reason why is apparently ...
I don't hate any class of people. I do hate certain specific individuals in this world, but none that we are discussing.

because of this twisted 'history' you believe.
Referring to the Geneva conventions as "twisted history" is absurd. Denying Israeli airstrikes in areas they controlled is absurd. You've got nothing but denial. Why is that? I'm open to letting you explain your position. On it's face, it appears that you HATE Arabs. I cannot think of any valid reason for your level of denial, and for your apparent full support of Yakuda's and T. A. Gardner's dehumanization of Arabs. I would never have guessed that you harbored that kind of ill will to a class of people. Nonetheless, if you wish to shed some light onto your perspective, I'm all ears.

Joining others on Team Israel in calling me a "Jew-hater" just because I call for accountability of Israel (I call for accountability of everybody) is stupid and petty.

It's propaganda, sir. It is right out of Hamas propaganda.
2nd Request: What propaganda are you claiming that I am regurgitating? I have recited the Law of Armed Conflict, aka Law of War, aka Humanitarian Law ... and you have done backflips to get it dismissed. Israel is not allowed to pump missiles into civilian population centers, especially ones they control. I appreciate you not wasting my time with denials thereof.

Since you agree with Yakuda's dehumanization of Arabs as dogs (rabid ones at that), I suppose it would be a fair question to ask you what breed of dog you perceive Arabs as being. Are Arabs large dogs or small dogs? Short-haired or shaggy?