There Can be Only One!
Maybe you should teach them not to shoot other kids. It worked for my generation.
It's the guns.
Maybe you should teach them not to shoot other kids. It worked for my generation.
Maybe you should teach them not to shoot other kids. It worked for my generation.
There's nothing new asked in the OP. Maybe try Google for five minutes and see how these questions have been answered.
Lemme tell you something: Gun grabbers will lie, cheat, steal, whatever it takes to disarm Americans, and we know that.
You're not going to be taking guns from people nationwide because of "dat eebul Texas legislature".
There's 49 other states.
Americans will not give an inch on gun rights.
This isn't 1938 Weimar Germany or Canada.
Don't you know people in America have full-auto machine guns legally?
I get it, you don't know much about guns.
Guns aren't the problem. The quality of people coming up is the problem.
And then YOU can try blowing me, bitch.
Such wit. Such class. Such charisma. I bet you're a success in life.
Such wit. Such class. Such charisma. I bet you're a success in life.
such hypocrisy, given that a few posts above you insulted boomers. I bet you're a spoiled rotten brat in life
How many years have guns been around?It's the guns.
It's the guns.
The Boomer generation?
How many years have guns been around?
How many years have mass shootings been an issue at schools?
It is not the guns, moron.
I've had and have dozens of guns, including military (and still do) issued. Not one has got up and shot anyone. Must NOT be the gun.
Well, since YOU'VE never killed anyone with your stupid guns I guess that's all the proof we need, Bitch.
Fuck of with that redneck nonsense, loser.
You are a bazaar character.
"Bizarre"!!!! A "bazaar" is like an outdoor fair, idiot!
We're taking your stupid killing machines, Suzie. The whole world has seen your ass. You suck.
Your fear is justified. Don't fuck up.
[1a] Given the fact that murder laws do not stop mass murders from happening, why do you believe that additional laws (e.g. gun regulation/confiscation laws) will somehow stop mass murders from happening?
You are the one insane thinking he would be able to get his hands on one.[1b] Isn't your belief in [1a] the very definition of insanity?
[2] MANY millions of Statesman own guns and have not committed any crimes with them. Why do you wish to blame and punish those many millions of innocent people for the actions of a select few people?
Because that is ridiculously expensive and really won't work. What makes you think if armed police are too chickenshit to go after a shooter that your 3rd grade teacher is going to be able to?[3] Given the fact that you support various politicians, celebrities, assemblies, and locations all across the States being protected with guns, why do you oppose protecting schools, and more importantly the children within them, with guns?
I blame both, if the fucker did not have that gun 19 kids would still be alive.[4a] Why do you immediately blame the gun rather than the person using it?
We have, they all have been mentally deranged, why the fuck do we sell the mentally deranged machine guns? We can't even initiate a red flag law that allows people to point the fuckers out so we don't sell them guns. How do you prevent the mentally deranged from getting these guns if the background checks don't look at anyone's mental stability much less prevent them from buying one?[4b] Why do you never examine the murderers themselves in order to find common links between them which could then be addressed (e.g. prescription of psychoactive drugs)?
They don't work asshole. That door this shooter walked in was supposed to be locked. A teacher said she thought it was locked.[4c] Why do you never consider taking simple preventative measures (e.g. installing special doors that can be quickly closed and locked)?
a democracy. If the people don't want these guns available to anyone they can pass laws to prevent it. Don't like it, eat shit.[5] What gives you the right to tell other people what they do or do not "need"?