something new at RCP....

so.......under RCP policy, when a candidates lead drops below 4% they shift a state from "leaning to" to "toss up".......

if they applied the same policy to the general election polls, as of this morning.......the entire country just became toss up.....

Hillary's lead drops to 3.9.....

Reuters changed their methodology when Trump erased 12 points to pass her
What about New Jersey.....
RCP Average 6/22 - 9/5 -- -- 49.5 37.0 Clinton +12.5
Emerson* 9/2 - 9/5 800 LV 3.4 47 43 Clinton +4
Fairleigh Dickinson 6/22 - 6/26 363 RV 3.8 52 31 Clinton +21

can anyone speculate as to whether her +12.5 average lead is still legitimate?......
The non stop lying has crossed the tipping point and with the deplirabletter debacle the trump train just became a juggernaut.
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