Sotomayor says the president can now 'assassinate a political rival' without facing prosecution

The clear difference is the Supreme's decision will be meaningful if the unevolved asshole gets in power again. Biden does not have the desire to punish people who disagree with him or his policies.
Blatant lie.
He is governing as previous presidents have.
Blatant lie. Biden is not President.
Trump is foaming at the mouth to get immunity from his childish angry actions.
Blatant lie.
He has stated in the past that he will go after the people who were against him and people who are in his mind, insufficiently loyal.
He will pardon the valuable ones who are being punished for breaking laws.
They didn't break any law.
Most will be ignored. He does not care about anyone but himself.
Blatant lie.
You better stay loyal.
To the Constitution, absolutely! To Trump that supports it? Absolutely!
Trump could have taken a lot of problems away by helping Cohen.
What problems?
He could have paid for his lawyers or pardoned him. Trump's miscalculation was that he was no longer useful.
Blatant lie.
Trespass into the White House, and you will be lucky to live to see 5+ years in prison.

Your Brown Shirts rushed the White House after setting St. John historic church on fire and tearing down statues of Lincoln and Jefferson.

You defended them and praised their actions. Obviously they were not prosecuted.

Party matters - in law, party is the most critical thing.

Your Brown Shirts rushed the White House after setting St. John historic church on fire and tearing down statues of Lincoln and Jefferson.

You defended them and praised their actions. Obviously they were not prosecuted.

Party matters - in law, party is the most critical thing.

St John's is still standing. It was not burned down. trump did use the National Guard to seize it from its clergy for a photo op, but then he returned it to the clergy.
Say goodbye to your raping felon messiah

  • The Supreme Court ruled that presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for all official acts.
  • Justice Sotomayor said in a dissenting opinion that the ruling was far too broad.
  • "Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune," she wrote.
That has to be the most stupid and ignorant statement a Supreme Court justice ever made.

It is further evidence of why one does not put low IQ DEI candidates on the Supreme Court.
Taking trump out would be good for america? If you say so.
Uttered like an ignorant little fascist.


Perhaps the most insidious part of the disastrous SCOTUS ruling is that they have ruled that motive cannot be used as evidence of a crime. So of course a President could order the military to assassinate a political rival. Biden could have Trump assassinated and claim it was an act within his constitutional official duties as commander and chief, and that the action was taken to eliminate an existential threat to democracy. If you can show me in the ruling where that scenario is subject to prosecution, please feel free to do so.
Perhaps the most insidious part of the disastrous SCOTUS ruling is that they have ruled that motive cannot be used as evidence of a crime. So of course a President could order the military to assassinate a political rival. Biden could have Trump assassinated and claim it was an act within his constitutional official duties as commander and chief, and that the action was taken to eliminate an existential threat to democracy. If you can show me in the ruling where that scenario is subject to prosecution, please feel free to do so.
Whether an act is presidential and beyond the courts is a matter of opinion. This crazy decision has to go to the courts to define its parameters. Trump will have to do something bad, and he will. We know Trump will view everything like Nixon did "If the president does it, it is legal? Trump is the worst person to get that immunity. It is like his grievous misuse of the pardoning powers. If Trump wins, America may never go back to 2 equal branches.
Whether an act is presidential and beyond the courts is a matter of opinion. This crazy decision has to go to the courts to define its parameters. Trump will have to do something bad, and he will. We know Trump will view everything like Nixon did "If the president does it, it is legal? Trump is the worst person to get that immunity. It is like his grievous misuse of the pardoning powers. If Trump wins, America may never go back to 2 equal branches.
Actually, if a President exercises any official duty enumerated in the Constitution he/she has absolute immunity. Other official acts can be reviewed by the courts, but a constitutionally mandated power (i.e. Commander in Chief), has absolute immunity, regardless of the motive. Obviously, the President could still be impeached, but he could not be prosecuted. There were three categories of actions, and the first one, the one I'm speaking of, if absolute.