Southerners, once again, fight to end the life of a minority baby

Leave me out of your shit WM.

Why even mention my name? I'm not involved in it, and don't care to be.

So shut up.
When he first got here people accused him of being both of those people. Yes, they thought he might be one of your "trolls". I told them then, that AHZ was an original. I guess people don't believe me.
Hey, someone's gotta hate everybody. That's Jerry Falwell's philsophy, hate everyone hard enough and Jesus'll let you into heaven.

BTW, why was Jesus popular with the ladies?

Because he was hung like this *opens up arms wide open, in a cruxifiction wide manner* .
So WM was just lying?

Maybe he was being sardonic. I don't know. People used to accuse me of being pretty much ever new name on this message board I used to post on. After a while, I'd just say "yep, that's me again". If I denied it they'd say "suuurreeee" or "methinks she doth protest too much". So finally I just figured, what difference does it make what I say?
Maybe he was being sardonic. I don't know. People used to accuse me of being pretty much ever new name on this message board I used to post on. After a while, I'd just say "yep, that's me again". If I denied it they'd say "suuurreeee" or "methinks she doth protest too much". So finally I just figured, what difference does it make what I say?

Well, I fell for it.
GOD is a sexist? I'm starting to suspect that this in not entirely on the up and up. And that you're not GOD at all.
Oh, that's God for you. He hasn't exactly moved into the 21st century yet. That's B.C. mind you.

Me, I'm more open minded. Of course anyone would be if forced to live in a frickin' 'burb that makes Phoenix look like paradise and where everyone's an illegal alien.
"Oh, that's God for you. He hasn't exactly moved into the 21st century yet. That's B.C. mind you."

Keep it up fuzzball... I have been playin nice with ya so far. Ya don't wanna see me pissed.