South Side man living proof that new federal health insurance exchange site can work

????...."non-profit" is a state classification for corporations within its jurisdiction.....those laws deal with the uses to which money may be put after it is received by the corporation......501 status is an IRS deals with whether the federal government will tax that money.......there are many non-profits that don't have 501 status.....the most sought after 501 status is 501c under which not only the "profits" of a corporation are untaxed but also contributions made to it are deductible by the donors.....

What's your point? All I'm saying is that there are for-profit health care insurers who will gladly take premiums with one hand and screw their insureds out of coverage with the other.
that was weird.

It told me I was banned and I could not find a reason why.

then it posted the post above.
WTF is going on here?
What's your point? All I'm saying is that there are for-profit health care insurers who will gladly take premiums with one hand and screw their insureds out of coverage with the other.

????....I thought my point was responding to your denial that BC/BS of Michigan wasn't a the way, the fact my insurance disappears in the next 40 days may be just anecdotal evidence to you but to me its evidence Obama has fucked up my life in a major way.....
????....I thought my point was responding to your denial that BC/BS of Michigan wasn't a the way, the fact my insurance disappears in the next 40 days may be just anecdotal evidence to you but to me its evidence Obama has fucked up my life in a major way.....

I asked a question, did you miss it? "Maybe Michigan laws made your BC/BS a non-profit?"

My cite of for-profit companies didn't single out BC/BS Michigan as an exception.
LOL, you've got to try harder than that, Mugabe. Anecdotal evidence is all you've got in your anti-Obamacare rants.

I've said all along that success or failure isn't going to be measurable for at least a year after full implementation of the law.
You mean Obamacare has gotten overwhelming positive response? Where's your evidence, comrade?

And how in the hell do you think you are not shilling? You're a DNC whore. ;)
when they ask people about the individual benefits of the ACA people like them.

how do you get arround that one?
when they ask people about the individual benefits of the ACA people like them.
Translation: when they ask diehard democrats about the individual benefits of the "ACA" the shills like them.

how do you get arround that one?
You don't. You just accept that some democrats will go to their premature deaths holding love letters to Barack Obama in their cold, dead fingers.
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