Sotomayor says the president can now 'assassinate a political rival' without facing prosecution

Say goodbye to your raping felon messiah

  • The Supreme Court ruled that presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for all official acts.
  • Justice Sotomayor said in a dissenting opinion that the ruling was far too broad.
  • "Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune," she wrote.
Sotomayor now proves she has never been fit to be a Supreme Court Justice.
So another day in the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom before Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July where suicidal super ego sociopsychopathogical homicidal human farming diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam resulting in a retired WW II Pentagon Staff Sergeant to Eisenhower being one of the first casualties from Rehnquist “what is 9/11 “ Freudian slip from the not so master race not so master Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia more perfect union to Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom race……
Crooked Joe, is that you?
True, but they also added that the President has “ a presumptive immunity for acts within the outer perimeter of his official responsibility," meaning just about anything he decides to do as President including such as selling positions in the Government for personal profit would be legal
... except such an act is unconstitutional, thus NOT "acting within official capacity".

You are describing an impeachable offense btw... one that the Biden Crime Family is guilty of...
Say goodbye to your raping felon messiah

  • The Supreme Court ruled that presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for all official acts.
  • Justice Sotomayor said in a dissenting opinion that the ruling was far too broad.
  • "Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune," she wrote.

Sonja Sotomayor is functionally retarded and no doubt MSNBC wrote her dissent. She is not capable of putting a sentence together.
You are seriously mental if you actually believe what you just typed.

Sotomayor reads at a second grade level. She is not capable of writing a dissent. And her dissent is the kind of idiocy that would come from Morning Joe or Rachel Maddow. No legitimate jurist would vomit out such salacious idiocy in a formal court proceeding. You should be embarrassed - just as you should be embarrassed about Quid Pro's performance. But you're too much of a hack troll to have any sense of shame.
... except such an act is unconstitutional, thus NOT "acting within official capacity".

You are describing an impeachable offense btw... one that the Biden Crime Family is guilty of...
Sotomayor reads at a second grade level. She is not capable of writing a dissent. And her dissent is the kind of idiocy that would come from Morning Joe or Rachel Maddow. No legitimate jurist would vomit out such salacious idiocy in a formal court proceeding. You should be embarrassed - just as you should be embarrassed about Quid Pro's performance. But you're too much of a hack troll to have any sense of shame.
cry some more
Sotomayor reads at a second grade level. She is not capable of writing a dissent. And her dissent is the kind of idiocy that would come from Morning Joe or Rachel Maddow. No legitimate jurist would vomit out such salacious idiocy in a formal court proceeding. You should be embarrassed - just as you should be embarrassed about Quid Pro's performance. But you're too much of a hack troll to have any sense of shame.
Suck that Putin cock