Sotomayor says the president can now 'assassinate a political rival' without facing prosecution

Perhaps the most insidious part of the disastrous SCOTUS ruling is that they have ruled that motive cannot be used as evidence of a crime. So of course a President could order the military to assassinate a political rival. Biden could have Trump assassinated and claim it was an act within his constitutional official duties as commander and chief, and that the action was taken to eliminate an existential threat to democracy. If you can show me in the ruling where that scenario is subject to prosecution, please feel free to do so.
I agree. That motive cannot be an element is absurd. In criminal matters, motive is ALWAYS an element.

The other disaster in the ruling is that communication within the Executive Branch, no matter how conspiratorial, is immune.

How can a conspiracy to prevent the peaceful transfer of power within a corrupt DOJ be immune?