Southerners, once again, fight to end the life of a minority baby

"And who made the law ?"

The politicians in Texas made it. It was designed so that the medical professionals could intervene when a parent let their emotions get in the way of the best interest of the child.

It was signed into law under bush. Ironically Sun Hudson faced the same fate when the schiavo case surfaced. Hmmm, I wonder why no fuss about him.
"And who made the law ?"

The politicians in Texas made it. It was designed so that the medical professionals could intervene when a parent let their emotions get in the way of the best interest of the child.
Smells like Socialism. The STATE knows best for your Child!
US... by the way... was there not just a thread on the subject of the government passing laws that took the decision OUT of the hands of the doctors? Now you are bitching because they put the decision IN the hands of the doctors?

I will look for it, I believe it was on the partial birth abortion laws...

LOL, You are probably right, just yanking your chain a bit.
These types os situations are tragic and yes laws do need to exist to handle the best interests of children when the parents cannot. They just need to be written as well as they can be.

Of coure we could Deregulate this law.....
But then personal regulation is high on somes list, just do not regulate the corps...

I personally believe assisted suicide should be legal and an honorable exit from life. but that would not apply in this case as the child could not decide.
I would not over torture. The child's life is going to end regardless, this makes his entire life torture only to satisfy an irrational belief of the parent. I do not believe that to be in the best interest of the child.

It would be like a cancer patient's father insisting he get no pain killers, that he must die "naturally". The father could make the choice for himself, but not for the child in most cases. The courts would intervene.

Not having pain killers won't lead to your death.
Not having pain killers won't lead to your death.
But it will lead to your torture. Just as in this case, one could medically extend the torture or end it. There is no reasonable facsimile of an idea that this child deserved such torture.

In the case of the Cancer patient, often courts will decide to remove them from life-extending devices that just prolong their torture, as the doctors did in this case.
"LOL, You are probably right, just yanking your chain a bit.
These types os situations are tragic and yes laws do need to exist to handle the best interests of children when the parents cannot. They just need to be written as well as they can be."

No question. I agree. But we keep electing morons to public office, because the truly successful people rarely run. All we get are these career politicians.

"I personally believe assisted suicide should be legal and an honorable exit from life. but that would not apply in this case as the child could not decide."

I agree. It should be up to an individual to make that decision for themselves.
But it will lead to your torture. Just as in this case, one could medically extend the torture or end it. There is no reasonable facsimile of an idea that this child deserved such torture.

In the case of the Cancer patient, often courts will decide to remove them from life-extending devices that just prolong their torture, as the doctors did in this case.

Again, is death better than living in pain? That's very subjective and a personalized choice. I just have a problem telling parents that we have to let their kids die against their will. For me that will always be wrong, even in the Shiavo case. Although the rule was consistent with the law, I just think if there is a reasonable objection by a parent, guardian or spouse our legal system should always rule on the side of life.
"LOL, You are probably right, just yanking your chain a bit.
These types os situations are tragic and yes laws do need to exist to handle the best interests of children when the parents cannot. They just need to be written as well as they can be."

No question. I agree. But we keep electing morons to public office, because the truly successful people rarely run. All we get are these career politicians.

"I personally believe assisted suicide should be legal and an honorable exit from life. but that would not apply in this case as the child could not decide."

I agree. It should be up to an individual to make that decision for themselves.

Think about it, if suicide was an honorable exit from life Cho might have just done himself in without taking 32 others with him at VT....
But those wanting to commit sucide are trapped by our laws and the stigma attached to suicide. So Suicide by cop, etc...
Think about it, if suicide was an honorable exit from life Cho might have just done himself in without taking 32 others with him at VT....
But those wanting to commit sucide are trapped by our laws and the stigma attached to suicide. So Suicide by cop, etc...

Laws don't matter if you really want to kill yourself. Most people attempt it for the attention. I don't think that our acceptance of suicide had anything to do with the VT shooting, other than perhaps if he made a prior attempt and was saved? But as for the events themselves, I think they were completely independent of societal rules. He wasn't looking for acceptance.
Laws against suicide do make a big difference to the sufferering elderly LadyT.

Perhaps Cho was a poor example, but if he had not been "saved" then the others would be alive....

Actually I think Cho was looking for acceptance, but did not know how to go about obtaining it...
Laws against suicide do make a big difference to the sufferering elderly LadyT.

Perhaps Cho was a poor example, but if he had not been "saved" then the others would be alive....

Actually I think Cho was looking for acceptance, but did not know how to go about obtaining it...

I only think they matter if you're incapacitated. If you're truly aiming to kill yourself you'll make it happen.

I'm sure at some point in his he looked for acceptance, but I thought we were referring to the incident at VT only.

"All Christians hate Jews?"

Surely you can find something better than that, Tiana.

I gotta say, I'm a little creaped out that you're actually asshat. When you were going on your racist and antisemetic tirades, I just took as you being upset, but now that I know you've spent the last several months being racist/sexist/anti-semetic wackjob without pause, well, that's just weird.
I gotta say, I'm a little creaped out that you're actually asshat. When you were going on your racist and antisemetic tirades, I just took as you being upset, but now that I know you've spent the last several months being racist/sexist/anti-semetic wackjob without pause, well, that's just weird.

I gotta say, I'm a little creaped out that you're actually asshat

I concur. I didn't think WM would pull a Brent, and troll as a racist skinhead. I think there's something wrong with those two kids. Something creepy. I've pretty much lost a lot of respect for WM.
I gotta say, I'm a little creaped out that you're actually asshat

I concur. I didn't think WM would pull a Brent, and troll as a racist skinhead. I think there's something wrong with those two kids. Something creepy. I've pretty much lost a lot of respect for WM.

I am brent, and darla.
I gotta say, I'm a little creaped out that you're actually asshat

I concur. I didn't think WM would pull a Brent, and troll as a racist skinhead. I think there's something wrong with those two kids. Something creepy. I've pretty much lost a lot of respect for WM.

Well, at least you had doubts that I was being serious, Cypress. AHZ has unexpectedly played along with the whole thing. I thought he'd get all angry at me, to hilarious effect.

So, you see, I did this all for you, Cypress. That's the only creepy part about this ;) .
If I ever had to be a direct part of "Intact DNX", it would haunt me for the rest of my life. I may yet have to be a direct part. Maybe, that's the case. Maybe, we NEED to be involved, directly.
Never accept what you are told. Descartes figured that out a LONG time ago. "Cogito Ergo Sum", much like Christian philosophy, is only understood by those who truly want to learn.