[1a] Given the fact that murder laws do not stop mass murders from happening, why do you believe that additional laws (e.g. gun regulation/confiscation laws) will somehow stop mass murders from happening?

Let's just address your first failed point!

Laws are not even established with the idea that LAWS will totally prevent crimes- Laws are put in place to deter crimes.

And let me tell you something else idiot- NO ONE EVER SAID THAT LAWS TOTALLY PREVENT CRIMES.

Murder is against the law in every state! However, 21,530 people broke the law to commit murder in 2021!


You have to be the stupidest mother-fucker here in the forum- and obviously CELTICGUY AS WELL, FOR HIS ENDORSEMENT TO YOUR INSANITY!
[1a] Given the fact that murder laws do not stop mass murders from happening, why do you believe that additional laws (e.g. gun regulation/confiscation laws) will somehow stop mass murders from happening?

[1b] Isn't your belief in [1a] the very definition of insanity?

[2] MANY millions of Statesman own guns and have not committed any crimes with them. Why do you wish to blame and punish those many millions of innocent people for the actions of a select few people?

[3] Given the fact that you support various politicians, celebrities, assemblies, and locations all across the States being protected with guns, why do you oppose protecting schools, and more importantly the children within them, with guns?

[4a] Why do you immediately blame the gun rather than the person using it?

[4b] Why do you never examine the murderers themselves in order to find common links between them which could then be addressed (e.g. prescription of psychoactive drugs)?

[4c] Why do you never consider taking simple preventative measures (e.g. installing special doors that can be quickly closed and locked)?

[5] What gives you the right to tell other people what they do or do not "need"?

Originally Posted by Supposn View Posts:
GFM7175, you're asking 5 questions that seem facets of the same topic. If you choose one of your questions, I'll try to respond to it. Respectfully, Supposn
GFM7175, you posted rhetorical questions with comments you cannot without embarrassment uphold? You fear exposing your lack of logic? You're unable to further discuss any single item of your initial post? That's your choice.
GFM7175, you're unable to choose and further discuss any single item of your initial post? That's your choice and yes, we all get it.

PostModernProphet, I'm patient. But GFM7175 seems unable and/or is fearful of further publicly revealing his lack of reasoning. If he dares to chose and uphold any one of his original post's foolish items, I'll will post a response. Respectfully, Supposn
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Hey bird turd , libs leftys also own guns, how about people going though a gun safety and handling course during where a nut can be identified as such , they don't hand out licences to drive like that

I love that, "many millions of Statesman own guns, etc." As if owning a gun confers special patriotic privilege on the owner. Failed logic.
[1a] Given the fact that murder laws do not stop mass murders from happening, why do you believe that additional laws (e.g. gun regulation/confiscation laws) will somehow stop mass murders from happening?

[1b] Isn't your belief in [1a] the very definition of insanity?

[2] MANY millions of Statesman own guns and have not committed any crimes with them. Why do you wish to blame and punish those many millions of innocent people for the actions of a select few people?

[3] Given the fact that you support various politicians, celebrities, assemblies, and locations all across the States being protected with guns, why do you oppose protecting schools, and more importantly the children within them, with guns?

[4a] Why do you immediately blame the gun rather than the person using it?

[4b] Why do you never examine the murderers themselves in order to find common links between them which could then be addressed (e.g. prescription of psychoactive drugs)?

[4c] Why do you never consider taking simple preventative measures (e.g. installing special doors that can be quickly closed and locked)?

[5] What gives you the right to tell other people what they do or do not "need"?

All other countries in the world have mental illness and "bad guys with guns". What they don't have, is American rednecks sick obsession with weapons of war.

We're going to get those rifles now. We're going to get them.
The bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that Biden, along with Senator Feinstein, secured in 1994 reduced the lethality of mass shootings.

Chuck Schumer helped write and pass the 1994 assault weapons ban, which outlawed the manufacture and importation of semi-automatic weapons like the AK-47. The original assault weapons ban expired in 2004, and Congress has not renewed it since then. Semi-automatic assault weapons were designed for war and have no place in our communities, our streets or our schools, so Chuck believes the Senate should debate a new assault weapons ban.

And we're going to get them, permanently this time. No expiration date, rednecks. Kiss your assault rifiles goodbye.
All other countries in the world have mental illness and "bad guys with guns". What they don't have, is American rednecks sick obsession with weapons of war.

We're going to get those rifles now. We're going to get them.

Over my dead body, you commie piece of shit.
PostModernProphet, more than a half of a week has past since Friday afternoon when I first responded to GFM7175's initial 5 question post:
GFM7175 has yet to choose a single one AMONG his post's 5 items, that he can discuss with confidence. I'm not willing to let him jump back and forth among his 5 items, but I'm willing to respond to them all if he'll choose among them one at a time.
Respectfully, Supposn
Originally Posted by Supposn View Posts:
GFM7175, you're asking 5 questions that seem facets of the same topic. If you choose one of your questions, I'll try to respond to it. Respectfully, Supposn
GFM7175, you posted rhetorical questions with comments you cannot without embarrassment uphold? You fear exposing your lack of logic? You're unable to further discuss any single item of your initial post? That's your choice.
GFM7175, you're unable to choose and further discuss any single item of your initial post? That's your choice and yes, we all get it.

PostModernProphet, I'm patient. But GFM7175 seems unable and/or is fearful of further publicly revealing his lack of reasoning. If he dares to chose and uphold any one of his original post's foolish items, I'll will post a response. Respectfully, Supposn

Respectfully, Supposwn
What is it with you idiots and your violent fantasies? You are going to give me your guns willingly. You know why? Because it's the right thing to do.

Good for you, citizen!!!
What is it with you idiots and your thievery fantasies? You are not going to thieve from me without a fight. You know why? Because I have the right to defend myself and my belongings.
What is it with you idiots and your thievery fantasies? You are not going to thieve from me without a fight. You know why? Because I have the right to defend myself and my belongings.

21 funerals in TX this week. The Democrats didn't do that. You did with your unrestricted access to those killing machines.

They will be saying the names of those babies cut down by your guns this week. The whole world will be watching what you did to those teachers and kids.

21 Funerals. Funerals that could have been avoided had Texans really cherished their kids more than their stupid AR's

21 Funerals. May God have mercy on you, my friend.. because he's the only one that can now.
21 funerals in TX this week. The Democrats didn't do that. You did with your unrestricted access to those killing machines.

They will be saying the names of those babies cut down by your guns this week. The whole world will be watching what you did to those teachers and kids.

21 Funerals. Funerals that could have been avoided had Texans really cherished their kids more than their stupid AR's

21 Funerals. May God have mercy on you, my friend.. because he's the only one that can now.

Ah ah.
Democrats did it with their fucked up school policies of no God, no discipline, and gender-bending bullshit that confuses children.